RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (Full Version)

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Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/11/2013 9:32:32)

I think I can do 2:00 pm on Artix today at /house Jont2. :)

Needshelp -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/11/2013 12:13:48)

Definitely, I will be there :)

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/11/2013 13:25:56)

I am a bit baffed on who the Dark acolytes are and how do you become one?

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/11/2013 15:05:59)

My friend is interested in joining, but his forum account is having issues, so I'm posting his information got him.

1. Stiky321
2. 49
4. Stiky321
5. Everything
6. New friends.
7. Rather not give out that information
8. mostly all day
9. Twitter
10. Wanted to join a guild and this one seems like a great guild.


Swordblitzer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/12/2013 2:40:55)

I left the guild, since most of the time it's just me and nobody else. I do hope the guild continues to prosper. Bye!

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/14/2013 9:30:47)

@Lord Thanatos

I have decided to add Stiky to the guild, according to the requirements, I believe that he does qualify.


Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/14/2013 13:57:36)


Alright, good work! :) BTW he does meet the requirements.

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/14/2013 15:07:07)

Do I qualify for the rank of Dark Acolyte now?


Lightning Ace -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/14/2013 18:38:21)

Will there be something done about the members that are never active?

Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/14/2013 21:13:01)


Since you recruited Stiky and added him, you do now. :)

@Lightning Ace

Many of our members are active, but since we are an international guild, there will be members online at very different times. But believe me, we do take the inactive players into consideration at the HQ.

Lightning Ace -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/14/2013 22:17:49)

@Lord Thanatos
Okay cause i have days were i stay online for 24 house straight and no one is active.

FDBlackKnight -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/15/2013 17:04:55)

Sorry for my really long2 absense,my internet wasn't pay for a couple of month and i have been dying to force my mother to pay it and she finally did.

RugbyBeast -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/17/2013 9:33:53)

1. AQW Character Name: RugbyBeast

2. Character Level (40+): 51

3. Member (Yes/No):No

4. BattleOn Forum Username (Only if you applied by E-Mail): RugbyBeast

5. What You Can Contribute to the Clan's Cause: I can aid you guys in Clan Wars, PvPing, helping out with bosses etc.

6. What You Hope to Gain from Joining the Clan: I hope to have fun and do EVIL proud

7. Continent You Live In: Asia

8. What Times Do You Usually Play (Server Time): I'm not sure what you mean by server time but I can give you this: UTC: +8.00 From 3pm-6pm and 8pm-9pm

9. How You Heard About Us: I heard about you guys in Yulgar someone said that I shoud check out your guild. Sure enough, its great

10. What Made You Choose Us Over the Other Guilds: You guys spend way more time online, sound EVIL and friendly

11. About Yourself: I play rugby (thus the name), I hate Geography and I drink way too much coffee a day

12. Noteworthy Details: I'm online E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/18/2013 4:44:54)

LoL I like how rugby beast posted ''you guys sound Evil and friendly''. This shows we truly are a magnificent guild, no-one can ever be evil and friendly but we are the ones who execute it well. :)

This guild is turning out to be a great guild but however I am thinking of leaving the guild as I am not too happy on the inactivity of players. I am still pondering about whether I should leave the guild or stay... Although time zones may be different, how can it be possible for me not to EVER find anyone online? I usually can find 'Millsart' and a handful of other members, but the rest are usually inactive... I doubt some of them even have Forum accounts. :/

Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/18/2013 11:26:25)


Welcome aboard! Since you are our newest member, you must register for the clan forums here and also be added to the guild in game. But since you are kinda out of my timezone, I must refer you to Shunu, who is in charge of recruitment in the Eastern Hemisphere (Asia, Australia, Indonesia, etc). Once again, welcome. :)


We have a new applicant name RugbyBeast! However, he is out of my timezone, so I must ask for you to arrange a time and place to meet him in game so he can officially be a part of the guild. Thanks! :)

RugbyBeast -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/18/2013 22:18:54)

Alright thanks for letting me in! So when and where will I be able to join the clan. I have also already registered in your website

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/22/2013 14:56:51)

My time with the ShadowScythe Elites must unfortunately.. come to an end. I have applied, and got accepted into the AQW Ambassadors Guild and I've decided to input my main account. I've had a blast with this guild and hope that this guild will prosper. I wish for nothing but the best for the ShadowScythe Elites. Good luck!


