Too much enhancements (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 15:57:53)

I think there's way too much enhancements.
For example,
The gap between
non-varium player without enahancement vs. varium player without enhancements is bigger than than
varium player with enhancements vs. varium player without enhancements

But the worst is when non-varium player without enhancements goes against a varium player with them.
The difference is 58 stats. That's an un-winnable battle in most circumstances. (unless your super-pro)
This is a comparison I made with My Merc and any varium player I find with 119 stats.

Enhancements were made for flexibility in builds and weapons. Now they're needed to win. They should be reduced at least half in size and be much more expensive so that they aren't needed to win but is still an option for players that want a bit more of an advantage.

What are your opinion on enhancements?

Post here on how they ruined the game.

rayniedays56 -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 16:04:43)

Enhancements are a bit out of control, but please remember. Varium players PAY their own money for these, so it would be impossible to get rid of enhancements. I think making the credit enhancements cheaper would help a bit.

helloguy -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 16:08:12)

They have reduced the price on enhancement on both ends it used to be more expensive

goldslayer1 -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 16:20:54)

right now, im writing a very detailed suggestion on expanding enhancements. (meaning making more) but at the same time lowering it.
and closing the gap between non var and var a little further.

it should allow full customization of items in the game while at the same time, have enhancements. except a watered down version of it. (meaning u probably wont see all var players with 120 stats anymore)

Guppy -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 16:23:13)

They should bring down the prices for Enhancements Credit-wise, they're very absurd and highly unreachable.

Stabilis -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 17:07:14)

One option usable in the process of removing enhancements is taking all of the current enhancements and converting them into something different.

My Name is Jake -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 18:38:57)

I don't even think enhancements should have been released.
They over doubled the cost of the game for high level varium players who buy enhacements, they made varium players far more powerful than they really needed to be. Varium equipment was already stronger than nonvarium so adding enhacements wasn't needed.


One option usable in the process of removing enhancements is taking all of the current enhancements and converting them into something different.

convert them into a refund for all the players who paid for enhancements then take enahcements out of the game.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 18:45:15)


I don't even think enhancements should have been released.
They over doubled the cost of the game for high level varium players who buy enhacements, they made varium players far more powerful than they really needed to be. Varium equipment was already stronger than nonvarium so adding enhacements wasn't needed.

i think doubled is a little low.
im pretty sure it takes more than 10k varium to have a full set of weapons fully enhanced along with robot.
these are just 5 items we're talking about.

to make an example of this.

grab 1 primary, 1 gun, 1 armor, and 1 aux of the latest best gear. and a robot.
and count how much varium it is.
now count the varium u need to use to enhance these 4 items.
and tell me the total without enhancements, and with enhancements.

My Name is Jake -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 19:02:36)

I found out the cost of having 1 enhanced primary, sidearm, aux, p armour, e armour, cost more than 1 10k varium package could give you and this was including the free weapon you get with 10k package.

1 primary = free + 1700
1 sidearm = 995 varium + 1200
1 aux = 995 + 1200
1 p armour = 995 + 1200
1 e armour = 995 + 1200

This costs 10480 varium and this is the cheapest it gets I think. More weapons are getting 9 enhacements which is 1450 varium iirc.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 19:08:15)

told u its alot. and thats not even including robot or weapons of different elements (like physical and energy)

Free primary tho?

My Name is Jake -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 20:14:45)

You get a free weapon with 10k varium package like the bionic battle gear which always have 10 enhancement slots.

Guppy -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 20:23:52)


not even including robot

You don't enhance Robots... Lol

Jekyll -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 20:36:25)

^... What goldslayer meant was the prices of robots were not factored in yet. Can't you tell he's been here for so long already? /facepalm

On topic: If it ain't broken, don't fix it (for the devs). This system for then can rake in big money, so I honestly doubt they would change it at the expense of their earnings.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 20:51:59)

Would you spend a lot of money on a game knowing it won't go far? Or would you spend it on another game you enjoy equally that has it go further?
Some lower level non variums I met told me (after I asked) that the reason they don't buy varium is because it doesn't buy much because of how expensive everything is. (other than the ones who said they can't afford it)

Removing them and giving everybody a refund is the only thing the devs could do now. If they just wanna keep them on primaries OR armors then that won't be too bad. But now it is crazy both stat wise and cost wise.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 20:55:55)


