RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (Full Version)

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AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/17/2012 16:15:07)

There's worse. Some even stand at the war grounds doing nothing.

button33 -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/17/2012 16:58:13)

Exile and Legion should have a three day truce, where no one from either alignments attack the vault. This way, during the three days, we can catch up on sleep and level up. Many have been in front of a computer for hours, and that's not good for our health.

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/17/2012 17:01:38)

Certain people would break the truce or be unaware of it...

streetnaruto -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/17/2012 17:22:50)

Wow did they just pm me for,saying something bad (which btw haf no real insult more like dissapointment) to an exile? Anyways Exile nishka wielg this time (i bet they delete this post but it has nothing bad)

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/17/2012 18:42:21)

A thought struck me, if these are vaults, why do they just look like doors with plain rock around them? what's to stop someone from just drilling into the rock either side of the door? There doesn't seem to be any metal lining the outside of the chambers of each of these doors.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/17/2012 19:32:40)

Exile is ahead.

shadesofblue -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/17/2012 19:55:05)


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/17/2012 21:28:36)

@Lord Loss... its logic trolling just like how I said Baelius closed off the vault and Legion should respect his wishes and stay out of the vault because he is their/your master. Logic Trolling

Sorry Exiles I have to go inactive for two days, today and tomorrow, hopefully my 10-20K damage over those two days wont make much of a different but seeing how close the war was last night it will

Oliver Bell -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 2:06:23)

Ok, I am back guys and ready to help finish up this vault, we need to win this one.

EDIT: How did the Legion get ahead again, we must counterattack now, this vault is too important to lose.

EDIT2: Great job guys we are slicing into Legion's lead at a very good pace. Lets keep it up and regain our lead ASAP. This vault has too much to lose; we must claim it for the Exiles!

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 2:49:09)

Ok..m not watching the war... U guys scar me , I mean so many against legion........ Wheres nightwraith. -_-

Btw, whose side is titan. ? I guess exile... Coz . Night is with legion...

Oliver Bell -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 2:53:16)

Legion is still winning by around 120,000; come on Exiles we have led by more than this and Legion caught up, now its our turn. Lets show what Exiles are made of.

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 2:55:37)

@soul prisnor
"So many against legion" scares you? I'm more afraid of "so much varium for legion" :/
@Oliver Bell
Seeing that legion has advanced 100k, I would assume they used up quite a few bombs...but always prepare for the worst.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 2:57:01)

Perhaps the news of the rewards convinced them to stop holding anything back for the last vault, still we must persevere and push back the Legion.

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:08:51)

Dude, I've been farming (like a no life) all day long for more than two days (too little? I don't think so :P) and now legion is ahead by more than 100k. Makes me feel so irrelevant...:(
Maybe I should just quit ED again. What matters?

Oliver Bell -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:13:31)

Quiting ED won't help, if you want have greater impact on things fight hard and convince others to do the same. One man can only do so much, yet sometimes all it takes is a single dedicated man to turn things around.

Right now we are slowly gaining on the Legion, everyone's morale and dedication is the reason for that. If we start giving up we just give away victory to the Legion.

FrostWolv -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:14:16)


have patience bro!! ... It will soon go opposite and exile will lead again !!

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:17:48)

Awww man. I was kinda hoping that you'd get scared or something so I could then say I was JK xD
Edit: Not funny? Alright...

midnight santa -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:19:24)

war is fixed. in day, exile win, in night legion win. everyday. u mean exile sleep in night and legion sleep in day.
um, legion is vampires? exile is humens? ok...

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:26:47)

Yes Legion, lets snap up the cruisers, auxs, and cheevo first!

Anyone know yet if Mecha Bike is var or nonvar?

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:28:07)

I'll tell you if you fight for exile :3

Oliver Bell -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:40:38)

Legion's lead is now less than 80,000; keep it up guys.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:44:32)

Legion is serious now , exile us going down .. *serious face*

Auto correct ......./palmface

FrostWolv -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:47:24)

The difference is decreasing Exile will soon be in a lead .. *chillax face*

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:51:05)

It's not like, the one in lead , remains in lead... It's allways the last moment...that helps..though u need to b close to each other..

FrostWolv -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/18/2012 3:54:40)

@ SOuL Prisnor

I certainly agree with you ... in ur theory of "leading"

But there is one thing I would like to say that Exile will not only lead now but also will lead in the last moment [8D][8D]

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