Names Taken (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel General Discussion


Rayman -> Names Taken (5/19/2012 18:47:32)

What do you think about the characters with great names but never play?

Fire= 0 1v1, 0 2v2
Ice= 0 1v1, 0 2v2
Star= 4 1v1, 0 2v2

do you believe we should be able to take peoples names if they haven't played for a certain amount of time and haven't gotten much wins (like below 2000 1v1 wins or 1000 2v2 wins)?

*people above 2000 1v1/ 1000 2v2 wont have their names taken since they actually play or have dedicated some time into playing the game.


Mr. Black OP -> RE: Names Taken (5/19/2012 18:49:19)

I remember this topic from around 10 months ago.
I think so, if they are level 1 and haven't played since alpha then why not?

Lycus -> RE: Names Taken (5/19/2012 18:58:54)

We've done multiple sweeps of the database deleting records of really old players, who have never purchased Varium, in the past. We may do another soon, since there are multiple names that people do want, that are already taken by players who don't play.

Since this isn't a discussion, and has been raised before. The answer will not change in it being that we will sweep the database for this once in a while, and it will be announced when! I'm locking this up, and leaving this message so anyone else who's wondering about this, since they haven't seen any other topics on it, can see the answer.

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