Sipping Cider -> RE: "ED"-dicted (6/12/2012 23:25:07)
I have never gone for a daily cheevo. The time a came even close to trying my eyes lost vision after 7 hours lol. Used to play 4-5 hours a day, which would not have been bad except that I was missing school to do it. My grades dropped, I tried to quite epicduel. After grades went back up, went right back to playing a ton. I made a final push to free myself from being chained to playing Epic Duel by only playing during power hour. Now I have so much free time on me I can hold a job, get good grades, and even work on an entrepeneur project. On top of all of that, just by playing during power hour I have leveled up a brand new character to level 18 in 5 days.