RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (Full Version)

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charwelly -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 5:12:26)

Omg i better get on dont worry legion ollytrolly pwns is here

sha 2nd mage -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 5:13:33)

Come on Legion "Lets do this" !!!

kingpowerlord -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 5:29:24)

yay legion, do it for us! everyone is voting for you

nice battle we jsut had against the mechachillids

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 5:35:57)

If by "everyone" you mean "the minority" then yes "everyone" is voting for legion. [;)]

kingpowerlord -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 5:46:53)

by everyone i mean the legion players, the majority of players in this war are legion therefore most players are rooting for legion. while you may have that motto made up that exile has the players legion has the payers that is utter rubbish in this war. therefore you are proven wrong. no hard feelings

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 5:50:44)

When Exiles are done winning this war, I'll be sure to put that motto up for a change.

(I've never actually heard anyone say it before this point in any case)

Mercyless -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 6:17:47)


Legion- 13,759,154


Difference- 229,197 Exlies WAY@@

Oliver Bell -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 6:48:22)

Come on Exiles we need to focus, our lead has decreased daily; we need to stabilise our lead then work hard to extend it.

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 7:00:41)

Many exiles are sleeping at these hours it's normal that we may lose some of our lead until later in the day.

Edit: 2 hours have passed and in the last 45 minutes or so legion has won back around 100k, seems some grenadiers have awoken. [;)]

kingpowerlord -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 9:37:01)

legion we are catching up do not rest until we have defeated the vault and won this war!. they may of won the second battle but they have not won the war!


Come on legion we need to focus, our loss has decreased daily; we need to stabilise our win then work hard to extend it.

we need to focus

Jekyll -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 9:51:42)


This is it. Nearly reaching 10 million. This is where things heat up *magma grenade*

rej -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 10:24:55)

Counter grenade time, apparently. [;)]

Exile will not lose its lead so easily on my watch.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 11:08:18)

Lets begin a strong counter attack exiles, legion players have done very well today and we need to match them. We cannot lose after getting such a lead we must battle on.

King Helios -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 11:23:04)


Today, Exile has earned 80,000 more Influence than us! Let's make a comeback effort!

drekon -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 11:25:32)

I have to commend Exiles for their excessive use of grenades. When it comes to relying on bombs instead of one's ability and hard work, Legion just cannot compete.

Let's go Legion! There still time to take back the lead and win this!

Teufel Hunden -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 11:53:20)

Legion - 12,521,268

Exile - 12,543,176

Difference - 21,908

"Winning" #charlie sheen

Sh4d0wMast3r -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 11:55:15)

Legion taking the lead ;)

AztecFighter -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 12:35:59)

come on legion Exiles had the lead long enough! Its our turn to lead and win!

King Helios -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 12:37:06)

Legion winning by 45K!


sha 2nd mage -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 12:51:01)

[:D] there u go .Legion is the best !

Chosen 0ne -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 13:02:22)

Overnight Exile is gonna take a lead again....

And by the way; Legion sucks!

button33 -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 13:02:25)

Score please? Im trying to decide how many grenades in thousands I should buy.

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 13:03:23)

Button, 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999000.

You're welcome.

sha 2nd mage -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 13:04:52)

Who wanna give me a highfive now ;p
chosen wanna ?

button33 -> RE: =ED= Infernal Infiltration War Discussion (7/22/2012 13:04:57)

What? how many?

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