SMGS -> Patch Notes - 1.4.7f - July 20, 2012 (7/20/2012 16:22:39)
[image][/image] July 20, 2012 Patch Notes - 1.4.7f NOTE: We rolled 1.4.7e earlier this week. The notes from that patch are included here. NEW FEATURES: - 2 new Vault Cracker ranks at 25,000 and 100,000 damage to the Vault
- The high level Mechachillids have learned several new attacks
- Level 25: Energy Blast
- Level 30: Energy Blast, Berzerker, Deadly Aim, Reroute, increased energy
- Level 35: Energy Blast, Berzerker, Deadly Aim, Reroute, increased energy, Overload
- New map point to jump directly to the war
- Many new Portuguese translations
- Several improvements to the moderator tools
- New method for NPC creation to help with stability
BUGS FIXED: - Low level players would be improperly matched with high level players in war battles
- Level gap could be too high between teams in war battles
- Claiming the Vault Breaker achievement would visibly clear your other achievements
- Removing a player from your faction with 30+ days of inactivity would incorrectly state that your faction flag would lose tokens
- Baby Yeti's frostbite affect was not applying if you had a Frost weapon equipped
- Fixed graphical scaling issues in battle
Tags: Titan Patch Notes