Need Some Renders (Full Version)

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xShadowHunterx -> Need Some Renders (6/17/2012 10:30:09)

I need a render of the oversoul version of Nulgath. Gots it.
And finally
Dage The Evil

If you're curious as to what they're for, I'm making some war prep signatures. In the mean time I'll be making renders of some of the weapons from each artist. Thanks to any and all who help, and no I'm in no rush for these so take your time. Thanks in advance.

2046808 -> RE: Need Some Renders (6/17/2012 18:36:52)

Might be able to render some out later today if no one helps.

xShadowHunterx -> RE: Need Some Renders (6/17/2012 18:50:12)

Thanks! :D Btw I got a Nulgath one so you don't have to get that.

Ze Mage34 -> RE: Need Some Renders (6/18/2012 2:55:33)

Eh did them, not well, but i needed something to practice :))


xShadowHunterx -> RE: Need Some Renders (6/18/2012 15:29:09)

Thanks guys! And yea cape-less is fine.

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