The Solution to Trade (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


1nf4m0u5 -> The Solution to Trade (6/30/2012 0:24:56)

As i've stated before but in more detail

The Developers should add Rarity Stars to Every Weapon and Armor
For Example: Founder Armor, Rixty Rippers, Bunny Zooka, Alpha Weapons, Gamma Bot
would = 2blue stars for being ultra old and rare
Infernal Slayer, Stun Blasters, Bio Blades, Bio Borg
would = 1blue star since implemented to game once
Frostbane, Azeralbane, Azeral Bot, Eggzooka
would = 7gold stars for being seasonal rares
and so on

You would only be able to trade for a weapon of equal value in rarity
So no way you could be scammed if you get something in return
And maybe place a ingame monitoring tool that documents every trade for the records if there is a problem

If you actually give your account info thats your fault
But with my other suggestion Inventory Lock to place a restriction on the things you don't
want sold that should help most people

Please Comment I want to see if you can find a flaw in this
I know if taken seriously this suggestion will help but it would take months of coding to become reality
well depending on the help

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