[Collaboration] Tale Of A Hero (Full Version)

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tyraedev99 -> [Collaboration] Tale Of A Hero (6/22/2012 14:07:33)

Once there was an old storyteller that lived in serenity's inn But that all changed once he met a young couple at his nightly storytelling event tales of adventure.
"And that concludes tonight's tales of adventure everyone!" the old storyteller proclaimed though little did he know this night would change his life forever! After the croud dispersed the young couple he noticed when he first came down was still there "Odd young adventurers usually don't stay in one place that long." "Excuse Us," the young woman asked "but your name wouldn't happen to be fang would it?" "Aye and may I ask your Names?" "My name is Aisha and my husbands name is Donovan," "And we would like to ask a tremendous favor of you,we have a son and we would like you to train him to be a great hero like you once were," "would you please do this for us?" Fang looks off into the heavens as if in contemplation and finally replies: "if he is able in body and in mind I will train him Aisha." Oh thank you, you have no idea how much this means to us! Aisha exclaims and then runs out of the inn as if to tell her son the great news leaving Donovan behind As fang is getting ready to go up to the permanent room serenity had given him during his days as an adventurer he stops as he hears Donovan speak for the first time since he had seen him "you have no idea how happy you have made my wife today fang here take this as a thank you" as fang turns around he sees Donovan is holding a heavy bag of gold "No I can't take your hard earned gold Donovan all I require is your child's name." "His name is Alex,He will not need you to supply any weapons to begin with he has made his own." Before we meet tomorrow I need to know how old is he and does he use blades or magic" "Alex is 13 and he is a rouge like you were"
"Go tell Aisha to bring Alex Here tomorrow" "Thank you Fang" and with that Donovan left marking the unwritten contract of his son's apprenticeship under fang
Thanks To VanHellsin24 For the characters Aisha And Donovan

tyraedev99 -> RE: [Collaboration] Tale Of A Hero (6/23/2012 15:43:24)

Chapter 1-Six Years Later
Ever since that day I have been apprenticed to fang he has taught me many valuable things about being a hero even if.. "Hello Alex" "AAH!!" "Oh it's just you sir."Alex sighs "Alex, you have surpassed me in knowledge I think you can call me by my first name now." Fang says almost as if he's teasing him "What are you doing out here?" He asks. "Just writing in my journal" Alex replies "That's Very smart of you Alex stuff like that will help you tremendously when you become a hero." "Speaking of becoming a hero when are we going to have a practical lesson?" "Look I know there is some mysterious lesson underlying these boring lessons,but I need to learn my limits" "My thoughts exactly,come with me Alex" "Where are we going fang?" "We're going to dragonsgrasp." "But I thought only dragonlords could enter dragonsgrasp?" "And again you would be correct But, if you enter with a dragonlord escort you can enter dragonsgrasp to train in the arts of Dragonrouge,Dragonwarrior,or Dragonmage," "you are training as a Dragonrouge." "Then this is our first practical lesson!" Alex yells "quiet down Alex you are 19 years of age now act like it!" "sorry fang." "It's okay I acted just like you when I went on my first quest." "Now,when the guardians tell you you can't go to dragonsgrasp present them with this note." "Here."Thank you fang" "SEE YOU IN DRAGONSGRASP!" And with that Fang took to the skies on his dragon Akrilath and Alex went to the guardian tower to ride a griffin to dragonsgrasp when the guardians saw him they tried to tell him that without the power of the amulet he could not go to dragonsgrasp then he presented them with the note fang gave him they sent a hawk to dragonsgrasp and told Alex that within the hour he could enter dragonsgrasp. "I wonder how hard their going to push me" Alex thought.

tyraedev99 -> RE: [Collaboration] Tale Of A Hero (6/24/2012 20:10:39)

Well I guess i'm about to find out... "You can go!" with that Alex took off headed for dragonsgrasp and his mysterious first practical lesson


"Are his special daggers finished Reni?" Fang asks as he walks in removing his skullhelm that ash gave to him last frostval "Ah fang come in, yes his special daggers are finished,two daggers with half "of a dragon amulet in each right?" "Right you made sure to split the amulet in a way that if he uses both that he will still have it's power,right?" "HaHaHaHa yes fang don't worry Alex's gift is perfect"
"Thanks for doing this for free reni." "No problem fang,besides I can't really charge you for this." "HaHaHa that's right I almost forgot!" "FANG YOU IN HERE?" "I'll go get him" "that's alex?""yeah" "I'm in the back alex." "Doing what?" "getting part of what we came here for." "RENI!" as fang yells this reni walks in carrying alex's gift,the custom made daggers of the dragonlord.
"WOW" alex yells as he grabs the daggers But, as he grabs the other one the handle melts into the blade and the blade is magically drawn to the other half while also extending and widening the handle creating alex's dragonrouge weapon The Sword Of The DragonLord.


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