Faerdin -> RE: =MTAK= Wolves are on the Horizon (7/11/2012 15:18:14)
On your third page, eh? Nope. You know what this means, of course! It means a lot of people are imagining a third page. Because I'm nice, I'm letting them keep their delusion. Thaaat's RIGHT! More questions! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ask away. 1) What is the airspeed velocity of a coconut-laden swallow? Funny story about that. I was going to calculate that. So I got a swallow, put a bunch of coconuts on it, let it go... and then my wolf decided that it made for a good snack. 2) Blue is the loveliest color, that goes without saying. But why? Because it's blue. Why else? 3) Are you surprised I didn't call blue by its proper name, "bloo?" One of these days, I'll teach you how to properly spell. 4) Do wolves really eat monkeys, or are you just trying to get rid of our crippling monkey infestation? D: Well, I've yet to see the one next to me turn down a monkey. 5) How was your first day of being an ArchKnight? First I was excited. Then I was nervous. Then I was going 'BUTTONS!' Then I was going 'I'm going to die someone save me!' I hadn't yet learned how quickly this forum moved. I'm (somewhat) used to it now. And now I'm back to 'BUTTONS!' so basically very normal. 6) Which Artix Entertainment game is your favorite, and why? I prefer not to pick favorites. 7) Has writing always appealed to you? Yes, actually. 8) Does writing have any place in a career you would like to pursue in the future? Maybe. It's hard to say for certain. 9) ?sdrawkcab gnitirw I ma yhW .derob er'uoy esuaceB 10) What do you look forward to most in the Battleon Forums? Buttons. Well, that's all for now. Expect me again on the next page (Because there WILL be a next page). D:< What if I decide that I don't want a next page? What then? See you soon, wolf-buddy! Bye, wolf-buddy! *Disappears in a flash of lightning* Darn it, Fae. I'm still waiting for the thunder from the first flash. Now I have to count a second one.