BlackAces -> RE: The Decimator (6/24/2012 23:47:13)
[image][/image][image][/image] The Decimator «Fully Offensive armor, colour custom to no-drop equipment. Good darkness resist and has a skill that can reduce enemy HP.» Level: 130 Power Level: 133, Mastercraft SP Level: 132 Price: 9,006,862 Sellback: 4,503,431 Location: Decimator Armor Shop (Given to players level 120-139) Element: Darkness COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 42 Ranged: 42 Magic: 42 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 58% Water: 91% Wind: 87% Ice: 91% Earth: 80% Energy: 58% Light: 95% Darkness: 44% ATTACK Hits: 1 Type: «As weapon» Element: «As weapon» Damage: 624% Base, 624% Random, and 1222% Stats each Damage: 623.75% Base, 623.75% Random, and 1222.25% Stats each BTH: +16 plus Stats each SKILL:Decimate Hits: 5 Type: «As weapon» Element: «As weapon» Damage: 149.78% Base, Random and 293.32% Stats BTH: 16 plus Stats Cost: 490 SP Effect: If any of the hits connect the monsters END is reduced by -10 for each hit up to a maximum of -50. The monster is inflicted with the Decimated*, renamed Fragile, status for 1 turn. This can be resisted** and the monster receives -20 to the below save: Level: 133 vs MonsterLevel Major: 200 vs MonsterEND Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK *You Decimate your foe, crushing their Endurance! **Your foe resists the Decimation. DESCRIPTION Tear down the walls of war in this massive armor! Capable of decimating up to a fourth of your enemy's health with it's special attack! Provides great Darkness resists and good Fire/Energy resists! Color custom even! [image][/image] Numbers thanks to Kamui. Image thanks to Dev. Correction thanks to Msyu and big E. Rarity by The Killa and greenlegend.