(AQW) Rebellion (Full Version)

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Richeyz -> (AQW) Rebellion (6/4/2012 21:26:25)

Story:Kariak Tempestes was once Drakath's most trusted friend and "brother" during their time as Pactagonal Knights. However, at one time, Drakath had to fight for his life. He commited an act so devastating that I would be banned on explaining what he did. Because of his actions, he was sentenced to trial before giving punishment for his actions. Before being judged, he ran off into the forest, eventually followed by Kariak. Through a heated battle, Kariak mortally wounded Drakath and left him to die in the wilderness, telling the Pactagonal Knights and King Alteon that Drakath was dead. Afterwards, Kariak left the Pactagonal Knights himself on a quest to become more powerful.
Current time, Kariak has returned from his training. Unaware at first of what Drakath has done and plans on doing. Joining him are you, the hero, warlic, and artix, in an attempt to weaken Drakath's forces and strike him wear it hurts most...
Link to Story
NOTICE: I was gonna make it 13+, but decided not to... ^_^

As well: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=20345283&mpage=1&key=%26%2365533%3B
-Shadow Ravena

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