Ronsas -> RE: =MtAK= A Hollow Knight Rises! (7/5/2012 13:46:58)
Congratz, I've been waiting for you to become an AK for a while, since I first started seeing you around basically. Thank you. 1. Apple or Cherry pie? Apple. 2. Favorite Movie? Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter seris. 3. Favorite Genre of Movies? Fantasy. 4. Favorite Comedy? I don't remember at the moment. 5. Why is your name Hollow Knight? Bleach RP character. 6. Favorite Candy? Chocolate 8. Where'd 7 go? Doing whatever a 7 does. 9. Do you like 30 Rock? Never heard of it. 10. I forgot, you said you got your permit on your OOC post, right? If so, congrats on that too. Thanks still learning though! 11. Since 7 disappeared, I'll use 11. What is your favorite candy? Chocolate. Again, congrats, hope you like your chains. I can't..move..! thanks!