=Art= Late Spring/Early Summer Cleaning (Full Version)

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Clyde -> =Art= Late Spring/Early Summer Cleaning (5/24/2012 15:17:19)

First shields, now weapons. Kamui and I have been pretty busy so far.

Wait, weapons? Oh yeah. If you've check Yulgar's/Adder's/and Warlic's shops, you'll notice there has been some sprucing up(look below).

If you liked those, there are plenty more coming in the future. Kamui's done a great job with coding all of them. I did not want to overload poor Kamui with too many weapons, he's too valuable to us!

Thank you all for playing AQ, it means a lot to us.

Enjoy your Summer and BattleOn! :)

Side Note: Also check out that LTS armor, Hollow did an amazing job with it. I love the animations.





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