RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 14:54:55)

oh yeah, does the dealer have any more of that Hallucinogen? i should have enough, but i dont like to take chances...

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 14:58:28)

Very hard stuff to get that stuff you know. I'm afraid you took pretty much my whole supply save for the small vial I kept for research purposes, which isn't for sale, because it's research. But like you said you have enough already. I mean you could take down a freaking bull elephant with a drop of that stuff you know.[;)]

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 15:00:32)

heh heh heh... i hate to say it dealer, but you are going to REGRET selling me that stuff.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 15:04:01)

...Is that a threat? Do you intend on harming me then?

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 15:05:42)

to be nice, i dont intend on harming "just" you.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 15:15:08)

Naturaly, I would prefer it if you did not harm me at all. I must warn you that the contract that was signed states that if any harm befalls me due to this deal then... well let us just say there will be VERY bad connsequences, ones that your orb will not protect you from even should I die or go insane.

But I do not wish to be so nasty. I quite enjoyed doing business with you, so I will offer you three options here:

1: You remove me from these plans of yours. If needed just tell me to vacate the city at the right time or something. I will not attempt to stop your plan and will indeed continue doing business with you in another city or something.
2: You return the hullocogen, I retun the cystal, the contract becomes null and void and you can make a new plan unaffected by myself that can involve me if you so wish.
3: You continue with your attempt to harm me with this plan, and I will react accordingly.

Now Like I said I do not wish to do three. I understand you are probably still mad at the Gala Incident, but it is an important night to me and I would have done the same, maybe less drastic, to even Darkness King had he ruined it like that.

Blackshock -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 15:30:36)

Gawd, I have missed so much. Looks like there's more action in the quasi-PR thread than there is in the *rarely updated* game content thread. Haha, anyway, what did I miss so far?

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 15:31:13)

Dealer whats the Omnicorp logo? It`s a lotus right?

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 15:36:49)

I created a source of unlimited power to benifit the world, and then sold a ultra powerfull hulcinogenic to a super villan who plans on using it on the city becazuse I was bored. I may have to undo that deal however since I think he plans on usig an upgraded version on myself. Either way, I think you should be on standby Dr Blackshock.

Kinz: Yes.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 16:02:40)

Kyle: You're right about there needing to be a big event, and I might just have a plan for that.

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 16:12:23)

alright then dealer. i have a can survive my plans.

tell far is omnicorp advanced in space travel?
i dont intend on killing just you, its just likely you will stand in the way of the purge...
and such threats should be dealt with...accordingly.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 16:31:39)

Ommicorp is quite advanced in Space Travel of course. I think a holiday to the stars may well be in order, I always wanted to see the so called Planet of Gold. Thank you for the warning.

...But I expect the heroes will stop you even though I will not intervene. They are GOOD at that.[;)]

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 16:44:07)


thundersmite and sigma are getting close... but the few heroes (and even a few villains) who joined them to stop me had a little...accident.

it seems my good servant Beta-nine accidently left several kilos of plastic explosive in their meeting building, hes good at that.

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 16:59:01)

Hey guys, starting tomorrow I'll be in Governor's School for technology (honors summer program) for over a month, so you might not be hearing from me for a while. I might be able to get on the forums there, but maybe not.

Sorry for the short notice.

You'll have Lunarox's return to look forward to when I get back.

...staff should really take some ideas from these threads from time to time.

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 17:08:54)


cool. good luck.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 17:22:12)

*As people (and aliens) switch on their TV`S Darkness`s face fills the screen* Hello and welcome to “The Intergalactic Broadcasting Network” `s newest realty show PLANET SWICTH! *Scene switches to show a group of smashers wearing metal ankle bracelets with glowing red led lights on them, caged in a space ship’s cargo bay. Darkness`s voice can be heard off screen.* We have captured a group of smashers from Earth, including the one and only Drakkoniss! The ankle braces they are wearing have many many features, one of which allows me to neutralize ALL of their powers. *Scene changes to show the ship land on Planet Purpaleny, before going to comarcil.*

*The Omnicorp logo papers on screen Black Angel`s voice can be heard off screen.* Do you have trouble finding a good group of minions? Need some people competent enough to handle any heroic threat? Then look no further than our extensive minion range! *Pictures of the products flash on the screen as they are mentioned.* Clone Minion: Your typical clone minion. Our weakest type, but you can get them in massive bulk! Make that army you always wanted to crush your foes! Price: £150 for a group of 500. Specialist minions: These special types of minions can be adapted to a variety of themes to suit your army. Need an army of plant power minions? You got it! You like fire? So do they! Price: £300 for a group of 500. Elite minions: These are specially trained ultra-minions, given an advanced course of Genre Savvy training, elite combat skills, and can be given whatever power you need to conquer your foes! Due to supply and demand, this minion can only come in groups of 50. Price: £200 for a group of 50. General: Need a truly brilliant strategic mastermind? This guy can run your army and win almost any battle you fight! Specialty trained in military tactics, and can be given powers himself for an added fee, Price: £500 for one, £550 for powered one. Giant: Because every army needs a heavy hitter. Comes with Steel Plate Amour, £500 for 50. Armored Dragon: As strong as the mighty Akriloth himself, this massive beast will slay anything short of a major hero! Supply limited £1000 for two. CALL AND ORDER TODAY! *A phone number flashes on the screen before it changes back to the show.*

*The Smashers are walking out of the ship; Darkness is standing waiting for them. Once all the Smashers are out of the ship Darkness begins to talk.* Welcome to PLANET SWICTH! You will be spilt up into 2 teams and forced to compete in several changlles here on my home Planet Purpaleny! After each challenge 1 person will be emitted. The winner will get to return to Earth with 10,00000 Fame, provided by Omnicorp. Now before I spilt them up into teams, lets meat our competoirs. *A purple floating robotic camera orb floats down.* The sliver ones tape the show, but this purple is the canned confession camera. Use this is reveal what`s on you’re mind! Now one at a time come up stand in front of the camera and then stand over here by me

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 17:33:13)


so you might not be hearing from me for a while.

I knew birthday wishes came true ;~;

Anyways. I read the PMs you guys sent me and I can honestly say that this disappoints me. -_- Pretty soon the entire community will be banned, srsbizness.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 17:37:08)

Anti: I doubt that any of us will get banned for anything we do in the HSGD. It's just too inactive.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 17:39:03)

I'm sure if I swore at you relentlessly, I'd get banned.


vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 17:50:23)

hey guys.

ive nearly finished my first ever story.

what do you guys think of it?

here it is.

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 18:15:13)


I knew birthday wishes came true ;~;

I detect a note of condescendence.

And how could Drakkoniss be captured to begin with?

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 18:34:09)

@ShadowLight1:Actually, me (and Drakk) were discovering a way to capture him. Road could possibly do it, but as I haven't begun writing my HS story yet, my characters canonically haven't arrived (though Road did appear for a second at the Gala, how he knew of it is anyone's guess).

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 18:46:01)

@Eclipse: By allowing myself to be, among other ways, my friend. ;)

Oh, and Dealer, this is why I wouldn't deal with certain people.

Really should catch up on Vulkan's story...

Edit: @Glai: That was gaining access to my mind, if we are on the same page. Capturing him using such a way would be *extremely* difficult. There are ways I could be, concievably, though.

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 18:48:09)


hope you like it. i had zanathos read through it and advise me.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (5/26/2012 18:50:49)

Speaking of which I need to read yours as well. I was saving the HS stories for when I started writing my own, but I rather liked your premise.

Also, heheh, Shadow calls you "SCP" xD A fitting name.

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