RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (Full Version)

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The Cow says MOO -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/20/2012 7:30:49)

TEH COWS SHALL RUUUUUUULE! (What do you think about this statement?)
Its finally coming true....I saw this coming to :O
What is your dream cow?
Cheese Cows

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/20/2012 8:16:43)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*
*Coxy falls from a cliff above
Greetings Lord Coxy.
Hey Dwelling Dragonlord
Does thou know of my legacy?
I know yours as much you know me :D
Twin-ArchKnights are twice the ....
Fun :D
Congratulations on thy ArchKnighthood and be sane!
Thanks and yay
/me grabs his shotgun and takes aim at Dwelling Dragonlord
*The cloaked figure bows while succumbing into the shadows.*
/me chases after Dweling Dragonlord into the shadows and find himself at the edge of a cliff and fell off it

Alaina -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/20/2012 8:38:06)

Welcome Coxy! =^_^=
Thanks Alaina!
You're going to have the most purrrfect time here! Not kitten in any way!
You said kitten purrfectly (never heard it like that before ^_^)

1c3 r3b0rn -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/20/2012 12:54:09)

What does an AK even do on this part of the forums?
Make sure people post correctly like not double posting, delete complaints that doesn't even suggest nothing at all, watch out for Plagiarism, take off sigs (expect for this thread since its ok), update the Implemented List and other ArchKnight stuff like the other ArchKnights ^_^

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/20/2012 12:58:33)

/me break's Coxy's shotgun in half.
/me uses his ArchKnight powers to get a new shotgun
You cannot prevent me from posting mwuhahahaha
As long you don't post twice on this thread or say something bad, then nope ^_^
So, let the questions begin.
With Coxy Answers
1. Does Legion Slicer Silencer scare you? It should now you have no shotgun.
Nope. Still have it here and who says I need it ;P
2. I ate your icecream hat, what are you going to do about it?
/me watches you screaming in pain from having a major brain freeze and splits out the Ice Cream Head perfectly. Funny how having a brain hurts you ;P
3. Are you enjoying your archknightship?
Coxy is enjoying it
4. When life gives you lemons, you make what?
Ammo for my shotgun :D
5. F is for friends who do stuff together, you is for you and me, N is for?
Nuclear bombs?
6. Do you like star wars?
Only Nerds doesn't like it
7. Do you like or hate cats?
The only cat I like is Alaina :O (way better then the Cat in the Hat <_<)
8. Am I annoying to you?
No one is more annoying then Coxy
9. Define, Coxy time.
Very simple /me explains it while very loud noises was being made and thus not being able to hear Coxy. And thats Coxy Time ^_^
10. If you had the opportunity to meet a moderator in real life, who would it be?
Mecha Mario and just did :O
11. sdrowskcab siht daer tonnac teb I
(meht neewteb ecaps eht togrof uoy sselnu) O: thgir t'nac lleps neve t'ndid uoY
I'll be back (in a terminator voice)
Whatever you say /me grabs his shotgun and takes aim

LL -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/20/2012 19:06:05)

What do you think is the acronym hidden at "LL"?
Seen you've done well in your past 2 or 3? days. :D
Yay :D
(Now this means you can give free cakes and pies without the shotgun). :O

More ammo, you to kind for your demise :D /me reloads his shotgun with cakes and pies, now filled with TNT and aims at LL

Orgain -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/21/2012 0:20:35)

waitaminute, when did you become an AK? o.O
Last Monday, surprise ;P
well congrats on becoming one :D
well thanks :D

Starflare -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/21/2012 11:37:09)

Behold, it is I: the Celestial Starflare.
Heres Coxy
  • How's the livin'?
    Good, almost like I'm not alive :O
  • AQW Q&A is littered with title seekers helpful people. What set you apart from the majority?
    I wasn't a title seeker, thats why :I
  • Any Q&A answer giving tips?

    Well, I must be going now.
    This is Starflare, adding a little flair to your outfit. Bye. [;)]
    This is Coxy, aiming at you with a shotgun and who hopefully it adds to my outfit and other places ^_^. Cya

  • ninjakid9 -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/23/2012 11:11:43)

    HEY COXY!!! How does it feel to be an AK?
    Are we buddies? ^_^
    I don't hate you, so sure ^_^
    What is your favorite type of ramen?
    The one that Naruto eats then :O
    What is your favorite smiley face?
    What is your favorite moglin?
    Cole, Twig, I hate Twilly, he is the root of all EVIL (more then Ebil itself :O)
    What is your favorite AQW item?
    Don't know which type of item you want, but I go with Helm and it be Ice Cream Head
    Are you gonna fight against dage with me? ^-^
    Want Nulgath to win, but after what Dage said about Paragon Armor, I don't know now D:
    Have an awesome day now ^_^
    Don't steal my new line or I shoot you with my shotgun :D (the ^_^ is ok ;P)

    Soulweaver Zard -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/23/2012 11:35:08)

