PyroPuppy -> =TG=Speed Arting Event | Registering is open! (7/21/2012 15:08:47)
Hello members of The Gallery! This summer, the wonderful team of The Gallery have a special event for you. Registering is open! Speed Arting Event How will it work? The event itself will be held on August 5th, 24 hours straight (Yes, you read it right!). Each participant will have 24 hours divided by the number of participants (maximum of 1 hour, for an example: If we'll have 48 participants, each participant will have 24 / 48 hours, which is 30 minutes) to continue the piece of the previous artist. Signing up will be open in August 1st, in order to make sure nobody will sign up early and at the time of the event a problem will show up, preventing the said participant from joining. When signing up will be over, I'll create a random list, and I'll post the time each artist will have for creating his art. I'll also add times to the list, for your own convenience. If the time isn't good for you, please note us and provide a valid reason why you need a change, and we'll change your turn. The event will begin at 8 AM server time, and continue all the way to 8 AM the following day. If less than 24 participants, you will be able to sign up for another turn. What is this thread for? We'll use this thread for 3 things. The first, announcements, you should check it often to see if there are any. Second, signing up to the event, of course. Last, discussion about the project. On top of general discussion and asking question, we would like to hear feedback from you, and if you'd like to see this event happen again. General Information The size of the piece should be 600 pixels wide and 400 pixels high. When you finish your part, the only thing you need to do is to post here. The next artist will pick it up, and start working on his piece. When posting, please make sure you post your piece and only your piece. Signing Up Please post in this thread you want to sign up for the event. In the post, please state your time zone, so we can try and match the times. We don't promise anything, but we will try our bests. Extra Notes On top of doing your best at creating the piece, this event is also about the speed! Don't hesitate too much in thinking what your piece will be like, just art from your heart! All of the pieces will be visible the entire event too, so if you want to check out the pieces of your fellow artist, get inspiration, or just show to your friends what an awesome community we are, feel free to do so.