Memorial Day achievement ? (Full Version)

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sylar67 -> Memorial Day achievement ? (5/26/2012 4:13:10)

a request to the ED team , please AKz dont lock this be4 i get a reply , thx .

could the achievement stay untill fridayz update please ?
i have finals this week and cant play those 2 days to get the 500 tokens i need to get to 1500 , and i know many people have finals this week too , so please could it stay for this friday or the one after it ? thx

Wind -> RE: Memorial Day achievement ? (5/26/2012 4:45:11)

Hi sylar67

Unfortunately, your request would most likely be denied as for the Developers, it's really hard to make an exception for one player (like yourself) for you to be able to get the achievement.
If a player got a one off exception from the developers, other players from the ED Community may think it's unfair and they may also be influenced to ask favour's from the developers too.
(Also applies for a very small group of players)

Although even so, don't give up hope!
The memorial achievement will most likely not leave until the next release - where the developers will update the game version - removing the achievement (next Friday). So you still should have time to purchase the achievement!
I am sure the developers are not going to remove the Memorial Day achievement from the shop after this weekend is up, they will most likely only remove the Infernal Slayer achievement after this weekend is up.

If you have any more questions, or wish to contact the Developers you could always tweet them on Twitter (which is what I also highly suggest), as the ED GD isn't a place for this sort of topic/ request. :)


EDIT: @Below Lycus told me that the achievement was intended to stay for at least a week.

sylar67 -> RE: Memorial Day achievement ? (5/26/2012 5:21:54)

well i asked digital x and he said its probably leaving on monday ... thats why i asked for it to stay longer . and if you have read well you can see that i said i want it to stay till friday :)

8x -> RE: Memorial Day achievement ? (5/26/2012 5:43:40)

Friday the 13th achievement stayed in game for more than a month, so I guess it wouldn't hurt if devs keept Heroic Memorial achievement in game for at least a week or two, so that all players can get it.

SMGS -> RE: Memorial Day achievement ? (5/26/2012 9:33:59)

Locking this up for 2 reasons: questions belong in the ED Q&A and release discussion can go here.

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