Epicduel Going a Step Further (Full Version)

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My Goldfish Died -> Epicduel Going a Step Further (7/29/2012 23:12:16)

Ok imagine this, Epicduel having a email-like system on ever player!
If you don't know what I mean, imagine having an inbox where people can send you messages!

1. People can send you messages when your offline, and when you get online you can read them.
2. You can send messages to people who aren't on your buddy list.
(Example- If you had a friend awhile back that you haven't talked to. You can send them a message saying stuff like how you been doing.)
3. Have message alerts so you know when someone sends you a message.
4. You can take advice from people
(Example- If you wanted a good build, maybe contact you could contact a pro that could help :P)
5. A good way to actually contact your fellow faction members.
6. When you log in, the start-up tells you how many new messages you have in your inbox.

The only thing I could think that would go wrong is...
People spamming people's inbox's, that's why I thought of a thing that would allow you to do
block communications with the person.

1. Your inbox is spammed with too many messages that you can't block communications with all of them.

I just thought of this one day when I needed to tell my friend something important.
And I thought this would help

Please, Tell me what you think :P
Discuss pro's and con's

~*Supra Kiing*~ -> RE: Epicduel Going a Step Further (7/29/2012 23:55:48)

Total Support.. But about the random spamming add a cache? maybe that'll stop most spammers.. :D but i love the IDEA!!
except for the famous people they will be bothered soo much!! :P

Stabilis -> RE: Epicduel Going a Step Further (7/29/2012 23:57:20)

Blackmail. 'c'

Lycus -> RE: Epicduel Going a Step Further (7/30/2012 7:43:57)

Sadly, though some of these are great ideas on the face of things, they have many flaws that come with them.

1. This is a possible idea to consider, but why can't you just send them a PM on the Forums, or email them? I understand that you may not know their email, or they may not have a forum account, however, if it's someone that you sometimes need that urgently to send them an offline message, surely you would have a means of contact such as email or the forums?

2. This would be incredibly annoying for a very large number of people. If someone wants to talk to someone, they add them to their buddy list, it's not fair on people to suddenly be receiving messages from Spammers, and/or people they don't know.

3. If 1 was implemented, this also would have to be implemented.

4. If people want help with builds, then they can come on here, PM someone, or ask for help in the appropriate section. It's not fair if people start logging in to about 50 messages asking for builds and advice. A lot of people play this game as a way to have a bit of fun, and take a break from life - this would make things a lot harder, since players would log on and have to go through loads of build requests, if they didn't, they'd be branded as unhelpful and rude. If people want to help with builds, they will offer their support off their own back in-game or on here, but it's not fair to force it upon them.

5. You have the faction board to leave messages to anyone in you faction, and you have private chat with them if they are online also. I don't see what else could be given, since it covers both 'leave messages' and 'instant messaging'.

6. This also would have to be implemented if 1 and 3 were implemented.

Thing is, if it's multiple people spamming you, and if you're someone like Comical Biker, or Fay Beee, a Mod/Admin or anyone famous, you'd log in to an endless stream of messages, which isn't fair really. You can't just block one person, since it wouldn't solve much of the issue. If we offered the option to block all messages, I know for a fact, that most players would end up having their messages turned off, since they'd turn up in Oz and get about 10 'F4f' messages, or they'd be lucky in battle and start getting abuse from the other player, via this messaging system. It'd end up being turned off by so many people, the whole feature would become rather redundant.

It's a good idea, the cons are just slightly too large the allow full consideration of the implementation of something like this.

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Epicduel Going a Step Further (7/30/2012 10:23:05)

Totally supported. I have an idea that might be far easier to add into the game, give each character their own 'NoteBot'. You know, like the board that faction's members post on to talk with one another.

Noobman22 -> RE: Epicduel Going a Step Further (8/1/2012 18:53:59)

I'd like to say that I love this idea, although its to much coding just to put in the game in a week of course. and there are flaws in this system like a character spamming you off of multiple accounts.

Scyze -> RE: Epicduel Going a Step Further (8/2/2012 2:44:16)

This is a great idea pal. It will 100% fry Titan & Rabbelforth's brain. Codes are needed to do such things for games.

I do support this one but new features will have to be created.

rej -> RE: Epicduel Going a Step Further (8/2/2012 20:32:06)

I remember suggesting this on the old EDF. It was shot down because some people seem to think that it would be a waste of space. Idea supported. [;)]

DeathHound -> RE: Epicduel Going a Step Further (8/2/2012 22:11:30)

Supported. But, sadly, lycus made me think about this for a while. I'd like to try my BEST to come up with an explanation to what he said:

1. You didn't adress the problem of the "Not having a forum account" clearly. The urgency? It's not like you needed a forum account to play EpicDuel, so most people ignored it. Not to mention people in the faction who are offline: Most likely you'd either forget when they get online, or you wont be online when they get online. At some points, you'd like to chat when someone is on, so answers come quick, but with this, you can get it off your chest and go.

2. Some people don't want others on their buddy list and/or have too many buddies in the list and cannot do so. This is the only way you can get around that; messaging.

3. Alright.

4. Ignore button. You can say "I don't want to accept any PMs" or "I don't want to accept PMs from <enter playername here> at the moment". It's not that hard to block someone completely. As for the build request: It's their choice to answer them, or even acknowledge them in the first place (Forgetting about the block/ignore feature).

5. I tell people in my faction to check the board daily. Do they? No. I can tell, because i tell them to answer the questions/information i post. Let alone, if they're not on to private message them, there's no point in staring at a grey chatbox mashing the left mouse button on it.

6. Alright.

(I dont feel like editing my posts, because im just now finding out that "Most people will have it turned off" thing. So im going to post THAT here:) Alright so i didnt edit the post, and i can do it now. Besides block and turning it off, you can have it to whereas you only get messages from certain people. Huh? Couldn't that work? I don't know, im tired... Sorry for wasting your time reading this >_<

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