Pokemontristan -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/22/2013 16:31:41)

I just really love that pic in the OP...


Lightning Ace -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/22/2013 19:05:59)

Same here I also got in with the AQW Ambassadors Guild. I really did like the guild. ;-;

millsart -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/25/2013 11:37:24)

hey is there any guild member that is online from 12.00pm till 6pm server time? if anyone is online at that time i would usually be on sir ver server

Awesomellx -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (8/28/2013 17:47:14)

Guys, everytime I log on I only see 2 players, its either they are on a member server or their room is full, to be honest, I've only ever met 2 of the clan members :/

Sword The Doom -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (11/12/2013 21:30:58)

hey =)

gagabear -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (11/21/2013 1:07:13)

My Application

1. AQW Character Name: gagabear

2. Character Level (40+): 41

3. Member (Yes/No): Yes

4. BattleOn Forum Username (Only if you applied by E-Mail): gagabear

5. What You Can Contribute to the Clan's Cause: Helping out fellow players and spreading love

6. What You Hope to Gain from Joining the Clan: I would like a clan that is active and actually talks (unlike my old clan), also a clan who respects its members

7. Continent You Live In: Australia

8. What Times Do You Usually Play (Server Time): 1:00-3:00

9. How You Heard About Us: Looking through all the guilds on the forums

10. What Made You Choose Us Over the Other Guilds: You seem like the only clan out of all the others who is actually well put together, active and friendly

11. About Yourself: my name is Josh, I like fried chicken and I love sleeping in

12. Noteworthy Details: I dunno (sorry if you expected something written)

dark lord coolio -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (11/24/2013 21:09:38)

1. AQW Character Name:[awesomecoolio]

2. Character Level (40+):[46]

3. Member (Yes/No)[yes]:

4. BattleOn Forum Username (Only if you applied by E-Mail):[Dark lord coolio]

5. What You Can Contribute to the Clan's Cause:[i offer my soul and existence to the shadowscythe]

6. What You Hope to Gain from Joining the Clan:[to climb the ranks and become the most feared dark lord ever to have existed]

7. Continent You Live In:[America]

8. What Times Do You Usually Play (Server Time):[12(noon)-6,10-4(i am usually up all night playing]

9. How You Heard About Us:[Forum]

10. What Made You Choose Us Over the Other Guilds:[ever since i started playing aqw I have always wanted to see the shadowscythe prevail and become the dominant faction above all]

11. About Yourself:[i am __ aspiring flash artist]

12. Noteworthy Details:[i am rank 10 evil and doomwood i love all things evil i only have evil related items and aspire to become officer in shadowscythe elites]

Post edited to remove personal information, which isn't allowed ~M4B

tailon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (11/27/2013 22:50:28)

1. AQW Character Name: Lord_Sphexx

2. Character Level (40+): 60

3. Member (Yes/No): Yes

4. BattleOn Forum Username (Only if you applied by E-Mail):

5. What You Can Contribute to the Clan's Cause: The purging of all things GOOD

6. What You Hope to Gain from Joining the Clan: Satisfaction in seeing both Chaos and Good humbled by Evil's wrath.

7. Continent You Live In: North America

8. What Times Do You Usually Play (Server Time): Weekdays: 7-12, Weekends: Nearly the Entire Day!!

9. How You Heard About Us: Over the Forums

10. What Made You Choose Us Over the Other Guilds: Evil should be left pure, without the muddling of Good or Chaos, unfortunately, others didn't feel my sentiment.

11. About Yourself: I love all of AE's games and try to be as Evil as I can when I play. Sometimes I'll make some basic imitations of the games in code.

12. Noteworthy Details: 51 classes all atleast rank 5 and 32 rank 10 153/155 Bag Slots filled with mostly Epic, Artifact, or Rare items.

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