Burn a Dead Fire (Full Version)

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abcghimno -> Burn a Dead Fire (6/3/2012 0:03:18)

This is my first fanfic and does incorporate some stuff from the older games but is set in AQW... some time before the main Chaos storyline...
I'm bad at writing people in character. >.> FORGIVE ME.

Chapter One: Encounter

It was rather dark for a summer evening. The figure picked up their sword and swung it in an arc through the air. Heavy breaths sounded, and the grating sound of claws against stone.

It was Galanoth. The dragon reared back in surprise. Galanoth had no such surprise as he leapt forward, when suddenly a voice sounded.

"Galanoth! What are you doing?"

The DragonLord slipped off of his dragon, gripping his sword tightly. "I thought we went over this before..." He sighed. "Whatever. Nice to see you." The DragonLord reached out a hand.

Galanoth took it, shaking the DragonLord's hand vigorously. "I didn't expect you here. I—"

"You were looking for the dragon Naigr?" Galanoth, surprised, nodded. The DragonLord laughed. "Yeah, he's in that cave... over there. He wasn't exactly happy to see me..."

"Well... thank you, Kaime..." Galanoth added, under his breath, "I guess."

"Actually, I was going to go pay him a visit. I wouldn't mind if you came along." Galanoth looked shocked again.

"Why would you?..."

"I have a bit of a grudge against him myself." Kaime stared straight ahead. "Well, are you coming or not?"

"Of course." Galanoth mounted his horse and soon a small dust cloud rose above the area. No one talked as they rode. They didn't talk even as they came up to the mouth of the cave. Rather, someone else talked.

"Don't be a fool, Naigr. We're offering you protection from the other dragons... None of which like you." It was a female voice, definitely not a dragon's.

"Why would I accept? You are such a pompous bunch. Just because you are Prime—"

"Shush!" It was the girl again. "Don't you sense it? Two people, outside... and a dragon." There was a pause. "Ah. A DragonLord and his Dragon."

Kaime automatically stiffened. How could somebody know all that? he wondered, stopping for a moment before nudging his dragon closer. "Come on, Dracomaar."

Galanoth shrugged and followed. They barely made a sound, but it was enough for Naigr to peek his head out.

Naigr cursed. "You forgot the DragonSlayer."

"Of course I didn't forget him, Naigr, I expected him. He was... motivation." The girl's voice turned sinister. "What do you say?"

"No." Naigr's voice was edged with hate. "I'll never say yes. You should know that."

"It looks like we got our hopes up for nothing." It was a deep voice, a dragon's. In a flurry, four dragons flew out of the cave, too fast for the eye to see except for a green, blue, red, and white colored blur. Then another majestic dragon rode out, somebody on it's back, their hood up.

"Who are you?" Kaime shouted (it was quite a distance to the cave).

"Why should I tell you?" The girl replied scornfully. "Naigr is yours for the taking. In fact, I made it a bit easier." Her dragon readied it's wings for flight and she put her hood on.

"YOU ARE FOOLS!" Naigr hissed, when suddenly Dracomaar tilted Kaime off of his back and leapt up, snagging the girl's dragon's tail.

"Why you—" the girl snapped, her eyes blazing as she glared at Dracomaar. Her dragon looked up at her, blinking.

"Oh, don't be such a fool," her dragon said.

"Fine." The girl rolled her eyes. "Get your dragon off."

Kaime nodded. "Dracomaar, come back here." He took his Dragon Amulet out of his knapsack. It shone dully—the moon had risen, and even though it was a crescent moon, the light reflected was bright. Dracomaar nodded and retreated. The girl sighed.

"What do you want?" she snapped, folding her arms crossly. Her armor gleamed under a black cloak.

"First, your name," Galanoth stated simply, interrupting Kaime as he opened his mouth to speak.

"My name is... The Elder Priestess."

Kaime scoffed. "What sort of name is that?"

"The name dragons give." The Elder Priestess tapped her finger impatiently against her forearm. "Well?"

"Who's your dragon? Why are you here?" Kaime replied promptly.

"Dracosani. I'm also here to talk to Naigr, and our conversation is over." The Elder Priestess flicked some stray hair absently.

"Who were those dragons?" Kaime added.

The Elder Priestess' eyes flashed. "That... is not a question somebody like you should ever know the answer to." She twirled some of her hair and sighed. "The Prime Dragons. That's all I'm going to answer. Goodbye." Without warning, Dracosani took flight, and The Elder Priestess' hood fell off, revealing her face for a split second before she flew into a dark shadow.

Galanoth had still been able to see her face, and recognize it. That girl...

Galanoth had been staying at an inn for the moment, bored and out of anything to do at the moment. He fiddled with his sword absently as he sat at a chair near the hearth. There was a marked absence of people around him.

A girl walked up to him—apparently The Elder Priestess. "Why are you here?" she asked bluntly. Galanoth was taken by surprise.

"I had to stay somewhere," he replied curtly.

"The people here love dragons. This village is named after dragons. In legends, it was said the Prime Dragons alighted here. But even you would not be as foolish as to try and slay the Prime Dragons."

Galanoth sat up straighter. "Well, then, I hope there will be others to hunt."

The girl glared at him. "The only one around here is Naigr. No one likes him much. He's a bit of a loner. He lives on the Salted Plains, in a cave on the very edge. There are dragon footprints, as he doesn't bother getting rid of them."

"Why are you telling me this?" Galanoth stood up and picked up his sword, turning it's blade slightly so it caught the light.

"Because that's the only useful thing you'll probably do for this town." The girl turned before pausing. "My name is Saivel." Then she walked away.

Galanoth yelled her name. "Saivel!"

Dracosani abruptly stopped. "Well, that was a foolish move. He has a better memory than you expected."

"Oh, shut up, Dracosani! I can't know everything." Saivel turned to face him. "I'm not stopping to talk to you. So, quite simply... Goodbye." She smiled and then flew off finally. "See you at Swordhaven."

Kaime opened his mouth to speak before stopping. "Well then," he muttered, "I guess we'll go to Swordhaven."

Galanoth nodded mutely.

Soon there was nothing left on the Salted Plains, the only sounds the groans of a chained dragon. The only sight...

A solitary figure, a white tiger, growling slightly and snarling as it turned and leapt to the cave to free the dragon.

And then there was truly nothing.

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