what im starting to not like about epicduel (Full Version)

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lewiskey10 -> what im starting to not like about epicduel (7/14/2012 22:50:04)

im starting to hate that there are so many juggernaut battles its getting harder to lvl last night i did 10 of them in a row and lost them all its starting to make my win/lose ratio drop i hope they make something that after every 10 or 5 or 8 battles you do that u do a jugg battle.

drekon -> RE: what im starting to not like about epicduel (7/14/2012 23:36:23)

Nice run-on sentence. You bring up an interesting point. Some may say that you're just unlucky, a victim of the RNG, and you should stop whining, but 10 Juggernauts in a row doesn't seem very random. You're better off battling NPCs until you level up.

lewiskey10 -> RE: what im starting to not like about epicduel (7/14/2012 23:44:25)

ya fighting npcs would help lvl up but u wouldent get as much xp as u do in 2v2 and most npc are hard lol XD

Luna_moonraider -> RE: what im starting to not like about epicduel (7/14/2012 23:45:58)

true jugs make it harder to lvl up when u hit lvl 25 but there is the war right now which give tons of exp and credits if u play in it why in he world would you play normal battles when there are war battles. no faction? i can provide ya with 1 pm me for details. NPCing is the key to lvling up fast. without npcs u can t lvl up fast. so stop whining and clicking the unbalanced 2v2 button and play the war and npcs if u really do not like jugs.

lewiskey10 -> RE: what im starting to not like about epicduel (7/14/2012 23:56:06)

well then what npcs are between lvl 22-27 cause u can only fight them 5 times an hour

Magiskee -> RE: what im starting to not like about epicduel (7/14/2012 23:59:27)

Bio hazard, Bio Guard, Heavy Bio Guard and Heavy Mine Guard are some of the npcs between level 22-27. You can read here for more information on what npcs you should farm at different levels http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=18900055.

lewiskey10 -> RE: what im starting to not like about epicduel (7/14/2012 23:59:55)

k ty

drekon -> RE: what im starting to not like about epicduel (7/15/2012 0:02:53)

You can check NPC levels individually from this list.

Scratch that lol.

lewiskey10 -> RE: what im starting to not like about epicduel (7/15/2012 0:18:38)

on a diff note is there a forum that says whats in next vault if not wat you guys think is in it?

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