RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (Full Version)

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darklord zerato028 -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/19/2013 2:06:45)

@heavenlydemon, oh? If it was a discussion over OP/non OP, then I can understand why. A lot of my members have strong beliefs on those terms. Can you PM me what the harrasment was about, if you can remember?

Also, if y'all would like another war sometime, I'd be glad to talk with someone to create another one! as long as its friendly.[:D]

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/19/2013 10:09:40)

I got a suggestion!

Sorry! We forgot our halos!

Lame IK it is

shunu -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/19/2013 10:27:10)

Dark like the shadows, Silent as the Night.
Lucifer's our brother, Sepulchure our brave knight.
We are the Shadowscythe Elites, we're from hell right?

How 'bout this one?

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/19/2013 11:45:13)

Can the MOTD just be upcoming events?

Misty_kitty -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/19/2013 18:36:15)

Shunu, how about this?

Dark like Shadows, silent as night.
Lucifer's our brother, Sepulchure our brave knight.
We are Shadowscythe Elites, blending in the night.

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/19/2013 18:38:34)

@Misty Kitty and Shunu

As Lord Thanatos had mentioned in the previous page, it was NEVER confirmed that members would be able to change the GMOTD, as it was just a suggestion I had come of with. Do realize that NOT EVERY SINGLE Suggestion would be accepted at first, in many cases, not at all.

But, go ahead and post your suggestions though, don't expect to see it in-game for a while.


Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/19/2013 20:05:23)

Well, all this talk about poems has got me thinking. I took Shunu's original poem and changed it up a bit.

Fighting in the Shadows, we are feared by the Light
The Darkness is our power, Sepulchure our brave knight
We are the ShadowScythe Elites, and not even Death can face our might...

shunu -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/19/2013 22:12:26)

Wooohoooooo LT Thats the one!

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/20/2013 3:48:47)

Oh yeah! You guys got some bars! You guys are like 50 cents!

Now I got 1 suggestions.

1-ShadowScythe Academy-
As we know we have had Vagaran leave :''(, but we could use him! In such a way that he leads a guild that is like a training guild. He trains them up and they level up until they are level 45/46 and they meet requirements. Then they apply on the forums and then we get LSS/LT/Stella/Lord A/ one of the officers to quiz them on AQW knowledge and a few questions. This will be good in building the guild up? Seeing Vagaran left because of problems due to time differences. I decided I will join him in training the Scholars. This will work out fine because we have very similar time zones! Also we are great friends. So what do you think?

Misty_kitty -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/20/2013 10:48:40)

I'd probably quiz them, I've played since 09. :P
I've stored a lot of AQW knowledge anyways. But training to 45/46 is extremely difficult and takes time.

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/20/2013 11:17:34)

So me or vagaran will help them get to a stage where they are fit to qualify for the SSE

Don't you think it is a capital idea?

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/20/2013 16:04:33)

Heavenly Demon, I would not consider this idea, seeing as doing such would be too much work, and not a lot of volunteers.


HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/21/2013 10:12:36)

Well I am sorry to say that I have left the SSE V.V. This was due to the fact that I will soon stop playing AQW. I am sorry. Feel free to meet me in game, I will be around, just not in the SSE. Thanks for having me :) I appreciate your consideration. May the guild bloom with victories! And if you ever need PvP war help, just PM me here. :)


-Misty Boi. :')

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/21/2013 15:00:26)

Thank you for you contributions to the SSE. We will miss you.

I have changed the message of the day.


HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/24/2013 10:23:56)

Back in the SSE (after CD5 and his sweet words!) And to mark my comeback we need to make our guild GLOBAL! Let's start now! With what? A poster? Another Kony 2012 campaign but this time SSE 2013? No... Media is our aim.... What does everyone do? They watch videos, ads, TV! That is it! YouTube. Videos, Media, Globalization, big around the world, everyone will see it. Just need a time, place and people, LOTS of people.

Vagaran -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/24/2013 10:25:01)


Good luck surviving that, SSE.

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/24/2013 10:28:35)

-.- How do you mean?

Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/24/2013 17:53:00)

@ HeavenlyDemon

Welcome back to the SSE! :D Glad you changed your mind about leaving. Well I already have an idea about a clan publicity act. It is called the ShadowScythe Shake. It's basically all the clan members at my AQW house (/house Jont2) dancing to the Harlem Shake music.

Hoxos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/24/2013 18:56:11)

Can i put u guys as allies because ur awsome my guild name Hand of destiny.BTW how do u post a banner.I need one.Again really nice guild

Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/24/2013 21:11:07)


I changed the MOTD back to the old one because the new one I wrote didn't fit in the character limit for the AQW chat bar.

Final Fantasy -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/24/2013 21:14:03)

Lord Thanatos PM sent.

shunu -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/24/2013 23:21:05)

LT, Ive got an idea. Why dont we all get a photo of us all lining up in a line with swords unsheathed. Together saying Shadow Scythe Elites?


Permission to change the MOTD?

EDIT: Posts merged.

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/25/2013 5:09:06)

Please do not double post >.<

I respect ones idea but is it not a bit overused? No offence but everyone uses it...

shunu -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/25/2013 9:43:24)

How about? one of us with ToH kill Nulgath and as he lays dead, we say together, "Bow before us, We are the Shadowscythe Elites." or "To slay ye we hath come. We go with ye demise. We are the Shadowscythe Elites."

Maybe we all say that, or only the Lord Thanatos. Or maybe the Featured Elite of the Month, if Lord Thanatos approves, will say one of the suggested lines.

And Lord imma change the Back-Up forum page. Im going to make one with Wix website Maker. Its better than most website builders.

Thread has been edited to merge posts and remove signatures. Only one signature per thread per person is allowed.~ Theosenia.

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (2/25/2013 15:37:44)

Evaluated and added the member "Final Fantasy" into the guild and the in-game guild.
We have currently 20/30 members, pretty good so far. Especially since most of the members are active.


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