=MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (Full Version)

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ZanpakuTô -> =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:25:17)

Hello, everyone. As you probably have surmised, I am a new ArchKnight for this board; while I feel you guys may have seen me around before, it is safe to assume that some of you, probably even most of you, haven't. On top of that, I was an ex-ArchKnight for the last year, year-and-a-half, so there is even slimmer a chance that you remember me. This is just a thread for some of you to get to know me and to get re-acquainted if you already know me.

Other than the Universal Rules that apply in all of the forums, for this MtAK, the only rule I ask you to respect is that "you may post up to 10 questions per post, but only one post per page"

Have fun, ask away, and I'll see you guys around in this board [:)]

~ ZanpakuTô

ps: I forgot to tell you that I will be editing in this particular font this font

pse: I'll probably be closing this in a week or so

drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:27:22)

Oh, who are you?
Ask questions you ONLY want answers to :P

Have fun around. :P
Thanks. I'll try to, but with those pesky drDOT's hanging around, it might be a little hard

XxiBeefxX -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:28:04)

What is your favourite AE game?
Probably DragonFable; there's something about the game's format that I just like

Do you like cheese?
Who doesn't like cheese?

Are you excited for the AQWorlds puppet show tomorrow at 6:00pm EST??
I suppose. I can't say I'm super thrilled about the puppet show at the moment, but nothing in this world is set in stone

Do you like dragons?
Yes! I like dragons, whether alive or dead. Or whether I'm taking care of one or killing one

congrats on ak bro
Thanks. I'll see you around the board

shaxi -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:30:07)

You were a DF arch >:D
"were" is quite the inaccurate term. I still am a DF ArchKnight

Welcome to AQW :D
Thanks. It feels good to know that there's some welcoming souls in the AQW GD. You know, before I eat them

Are you still in DF section?
Yep, I'm in DF Q&A and AQW GD now [:)]

renfrew100 -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:30:09)


Hollow Knight -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:30:18)

Hello there fellow Bleach fan :D!

Congratulations on your new position here on the AQW GD
Thank you. I've always wanted to work in the AQW board, and now I get to [:D]

Just a couple of questions.
O_o Uh-uh uh....hold on....let me get ready.....!

Been following the recent Bleach chapters?
Of course. I gotta know how a series ends once I start it

Do you agree with the Vandenreich motive on attacking Soul society?
Well, there are quite the variables to juggle. The people attacking right now are either survivors of the Quincy extermination or new recruits. If they're survivors, they should at least "even the score" a little, but then there is a high chance that someone will mention the whole "you deviated from your true missions (as Quincies)" deal, which then makes the invasion worthless to them. If they're just new recruits, that motive is DOA. I'll just wait and see, but there is little chance the Quincies will do anything else. I could be much wrong, of course, since nothing is set in stone

Again congratulations and best of luck!
Thank you. I'll see you around

G Man -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:30:29)

Hi there

I faintly remember you.
Better than not at all


1) Favorite Band?
Beatles probably

2) Favorite Song?
I can't say I actually have a favorite song; possibly "After Dark" (yes, the Bleach opening)

3) Favorite Game (Any game)
Probably any pokemon game

4) Favorite Game system?
Don't have one, I don't think

5) Favorite Meal?
Cheeseburger is probably my favorite food. Although, I'll eat anything, really. Except things that have a strong ginger taste

6) Favorite Show?
Teen Titans or Young Justice. Either is a good show

Good luck.

And 'Gratz.

~G Man
Thank you [:)]

Mekoolness -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:31:53)

I've seen you around the DF forums. ^^

Anyways, congratulations & welcome to the AQW forums!

Perry the Platypus -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:38:27)

Oooh I love Bleach!
"Liek no wai! :P

What do you think will happen next in the series?
Most likely Kubo will introduce a new element that only he knows at this point, so I won't try and make any guesses. I'll just say that there isn't a limit, but there are just "typical happenings" that come in many stories/movies, etc.

Who's your favorite character?
Hollow Ichigo or Kenpachi. They both have raw fighting desire I don't see in most other characters

Do you think there should be more Bleach-related stuff in any of the AE games?
Of course. Mostly the art, but you know, anything's good

Are you a platypus lover like Tendou?

*Hands a cookie and glass of milk*
Thanks. I'll do my best to help out the General Discussions
/me takes the cookie and milk for consumption

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 16:52:40)

Dang it, I wasn't the first person to post this with a title, but I shall be the first person to post this with two titles :D (Its been awhile since I talk to you, at least I think it was you that I talk to when I was trying to figure out who was the person that made me a Dimensional Champion of Nulgath Plushie during Christmas before ;P). WARNING: Here comes some random questions coming your way :O (Half normal and half weird questions)
>:D Bring it!

1.Whats 2 + 2 thats not four? (Bonus: guess which cartoon I took it from and you get a cookie :O)

Fairly Oddparnets

Spoilers won't work on AK's [:D], especially when I have to edit your post to make a response :P

2.Which Archknight is my brother in real life? (Hint: He recently became a Mod in Epic Duel :O)
Oh, I think it was Mecha Mario?

