shunu -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (12/21/2012 3:13:52)
Updated Clan List: 1. Lord Thanatos (Jont2, Lord of the Elites, SC Vendor) 1.5. Agent Minion (Agent Minion, Alter Ego, Assistant SC Vendor) 1.75 Legion Slicer Silencer (ComputerDragon5, Executive Elite, Infinite SC) 1.99 Azazel (Shunu, Elite Administrator, Thanatos's Apprentice, Champion of the Elites, Infinite SC) 2. Temple (Temple Abernathy, Thanatos's Right Hand, Champion of the Elites, 8000 SC) 3. Six (Extrumos VI, Thanatos's Left Hand, Champion of the Elites, 6715 SC) 4. Vagaran (Vagaran, OverLord of the Elites, 5000 SC) 5. XXXDarkRulerXXX (XXXDarkRulerXXX, OverLord of the Elites, 5000 SC) 6. In Too Deep (In Too Deep, Champion of the Elites, 1025 SC) 7. Deathmyke (Meezymike, Champion of the Elites, 1000 SC) 8. Duffy (King Duffy2, Champion of the Elites, 3025 SC) 9. Krall (ShinXsLashER, Champion of the Elites, 3025 SC) 10. Fate (Bone Baron, Elite BannerSmith, Champion of the Elites, 3025 SC) 11. StellaLuna22 (StellaLuna22, ShadowCoin Collector, Champion of the Elites, 12025 SC) 12. Knight of Death (Giratina01, Champion of the Elites, 6625 SC) 13. Afgkiller (Afgkiller911, Champion of the Elites, 6625 SC) 14. Zayrus (Chaos_Lord_Zayrus, Champion of the Elites, 6475 SC) 15. Bennett (Itzz B3nn3tt OO, Champion of the Elites, 6275 SC) 16. Jack Antler (Jack Antler, Champion of the Elites, 3025 SC) 17. Hito (Golden Rhino, Champion of the Elites, 4025 SC) 18. Yo Yo Boy (Yo Yo Boy, Champion of the Elites, 6025 SC) 19. ShadE (Shadow E2, Champion of the Elites, 3025 SC) 20. Bane (BaneLord013, Champion of the Elites, 5025 SC) 21. DarkLordVampire (The Thunder123, Champion of the Elites, 1000 SC) 22. THE PARAGON (Naruto11156, Elite Undead, 1000 SC) 23. Weaver (ChosWeaver, Elite Undead, 3025 SC) 24. KingTiger143 (KingTiger143, Elite Undead, 6625 SC) 25. Ben14715 (Ben123123124, Elite Undead, 1000 SC) 26. The Fr0st Monarch (The Fr0st Monarch , Elite Undead, 6275 SC) 27. Skyrax (Skyrax00, Elite Undead) 28. Gravity (Gravity Shifter, Elite Undead, 6225 SC) 29. DragonExterminat0r (DragonExterminat0r, Elite Undead, 4100 SC) 30. Doom Lord Noobody (Noobody, DoomKnight Reaver Elite, 7435 SC) 31. Spikejo (Spikejo, Elite Undead, 6100 SC) 32. Neeeel (Neeeel, Elite Undead, 5525 SC) 33. Jkage (Jream, Elite Undead, 1000 SC) 34. Grish8 (Grish8, Shadow Founder, THE TRAITOR, 5250 SC) 35. Mill80 (MillsArt, Elite Undead, 1000 SC) 36. NecroManiac (JoshJm1, Elite Undead, 4025 SC) 37. Msheengun (Msheengun, Elite Undead, 3025 SC) 38. MWKTStorm (MWKTStorm, Elite Undead, 4500 SC) 39. Count Shadow (Agent Dr, ShadowFounder, 4685 SC) 40. AThirstyMonkey (AThirstyMonkey, LarvaeMancer, 6150 SC) 41. Slayer22 (Slayer22, Elite Undead, 6625 SC) 42. Pariox (Pariox, Elite Undead, 6125 SC) 43. Master Grimlon (Grimlon the Werewolf, Elite Undead, 6300 SC) 44. Littio (Littio, Elite Undead, 1000 SC) 45. Mickael Max (Mickael Maximum, Elite Undead, 1000 SC) 46. ShadowZick (SpartaZick, Elite Undead, 5525 SC) 47. XxSoMeBoDyXx (XxSoMeBoDyXx, Elite Undead, 5525 SC) 48. Dage's Champion (Tristan876123, Elite Undead, 1000 SC) 49. Phil7 (Phil7, Elite Undead, 6625 SC) 50. Lbear8 (Lbear8, Elite Undead, 6000 SC) This is the Picture of the clan's Official Enemy. Bio Data: Name: Belak84. Level: 43. Class: Chunin. Items Equipped: Sandrunner.(Armor) Glacial Destroyer Halo.(Helm) Destructo Tacos 12.(Weapon) Chunin Kaanji Cape(Cape) I am sorry if the image is a little outdated. Its 14 days old. Also there is no gap between "Belak" and "84". So the name is "Belak84" Official Enemy of the Clan, Belak84 Here is a link to his Char Page: Belak84's Char Page ~Azazel