Tarnished Caliburn (Full Version)

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BlackAces -> Tarnished Caliburn (6/23/2012 23:54:36)

Tarnished Caliburn

Location: Bizarre Flecks III! Dhows's True Form Revealed

Level: 0
Power Level: CharacterLevel when Triggered. Against anything else CharacterLevel-5 (with a minimum of 0)
Type: Melee
Element: Follows the element of your no-drop equipment
Damage: 3-8
BTH: 0


  • The weapon's Base and Random damage increase based on your Level. This affects all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials. This weapon deals 109% damage.

    Base:= round((0.00375*PowLvl^2 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 5.25)/2/(1+0.03*PowLvl))
    Rand:= round(2*((0.0075*PowLvl^2 + 1.125*PowLvl + 10.5)/2/(1+0.03*PowLvl) - Base))
    BTH := round(PowLvl/8)
    *See Appendix

  • Against trigger monsters it deals 120% damage, and deals Void damage. However, since the monster's Void resistance is (usually) 200%, the blade does half damage. Trigger category is as follows: undead, vamps, demons, necromancers, zombies, dracopyres, "doom", werewolves (categories were + wolf), and "Darkovia".
  • Untriggered the weapon deals 95%.
  • Can inflict poison when triggered. For the poison: You have a [# of hits that connected] / [# of hits attempted] chance of applying the poison*, for 1 round at power 2. The monster can resist** this with a +0 to the save:
      Level: PowerLevel vs MonsterLevel
      Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    *The divine power of your weapon is toxic to evil foes!
    **Your opponent has resisted your weapon's divine power!
    ***Your opponent is immune to the poison!

    This ancient blade has lost some of its power over time, but it is still a mighty weapon against the forces of evil!


    Numbers thanks to IMR. Image and description thanks to Dragoon23. Correction thanks to Watashig and ss2195. Updated trigger thanks to In Media Res.

  • BlackAces -> RE: Tarnished Caliburn (6/23/2012 23:55:15)


    Level	PowLvl	Dmg	BTH
    0	0	3-8	0
    5	5	4-10	1
    10	10	4-13	1
    15	15	5-15	2
    20	20	6-17	3
    25	25	6-19	3
    30	30	7-20	4
    35	35	7-22	4
    40	40	8-23	5
    45	45	8-24	6
    50	50	9-25	6
    55	55	9-27	7
    60	60	9-29	8
    65	65	10-29	8
    70	70	10-31	9
    75	75	11-31	9
    80	80	11-33	10
    85	85	11-34	11
    90	90	12-35	11
    95	95	12-36	12
    100	100	12-38	13
    105	105	13-38	13
    110	110	13-39	14
    115	115	13-41	14
    120	120	14-41	15
    125	125	14-42	16
    130	130	14-44	16
    135	135	15-44	17
    140	140	15-46	18
    145	145	15-47	18
    150	150	16-47	19
    «A message shows up saying "The weapon grows to match you in power! It does #-# damage and +# to hit .»

    Level	PowLvl	Dmg	Bth
    0	0	3-8	0
    5	0	3-8	0
    10	5	4-10	1
    15	10	4-13	1
    20	15	5-15	2
    25	20	6-17	3
    30	25	6-19	3
    35	30	7-20	4
    40	35	7-22	4
    45	40	8-23	5
    50	45	8-24	6
    55	50	9-25	6
    60	55	9-27	7
    65	60	9-29	8
    70	65	10-29	8
    75	70	10-31	9
    80	75	11-31	9
    85	80	11-33	10
    90	85	11-34	11
    95	90	12-35	11
    100	95	12-36	12
    105	100	12-38	13
    110	105	13-38	13
    115	110	13-39	14
    120	115	13-41	14
    125	120	14-41	15
    130	125	14-42	16
    135	130	14-44	16
    140	135	15-44	17
    145	140	14-46	18
    150	145	15-47	18
    «A message shows up saying "The weapon grows to match you in power! It does #-# damage and +# to hit .»

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