The Bursting Liquefactor (Full Version)

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Balu -> The Bursting Liquefactor (7/20/2012 13:15:58)

The Bursting Liquefactor

«Slightly inaccurate Fire Weapon with a slightly less common special. Mastercrafted with the ability to Melt, to boost its power to a certain point.»

Also see The Igniting Liquefactor, The Flaring Liquefactor , The Erupting Liquefactor

Level: 120
Power Level: 120, Mastercraft
Price: 1,057,377 Gold
Sellback: 528,688 Gold
Location: Ruins of Alnaphar! Valley of Legends
Element: Fire

Type: Melee
Element: Fire
Damage: 11-44
BtH: 15

Hits: 3
Type: Melee, Magic, Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 490.67% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 297.33% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +50
Rate: 15%

  • All normal player attacks and specials get -2 BtH and *85/83 to compensate. This has not been calculated into the above numbers.

  • After every attack you do, you get a small boost to your damage*. You start at 1*, and for every attack, that will be increased to CurrentBoost+0.01*(hits/attempts)/sqrt(MonsterPwr)/0.83. This boost caps out at 1.1*. After that, your damage cannot be boosted anymore.

    *Your Liquefactor has melted through <monster>'s defenses, and will now do Boost% dmg!

    Within the hollow head of this mace is a portal to the Fire Lord's domain. The heat escaping superheats the tough metal -- and your enemies, slowly melting them away!


    Write-up thanks to majesticstar3800. Numbers, Description, and Melt thanks to Dev and In Media Res. Image thanks to Windy. Additional thanks to dragonmasterz and veritasthedragon.

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