You get a free weapon with 10k varium package like the bionic battle gear which always have 10 enhancement slots.

ahh, well when i meant the price, i meant the entire price as if ur buying ingame from the shop. not promo.

it would be more tho.

i know that lol. but robots still cost varium regardless. (or at least if ur looking for a good one)

friend18 -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 22:49:22)

I just fully enhanced my crystal armblades with credits. I find that it's not that hard to win credits. The current prices seem to be just fine. It just takes time and effort. The goal is to SAVE credits, not waste it on random stuff like what non-varium players do. They always seem so impatient. On my non-varium accounts, I haven't had an issue maintaining a pretty good win ratio (around 80% in solo, 70% in team). The problem is that most players (even varium players) waste their credits, instead of saving up like they should be doing. It's easy to win once you get some decent gear and have a decent build (I beat a level 34 full varium blood mage with my level 29 bounty hunter the other day).

edwardvulture -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 23:06:58)

Well if your smart and think about it, getting enough credits to fully enhance a weapon just to have it topped by a future release is not going to pay off in the long run. (Life is too Short) I get 2000 credits from power hour and that's not even one enshrinement.

rej -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 23:14:15)

Perhaps there are too many enhancements in Epicduel. However, it is far too late to change that. All that we can hope for no is a reduction in Enhancement costs.

Stabilis -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 23:28:26)

Does anyone at all remember the late Remorse's suggestion for enhancements?

Her suggestion was that each enhancement that is owned is used to alter the stats of an equipment.

For example I have a +10 Strength and +10 Technology weapon with 10 owned enhancements. With the 10 enhancements I can alter the weapon's stats to be +10 Strength and +10 Dexterity.

My version of her suggestion is slightly different. It is like a "I do or I don't" suggestion. Instead of paying for a number of enhancements, I pay for a onetime, predetermined payment that lets me alter the equipment's stats completely.

For example I have that same +10 Strength and +10 Technology weapon. When I pay for the "complete enhancements", I can make the weapon's stats become +20 Support. If I do not pay for the "complete enhancements" then it stays at what it first was.

My version of Remorse's suggestion has more potential for stat power abuse but that is a balance problem with stats.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 23:30:18)


Does anyone at all remember the late Remorse's suggestion for enhancements?

Her suggestion was that each enhancement that is owned is used to alter the stats of an equipment.

For example I have a +10 Strength and +10 Technology weapon with 10 owned enhancements. With the 10 enhancements I can alter the weapon's stats to be +10 Strength and +10 Dexterity

yeah, good suggestion. but thats not really enhancements, thats paying to move stats that were already on the weapon around to some other place.

while good, it can cause backlash.

rej -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 23:47:14)


yeah, good suggestion. but thats not really enhancements, thats paying to move stats that were already on the weapon around to some other place.

while good, it can cause backlash.

No. If that system were introduced, I would have enough enhancements to move all of my equipment stats into a single stat category. Having enough strength to kill Big Tuna in two hits may not be a good idea for the current balance situation. Better to leave that idea in the closet.

drinde -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 23:48:28)

What if Enhancements only affected Skills, instead of base stats like DEF and DMG?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 23:49:54)

well its good in its own aspect.
altho i aways told remorse that wasn't the best course of action regarding an enhancement change.

tbh, im not sure if there is a best course of action, since the whole enhancement fiasco is absurd.


What if Enhancements only affected Skills, instead of base stats like DEF and DMG?

then we would only have caster mages using plasma bolt and rain against no defense enemies.

Stabilis -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/16/2012 23:55:59)

True, Rej, and like I stated,


My version of Remorse's suggestion has more potential for stat power abuse but that is a balance problem with stats.

Stats themselves are not balanced for this suggestion to work. For example, Strength has the opposite of diminishing; it grows.


16 Strength: 4-5 damage range before weapons

207 Strength: 40-48 damage range before weapons

(from stat progressions)

My suggestion is not optimal for the stats because they grow overnight. Other than that... sacrificing one stat for another should be an equal trade off.

Darkwing -> RE: Too much enhancements (6/17/2012 5:02:03)

new weapons should have more stats ...but less enhancement slots:

for example:
weapon has: 25 stats and 10 enhancement slots

new weapon: 30 stats and only 7 enhancements slots.

So give more stats to a weapon ( with new updates) and make less enhancements slots.

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