(DF) Dragonman's Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (Full Version)

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Dragonman -> (DF) Dragonman's Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (7/16/2012 20:33:25)

The thread is here

Tell me what you think. I'll be adding more soon!

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (8/20/2012 19:00:31)

I added the Prologue to my backstory Saga Yesterday! I'll try to add more to this backstory often, but no promises! (Also I have no spell check, so if you see a spelling error that doesn't appear to be on purpose, please tell me!)

I hope you all enjoy it!

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (8/21/2012 6:30:51)


He wasn't lieing either, he'd go on to invent the submarine.

lying, about inventing a submarine <possible explanation what a submarine is as we're in medieval times and your character is a clone who (from what I understand) just hatched and isn't knowledgable about the world and its contents yet>


So, the Great Dragon of Water?

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (8/21/2012 8:30:23)


There is a reason he has the same name. But I don't want to give that away yet :)

Thanks for the Typo fix! And I thought I did explain a submarine. I guess I was too tired.

EDIT: This is only Chapter 1 Part 1. I'll hopefully finish it off today or tomorrow.

Glais -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/2/2012 0:10:46)


He had almost gotten rid of it because, quite frankly, it was useless for fishing.


Anyhow, this has proven to be quite interesting.


So is DragonMan66 from a distant future of Lore and more importantly...will he ever become mayor?

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/2/2012 22:21:48)

Thanks Glais...
Story update within 24 Hours I promise!

Chapter 1 Part 2 is up! I answered some questions!

Glais -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/3/2012 22:45:34)

So I was right in one regard. Confusing, but interesting.

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/4/2012 17:25:53)

I snuck Chapter One Part Three up last night, then went straight to bed. Part Four is in the near future!

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/4/2012 17:50:34)


I'm obviously completly aincient, I've learned how to do it to other people.

completely ancient


Like a fish that was looking out of it's bowl to see a pair of giant eyes staring at it.



We mustn't keep your mother waiting!"



thinking baout how being a Dragonlord



Theivery is not permitted in this



What seems to be the prolem?


I can see you were quite tired when you wrote this.

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/4/2012 18:34:36)

Haha, what gives you the hint... :). Thanks for the changes, I'm fixing them now!

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/22/2012 21:50:26)

Chapter 2 Part 1 is up. It's just a silly little way of

Getting 66 out of a fight, he's only a day old after all

Hope you guys like it!

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/23/2012 5:01:40)


unless you have good reason too.


Glais -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/25/2012 13:18:21)


All that needs to be said.

I do feel the Laser guy is very out of place though.

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (9/25/2012 19:24:27)

@Glais: He's totally not based on Sparky Sparky Boom Man!

Chapter 2 Part 2 up between Today and Sunday (Depending on... things)

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (1/25/2013 21:11:16)

Chapter 2 part 2 and Chapter 2 part 3 are up.

A return of a fan favorite (or at least my favorite).

Think of this as season 2 of my story, because I'll be writing more often now.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (1/28/2013 6:36:37)

I think it would be easier for your readers to read if you leave room between dialogue.

Reading your latest chapter also confused me as to where your protagonist currently is on Lore.

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (1/28/2013 21:02:27)

@Dwelling: Do you mean like add an empty line between the Dialogue or adding all the said the recruiters and said Sixty-Sixes in?

Also, I tried to establish that this is on an unamed second continent. Said continent is attempting to conquer what is then Slugwrath's Kingdom.

However, I didn't want to just say that.

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (6/24/2013 19:41:43)

OK, in case anyone cares, I'm mapping out a redo of this current story. What I have already written will remain, for the most part, true in the story. I'm just going to re-write it, and expand a lot on it.

However, to make sure it doesn't get incoherent, I'm going to spend a while on outlining and 'mapping' the story.

Stay tuned.

Dragonman -> RE: (DF) Dragonman66 Songs, Poems, and Stories Discussion (6/21/2014 15:03:36)

I've had a criminal lack of direction so far. I've made it one of my summer projects to figure out where this is going and then redo-it, or at least do something (albeit it might be in create-a-quest)

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