RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (4/6/2014 2:56:26)

Updated, congratulations on the level up and new sets WolfWorshipper.

Enki -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (4/16/2014 15:56:30)

Hey, hope to become a big part of this community.

Link under avatar.
Level: 94
First time posting on this thread


Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (4/17/2014 7:32:48)

Ok I have added you to the first post. By the way if you have any questions about this community feel free to ask.

Enki -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (4/20/2014 12:30:38)

Link under avy.
Now level 95 on 4/20/2014
Was level 94 last time posted.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (4/20/2014 14:36:31)


Nightie -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (9/24/2014 11:35:59)

Level 140 on 9/24/14, if this is still being maintained.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (9/24/2014 15:25:16)

Updated. This thread will be staying maintained until there is not a single Geotian left in Paxia or elsewhere on the forums.

Nightie -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (9/25/2014 18:39:52)

Haha; happy to hear it. :)

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (10/19/2014 9:40:19)

I will admit though it is not as active around here as I would like, to think the election thread up and we still have so little participation. Hope you will continue to visit, even if it is only to post level ups.

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (12/15/2015 14:27:48)

Level 127


Level 128


Level 129


Level 130


Not sure if this is still a thing but guess I'll post it anyway.

128 added, 129 added, 130 added

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (12/28/2015 16:26:37)

All updated, sorry it took a while I decided to spend most of my free time around Christmas with my family, work took up the rest of my time. Still a late merrry Christmas and a pre-emptive happy New Year to all Geotians.

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (12/29/2015 14:13:58)

Level 131


Level 132


Level 133


Level 134


Edit: 132 added, 133 added, 134 added

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (1/16/2016 1:02:20)

All updated, very quick leveling Anvos.

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (1/22/2016 21:24:42)

Level 135


Level 136


Yeah both Frostval wars made for some decent leveling and apparently level 150 monsters are now in my pool of possible and while they take some potion chugging they do give nice xp normally. Is going to be nice being only 1 tier down from them gear wise now that I can upgrade my Mastercraft Sets since my Mr.100/True Hybrid build semi relies on equipment to specialize instead of stats. (well except for Kindred since it hasn't been revamped to current standards yet)

Edit: Well lol, looks like my working on armor set upgrades cost you your paxia thingy that weekend since I'd been randoming on defend clan instead of just leveling town random.

Edit2: Level 136 Added

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (1/30/2016 0:43:21)

Updated. Sorry it took a while, glad to see you are making such quick progress though.

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (1/31/2016 20:35:18)

Level 137


Level 138


I believe this does make me higher level than Bilu.

The level 160 battle whale sure seems to love me this war but it give over 1.5 million xp.

Edit: Level 138 Added

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/26/2016 1:59:11)

Updated, congratulations Anvos, sorry it took so long to update.

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