Ward_Point -> Forgotten's Grim Totem (7/18/2012 3:35:28)
Forgotten's Grim Totem Also see: Forgotten's Intimidating Totem, Forgotten's Ghastly Totem, Forgotten's Harrowing Totem Level: 105 Power Level: 105, Mastercraft Price: 221,019 Gold Sellback: 110,509 Gold Location: Ruins of Alnaphar! - Quest for the Twilight Set Element: Darkness Type: Magic Element: Darkness Damage: 10-28 BtH: 13% SPECIAL #1: Hits: 1 Type: Magic Element: Darkness Damage: 356.7% Base and Random Stats: 681.6% BTH: +17 plus Stats Rate: 80% SPECIAL #2: Hits: 1 Type: Magic Element: Darkness Damage: 594.5% Base and Random Stats: 1136% BTH: +17 plus stats Rate: 20% EFFECT Whenever you cast a Darkness spell, there is a 21*(Number of hits attempted/Number of hits connected)% chance to inflict Afraid on the monster. Monster takes a +0 to its roll, lasts 2 turns. This might not be working properly with multi-element spells. Level: 105 vs MonsterLevel Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA Minor: YourLuck vs MonsterLuck *The dark energies of your spell resonate with those of your Forgotten's Grim Totem, filling the enemy with Fear! **Your spell's dark nature is frightening, but your foe stands strong! ***Creatures of Darkness are immune to the frightening energy from the Forgotten's Grim Totem. ****This foe is Fearless! When the monster is inflicted with Afraid, every turn, there is a Monster DarknessResistance/2 chance of it not acting. DESCRIPTION This grisly totem is fashioned from the bones of the dead, a symbol of the power the Forgotten wield. Its dark power enhances Darkness spells, granting them the added ability to strike fear in your enemies' hearts! [image]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w231/Windy_7/Pedia%20Screenshots/Totem.jpg[/image] Image thanks to Windy. Write-up thanks to Avalonmerlin. Special thanks to BlackAces and Dev for info. Numbers for the Special thanks to Rasudido. Analysis The specials start off as 415% Base, Random and 793% Stats, with +13 BTH.- Special #1 deals 90% damage, and so it's a typical "bow attack", or an attack of a mid-defensive armor.
- Special #2 deals 150% damage.
These average out as 102% damage, which is equivalent to other bows that don't have an "actual" special attack. In addition, both specials gain +4 BTH but deal *85/89 damage. The Mastercraft bonus is used for the ability to make the monster afraid when casting Darkness spells.