3.Are you jelly for some jelly?
I ain't jelly for some jelly. In fact, I gots jelly. U mad, bro?

4.What do you like about AQW and being an ArchKnight for AQW GD?
I like that I can make at least a little bit of difference in AQW, especially around the GD

5.You mad bro that you not Coxy like me?

6.What is your favorite AE game?
Probably DragonFable

7.How come Hollow Knight is a Knight that is hollow and why drDot is a doctor for dots?
They were pressured into it. The college they went to each forced them to make a decision about what to be. As a result, Hollow Knight is now a Knight that is hollow and drDOT is a doctor that checks people for dots

8.How did you came up with your name that you using now?
I read a story

9.Have you heard the word? (I really hope you don't know it, otherwise, I will PM it to you and you must be more crazy then me if you think I wont ^_^)
......don't make this a Peter Griffin reference. I beg you not to D:

10.Do you got any favorite items in AQW, and if so, what are there?
Um, my favorite items are probably Katana, the standard one, DarkCaster, even though I don't have it, and most things Nulgath

Thats all, hope you like my questions ^_^

And congratz for being an ArchKnight on the AQW GD

Have a great day now
Thanks! I'll be seeing you around in the future for my work

OmilliYo -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 17:12:57)

hi ZanpakuTô D: i saw you around a long time ago answering question in the aqw Q&A.
That was a very hectic time indeed [:)]

so how you get your name.... just kidding i know :P
That's one

mmk, how does it feel to be a AK again?
Refreshing, nostalgic, and awesome all in the same package

who's your favorite character in bleach?
Kenpachi or Hollow Ichigo. Their character traits appeal to me

don't have much question, i would ask 100 random questions but.... i already did that to a certain AK.... soo congrats!
Thank you for that xD. Give that certain AK another 100 questions all on me [:D]

p.s i don't really like bleach xP
That's two...

~Take Care

Tdub -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 17:19:23)

Hey, ZanpakuTo!

Haven't figured out how to get that mark over the "O"
>_> Oh, you know, you just *mumbles incoherently*

Time for some random questions off the top of my head. (Six, to be exact.)
Quite the random number

Do you like unicorns?
Oh geez, no. Like most other animals within my reach, they are food. Quite tasty too, I might add

Do you play a musical instrument?
Sadly, no. I wish I could play the guitar, but I could never become motivated in elementary school, and now it's come back to bite me in bad places

Pirates or Ninjas?
I could go either way. I'd like to pick and choose various aspects. On raw inspection, though, NINJA!

Do you realize that one day narwhals will take over the world?
Better the narwhals than the people

Or you a nerd or jock intellectual or athlete?
I'm pretty much both, with much uneven proportion. Probably clock it at around 75-25 or 80-20. Possibly even 70-30.

Do you like random questions?
Let's see how my day is going

That's all for now, I'll be back later. Muahahahaha!
See you around

Richeyz -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 17:19:31)

Hello there!
My name is Richard, 17 and an artist, storywriter, and game designer (in training)
My favorite animal is the fox, dragons are my favorite extinct creature. (Dragons were real, back in 2008 or so, scientists up north found the skeleton of a dragon-like creature dating back to around 1.5 MYA. ^_^)
I plan to work for Artix Entertainment too, as an artist and the world designer for my storyline/game, The World of Eres. Which I've dedicated 5 years to making all the characters, backstories, and most of the million-year long storyline of the world itself.
I've read Bleach, and I've been recently reading CtrlAltDel.
I have a love for all the Artix Entertainment games. George Lowe is awesome
I'll be making a Tumblr later this summer IF I can find a scanner (or a proper scanner app for my iTouch)
It's nice to meet someone new, and a mod that is so generous as to introduce himself! Welcome to the team! [:D]

Ronsas -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 17:22:01)

Hi [:)]. I've seen you before in the DF place, although I haven't ever posted there, I still have a DF account so I like to walk over to your neck of the woods sometimes.
Now for the questions.

1. Did you know that for some reason, I have you added to my forums Online Buddy List? I didn't even know until yesterday and I was like, who is this guy.
:S I do believe that thing is randomly formulated. I have had people I've never seen on mine

2. Rainbow Dash or Twilight Sparkle?
Ranbow Sparkle

3. Do you get 20% cooler every day?
It's a new diet I've been working on. I guess it's working

4. If you do, do you know where it is from? All of the cookies to you if you do know.
Probably the diet. Don't tell anyone, though. Some people just won't understand!

