AQW & DF: SoulAlly Hanna: legends and lives (Full Version)

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balence1 -> AQW & DF: SoulAlly Hanna: legends and lives (5/20/2012 22:26:16)

SoulAlly Hanna: legends and lives
One: Voice of Doom

Hanna's eyes fell upon the man in front of her. Artix…
She grinned, looking at him, her staff glowing darkly.
"Been a while, hasn't it, Artix." She said, the voice of her staff growing as she spoke. "Last time I saw you was back at the School of Necromancy. My, how times change."
Artix tilted his head at Hanna. "And who are you?" He asked. "I do not recall seeing you before."
Hanna grinned. "You did not see ME, paladin." She giggled. "You saw the girl I was." She tilted her hat up, to reveal her red eyes and longish gray hair. "A small girl, looking to heal her sister. I still remember what you did…"
An image struck Artix…

Chapter 1

A small girl, gray hair and red eyes stood before him, her hands held out to him, a dark orb in it.
"My sister need help." She said, her eyes glistening. "The orb will help her. It told me so."
The Hero stood besides Artix. "It may, but… Artix, didn't you say before that you…"
"It's not the Darkness orb, Hero." Artix said, looking a little confused.
"Then what is it?" The Hero asked.
The girl grinned. "My friend. He is a spirit, I guess, who trapped himself in an orb. He's going to help me and my sister if I lean from him."
"A Doom Item…" Artix muttered. "And very powerful." He held his hand out to the small orb, pulling it back as if something had stung him. "Very, very powerful…"
The girl smiled. "Yup! He was really powerful before, and he wants to help me become just like him!" She said.
"I don't like the sounds of that, Artix…" The Hero muttered.
"Nor do I, Hero." Artix whispered. "But, what can we do?"
The girl looked into the orb. "You mean, they don't trust you?" She frowned. "But, I trust you!"
Artix looked at her. "It's not that we don't trust him, just that we know what her is…" He said. "A Doom Item is not to be messed with."
The Hero smiled. "Maybe this one is different. We don't know yet, do we?" They looked at Artix as if to say, 'go with it'.
Artix sighed. "I guess your right, Hero." He said, standing up. "But, we were never introduced, were we?" He grinned. "My name is Artix. Who are you?"
"Hanna." The girl grinned. "But He calls me 'SoulAlly' Hanna. I don't know what it means, but… oh well!" She giggled.
"Hanna!" Came a mail voice. "Get back to class this instant! You have been late too many times, young lady!"
Hanna sighed. "I gotta go… see you later, Artix!" At that, she tuned and left the room, more or less skipping from what Artix could tell.
"I really don't like this, Hero… Not one bit." Artix said, watching as the girl skipped off to class. "That amour of power can be ANYTHING but good…"

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