Compliment Topic (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel General Discussion


LatinLover/Martini -> Compliment Topic (5/30/2012 20:22:40)

Well recently I have been seeing an increased rate of people flaming and being mean to other people despite moderaters being there in there midst, people dont seem to care. So I thought to lighten the tension, why not make a thread complimenting things or people in EpicDuel. We are all a community and we should all be happy towards one another. And I must admit if you do know me Im not the nicest person even if I try, but even I am trying to make an effort. So here this is how it will go;
1) Say a compliment about the game
2) Say a compliment about the person who posted before you on this topic

Ill start
1) I love all my friends. I dont know what I would do without you. To the old players I first met as a young noob ;P Thank you for making me stay on Epicduel. Its been a great expirience and fun seeing people make a name for themselves and watch people climb the leaderboards and make new records. Also to my new friends, you have been great since my return a month ago :) Its nice seeing such amazing players starting so early. Mostly, thanks to all my closest friends :) I dont know how you could handle me for the past three years but dang you are patient :P Thanks for being there for me all these days and I love you guys with all my heart<33
2)...Well noone posted before me :P<3


Wraith -> RE: Compliment Topic (5/30/2012 21:00:21)

1) Gratz to the game for making me spend money, and actually wanting to spend money. Very few games like this. (This is not price discussion OK)

2) Latin Lover, gratz on making this topic. Great choice.

kingpowerlord -> RE: Compliment Topic (5/31/2012 2:30:11)

1) thanks devs for this game whivh made me addicted

2) thanks AKs for patrolling ed forums and getting rid of trolls

VIX -> RE: Compliment Topic (5/31/2012 3:59:52)

I learned to Say sumthing. No Comment xD

The Game -> RE: Compliment Topic (5/31/2012 15:33:03)

Please use the =ED= Congratulations Thread.


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