5. Do you play AQW often?
Well, not as often as possible, but often enough to know how the story goes

6. Are you just another AK that likes to be an AK for as many boards as possible, so that even if you are level 5 in a game, you'll still ask to be an AK for it?
Well, I wouldn't be someone who volunteers just like that. For me to be in that position, I'd probably have to be assigned to that game, honestly. I've only worked two boards at the most

7. Do you live in the Western Hemisphere?
Yes I do. Don't ask who dropped the ball there.

8. Apple pie or cherry pie?
I have to choose between them? April Fool's is over, buddy

9. Which is your favorite food out of hamburgers or pizza?
Hamburgers. The combination of food on hamburgers is better. Pizza sauce is a little too rich sometimes

10. Am I asking a question if a don't ask a question, but do ask for an answer, but don't ask for an answer, but do ask a question, but don't ask for an answer, but monkey butt?
See you around too [;)]

Soulweaver Zard -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 17:25:12)


Congrats on AK-ness of AQW GD!
Thank you. I appreciate it

I can ask questionz?
Fire away

Chickencows, your opinon on these deadly carnivorous creatures that will destroy evil?
I dunno about that, but they are REALLY great food [:D]

Do you prefer Nulgaths Art, Dages, Solracs, J6, Aegis, (lists all of the other artists)
Nulgath. Would like to see Nulgath and Dage amalgamation, but let's let that alliance unfold later

Derp? Herpa derp hurrr? (you like derp?)

AQW or DF?
Um, probably DF. AQW, while fun and cool, has a different spot in my mind than DF. DF is more serious, while AQW has more a kiddish connotation in my head

Thats about all my questions for now, I'll be back minion, uhh, I mean Archknight!

Obsiidianz -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 17:34:39)

Ohaidere new AK.
Well, I'm just new to you :P

Mind if I say something that's based on a meme?
Go for it

Ok,if you say no,then too bad. :3. You liek Mudkips?
Mudkips r kul

Oh,btw,gratz on being a AK.
Thank you, I appreciate it



golden1231 -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 17:43:14)

Hiyas Zan! :D
Hiya Golden! Thanks for taking care of the bold tags for me :3

Welcome back (again)! ;) Good luck with those spammers in the GD!
I don't need luck. Those spammers need to watch out

Sorry I have no questions for you. Still, there's only one thing left to do...
...As long as Dev isn't involved....

/me goldifies you, permanently :D
....I will smack the gold outta you someday D:<

Seeya on IRC, and congrats! ^_^
See you too [:)]

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 18:48:47)

Why do you like Bleach? There's so many better manga/anime.
Not really in my honest opinion. The story is kinda iffy, I would agree on that, but the characters are pretty unique. I don't think other writers capture the same emotions to the same degree. Also, the art is amazingly fantastic

Cat or Dog?

Quick! Pick a color and a tool!
Black blade. Yes, a blade is a tool :P
-I disagree... it is cutlery

xbox or playstation?
-good choice

Welcome to AQWGD!
Thank you!

How much wood would a beaver eat if a beaver could eat ink?
A beaver would eat as much ink as he could, if a beaver could eat wood

Do you think Dan is a good name for a pet fox?
It depends. Does he claw your face off when you call him that?

What is your ALL TIME favorite animal?
Wolves. They are great hunters and occasionally the great pet

C4n u r33d th15?
Of course not

ohw rea ouy?
I am ZanpakuTo, your newest AQW GD AK

chisagen -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 19:54:06)

Haha wow look at this!

We'll be working together on two forums now :D
Okay, I see you!

I must ask are you stalking me >.>
I was on the DF Q&A first <.<

That's all I have say for now! Congrats on the new forum and looking forward to working with you in another forum!
Nuuu! Stay away!

*Gives Zan 10000000000 fishies that can go bankai*


Laos -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 20:02:44)

Hey Zan!
Hey Laos!

Congratulations on taking up the new board! ...Good luck to, you'll need it. :P
Thank you. I'm looking forward to working on this board >:D

See you around.


paladinslaye -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 20:04:48)

I only have two question. will you reply to this question? lol and will you vote for vordread
Depends; Um, sure?

Axel459 -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 20:05:21)

Hai dere *waves*
Hi /me waves back

So um gives cookie welcome to the AQWGD
Thank you. These cookies are great for keeping me alive

Only has one question

What are some of your favorite Anime other than Bleach
Well, I like Naruto's humor and Rurouni Kenshin for being a little more realistic. I'm not sure if I like other manga. Maybe DragonBall Z

Well bai now *flash steps away*
See you around!


1c3 r3b0rn -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 20:39:12)

Why did they choose an Arch from a different section to Arch a section of a different game when they are more forumites who play AQW on a daily basis that might be of better help?

Because you don't know what I know about AQW >.>

Mephiles -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 21:48:41)


What are some of your favorite Anime other than Bleach

Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, DragonBall Z

by this I ask do you like Deathnote or HotD?
Oh, neither. That is to say, I haven't seen or read either

Well haider ^_^
Ohai :D

Why did you come to the AqwGD?
To help out. I don't come here a lot, but I'm not incompetent :P

oh and.....* Suspense builds up*

Which do you like better DF or Aqw?

kbai and have fun ;o
Thanks. You have fun too

Hiro Sempai -> RE: =MtAK= The GD gets a little Darker (6/20/2012 21:59:46)

Congratulations! I'm Happy for you. How are you?
Thank you! I'm doing great, and I am so ready to tackle this board head-first

^-^ What AE games do you mainly play?

I hope you have a great day as an AK =)
Thank you :D]

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