The Origin (DF) (Full Version)

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gijoe528 -> The Origin (DF) (7/4/2012 13:22:47)

One day a small town near Vetroche Crossing was attacked by a fire dragon. A man and his wife, who had just had a baby and named him Trokon, were running toward the forest when they were cornered by the dragon. The dragon was prepared to finish them when the baby touched the dragon. The dragon for an unknown reason let the family enter the forest unharmed. A strange ghost saw this happen. "So, this is the one." He said.
The family took refuge in Vetroche crossing where they lived in peace for a little while. Until one day 8 year old Trokon went exploring and ended up in Doomwood. The same ghost that saw the dragon attack started chasing Trokon. Trokon fell down a hole and was trapped. Trokon tried to call for help but no one came. Trokon decided to go further through the hole. He came to the end and found an amulet. His young mind decided that it would be harmless to put on. When he put it on he started having visions of himself on the back of a dragon fighting giant creatures. Trokon woke up in his bed and assumed it was a dream, but he was wrong.
The amulet was in his closet in a locked box. The next day Trokon woke up and went to school. When he returned home the interior of his house was a mess and his parents were gone. He ran upstairs to search for them and found a box on his bed. Trokon touched the box and it opened revealing the amulet that he had found. "This must have been what he was looking for." Trokon thought. "He must not have found it." He looked around and found a message on the wall written in blood. It said, if you wish to see them again bring the amulet to where it began. Trokon knew that whoever wrote this must be talking about the hole he found. Trokon rushed to Doomwood and found the ghost that had chased them next to the hole.
"Do you have it boy?" The ghost said. "Ye...yes." Trokon said as he showed him the box. "Wh..who are you and what do you want?" "I am Dragonlord Terus." Said the ghost. "And I want that my dragon amulet so that I could call my dragon from the dead and with him destroy Lore. Now hand over the box if you want to have your parents back." Trokon looked around and didn't see his parents anywhere. "Whe...where are they?" He asked. "They are safe." Said Terus "But you won't get them back until I have that amulet. Hand it over." "Why did you choose me to get it for you?" Asked Trokon. "Because You have the potential to become a Dragonlord and that means you can touch my amulet. Now hand it over. Don't make me ask again."
Trokon walked over to the ghost slowly. Trokon opened the box. Terus reached for it but was blasted by fire when he tried to touch it. "I...I don't understand." Terus thought. "Could my amulet have chosen this boy to be it's new master?" Terus stared at Trokon. "Mark my words boy." He said "You'll never see your parents again."
"Nooo." Trokon yelled. Terus was gone. Trokon fell to the ground crying. "NO NO NO." He yelled. He just sat there crying for awhile. Then he got up and stopped his tears. He stared at the amulet that had caused him so much pain. He wanted to throw it into the ocean but something told him not to. Trokon picked up the amulet and put it on. "I'll find you and save you mom and dad." He said. "I swear it."

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