Voodoo Master -> DragonLord Castle (6/22/2012 22:06:20)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DA.png[/image][image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DC.png[/image]DragonLord Castle Castle for DragonLords Location: DragonLord Keep Price: 1,000 Dragon Coins Sellback: 900 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 250 Dragon Coins after 24 hours Level: 1 Rarity: 1 Item Type: House Image Interaction with your dragon: <Character>: <Dragon>, you look comfortable. Talk <Character>: So, you finally have a room of your own... - Room
<Dragon>: Finally, some place I can truely out and relax in. <Character>: Yeah, Serenity was not happy when you crushed the back porch of the old inn.... <Dragon>: Her fault for putting an Inn there. <Character>: ... - Relax
<Character>: You go ahead and relax, make yourself at home. <Dragon>: A few piles of treasure here and there would make the cavern more homey. <Character>: I'm not sure how... secure that would be. <Dragon>: You're worried about the piles of treasure that I, a full grown dragon, would be sleeping on? <Character>: Well, if you want to go out and and get your own treasure, go for it. <Dragon>: ... Maybe I'll just eat you and take your treasure. - Smells
<Character>: It... it kinds of smells funny in here.... <Dragon>: It smells like smoke and power! Like a great dragon lives here! <Character>: I'll give you the smoke... but... I think you should clean up your room a little bit. <Dragon>: ... Make me. <Character>: ... - Exercise
<Character>: Have you thought about going out on your own? Running around? Flying more? <Dragon>: What are you trying to say? <Character>: Just... you're getting kind of big.... <Dragon>: I'm an adult dragon! Of course I'm big. <Character>: I... just want to make sure you're getting enough exercise. - Hungry
<Character>: Are you getting hungry? <Dragon>: Being in my adult form uses up a lot of energy. Every... tiny... creature starts to look like a potential meal. *stomach grumbles* <Character>: Um... yeah... we should find you some food... maybe visit Sunbreeze for some chow? Or hunt down some monsters? <Dragon>: Or just eat in.... <Character>: ... Travel - Displays Travel Map (Books 1 and 2). <Character>: We shall we go, <Dragon>? Heal - Full Heal. Potions - Refills your potions. Buy Food - Opens Dragon Chow Shop. Feed Dragon - You can feed your dragon with Dragon Chow, Special Dragon Chow, REALLY Special Dragon Chow and SUPER Special Dragon Chow. Train - Lets you train your dragon. Untrain <Dragon>: If you really want me to unlearn everything you've taught me.... You'll have to give me 1000 gold.