    *The room becomes dark, and with a bloodcurling shriek the lights shatter*
    Sorry, was late, trying to answer this person's question and someone fix that light already D:
    /me looks at Soulweaver Zard and coughs and said. Hola
    You make Plushies AND signatures?
    I need a new signature.....
    Good to know, hope you get one soon ^_^
    Anyway, Nulgath or Dage?
    The one that wants Coxy D:
    El tu Brute?
    El tu Coxy? (I suggest clicking on its words for a surprise ^_^)
    Anyway, thats all for now.
    Aw :I
    Heres your reward *hands you invisble plushie*
    Awesome /me hands you a pie while aiming at you with his shotgun
    *fades away into the darkness of night*
    /me uses his ArchKnight Powers to make it daylight out and aims at Soulweaver Zard, a new breed of Zard :O

    Obsiidianz -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/25/2012 17:27:48)

    A wild Obsiidianz appeared,again! *Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 wild pokemon music starts*
    /me grabs his shotgun and aims at the wild Obsiidianz. ......I'm being told that this isn't the way to catch :I
    Obsiidianz used ask questions! (Next lines.)
    Coxy used Coxy Answers! (Something funny here)
    How did you manage to get the ability Shadow Tag?
    Just being Coxy :O
    Favorite game besides AE games?
    Hmm, I guess currently it would be the Wii game, Legend of Zelda, Skyward Sword
    Have you ever played Leauge of Legends?
    Soft Taco shells or Hard ones? o3o
    Soft like Coxy :3
    Most exciting moment?
    When I get to blow up Mars :O
    What is the meaning of love?
    To make an army to stop Coxy one day :O
    What is the meaning of life?
    Favorite show?
    Lots of shows I like, I just say Family Guy for now :3
    Did you like the old Cartoon Network or new?
    Liked the old one, since it was the one I grown up to :3
    Favorite Pokemon Move?
    I guess the 2nd one
    K,bye. o3o *Flees with Run Away ability*
    Cya /me evolves into a Coxy (what :O) with the Ability: ArchKnight - can cancel out any abilities. /me used mind reader and grabs his shotgun and aims at the wild Obsiidianz

    Hiro Sempai -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/25/2012 23:41:49)

    Congratulations =D How are you?
    Thanks, good ^_^
    Blue or Red? Choose wisely.
    Blue.....awesome, I'm an Archknight ^_^
    Have a nice day! (Leaves laughing evilly)
    Have an awesome day now /me grabs his shot gun and aims at Hiro Sempai

    SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/25/2012 23:48:19)

    Hey Lord Coxy!
    Hola SMGS!
    Just wanted to stop by and give you a Coxy congratulations!
    Thanks, about time I get a Coxy congratulations ^_^
    Also, Coxy has good tastes with color, because blue is such an awesome color.
    Si, though thats the wrong blue you using D:
    What happens if someone asks more than 15 Coxy questions? :o
    /me grabs his shotgun and reloads it. I don't think I need to say anymore
    I can't edit my Coxy infected post once a Coxy answer is made? What is this madness?!
    Coxy Time :D
    See you around, Coxy. *Le Coxy Poof*
    *A shotgun was lying on the ground where Coxy was just standing moments ago before randomly disappears*

    Dragon Immortal -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (7/27/2012 16:24:31)

    What up Lord Coxy!
    The Sky
    Do you get scared easily?
    Are you up for a Challenge?
    Are you able to play this game with the lights out at 1:15 AM while wearing headphones at full blast without getting scared or spooked?
    I would, but I had to download to play it, so I just watched a video from a player
    How'd the game go?
    Seems ok, got a little scared when the slender came behind the person randomly XD (I'm sure it would have been more scary if I played it myself ;P)
    Could you please be so kind as to make me an Akriloth Plushie (I hear you are the best at what you do)?
    Sorry, currently not in the mood to make plushies right now
    Who's your favorite villain?
    depending on which the villain can come from, inside AE or outside of AE, so I go with inside AE and pick Vordred
    In the World of Lore (Any of the games)?
    No idea what you asking here :I
    Nulgath or Dage?
    The one that wants Coxy D:
    Your favorite classic Cartoon Network TV Series?
    Ed Edd n Eddy
    What are you most afraid of (Artix's is pink)?
    Being Coxy :O
    In your best description describe what a shotgun is and its purpose?
    Shotgun (yay for wikipedia :D) and to get rid of forum members, when ever they are good or bad :P
    What is your favorite Zombie-based game?
    If I say it, Artix might go to the game and destroy it by killing all the zombies:O
    What is the one thing that makes you go into Derp Mode Extremality?
    Being Coxy :O
    Thank you for your time! ^_^
    Glad you like Coxy's Time ^_^

    Misty_kitty -> RE: =MtAK= It's Coxy Time (8/1/2012 16:54:27)

    How's it like being an AK?
    You have an epic char =D
    Coxy likes this Question :3
    You also make epic sigs and plusheh!

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