Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: How to make bullets? (7/30/2012 4:14:21)
Just to add on Scakk's post and to make it easy for you: From the link you gave http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=20548236 you just can click the "list" button which is located at the top of your post between the "color" and "image" buttons. Result: [ul]
[/ul] You can use any text after each bullet command. For example: [ul]
[*] Weapon
[*] Armor
[*] Shield
[/ul] Then, click the OK button to see the next Result: If you just want to use the bullets without the list format, you can remove the "[ul]" and "[/ul]" commands
from your post or you just can use the "[*]" command.
For example:
[*] Weapon
[*] Armor
[*] Shield Result: Weapon Armor Shield Note: In case you don't know, that thing between the tags is a "*"(star).