Elryn -> RE: =MtAK= The Scourge of the Battlefield (8/5/2012 23:19:57)
*Elryn grins* *Cataclysm grins in kind* *Elryn grabs* *Cataclysm braces himself for the inevitable* *Elryn crushes and flails Cataclysm around like a ragdoll in a bearhug* *Cataclysm bearhugs back* *grins* Congratulation on your promotion, Cataclysm. It is good to have you here. Thank you. It is good to be here. *chuckles* I presume there shall be no need to worry about monsters attacking the Suggestion forum now, will there? Between the two of us, I think there's not much a chance. They'd have to be either very, very brave or very, very foolish. Question time. I'm ready for it. 1.Are you a warmonger? Of course. 2.Am I a warmonger? Most certainly. 3.What is Prosperine's weapon of choice? Something pointy, I presume? I haven't an idea, to be quite honest. If they have not shared their backstories with us, I am not aware of their actions or tendancies, usually. 4.Why is Liuba called ''Viking'' Liuba? Very fond of axes and has a PhD in Pillagology, I'd presume? 5.Cheese statue of Artix? Sounds like a good post-undead war snack. 6.Would you look forward to a spar with Mystical Warrior? Of course. As I would to one with you, or BlackAces, or any of our fellows. A sure way to improve one's skills is through sparring. 7.I am curious. Do you have any idea at all where your father's special ability comes from? I regret to say I have nothing concrete. My initial speculation was that my father received his gift in the same way I received my memory, but later research revealed he was not originally of the village. It is a topic that has interested me, as well, yet it remains a mystery that eludes not only me, but every other researcher of the past I have found. Even Warlic does not know for certain. 8.Your greatest fear (other perhaps than reliving all those atrocities due to your memory)? That is not so much a fear as a reality. I relive them every bit as if I were there again. I don't fear much. Not to be so bold as to say I am fearless, though - all men have their fears, acknowledged or not. My greatest fear is, perhaps, the fear of growing too close to people. Our profession is frought with danger, and death is often a false step away for all. Death isn't a chance - over the course of war, it's a certainty. There will be deaths. To have to see those I care about getting cut down by an enemy's blade... And then to have that memory stored for all eternity, replaying perfectly, vividly, seeing everything unfold exactly as it did... Such a fate is too cruel. 9.Favourite war and why? Hmm. Probably our war against Erebus, while he was still known to us as Dhows. The war now known as Mostly Harmful. Though we may have lost, it served as a stark reminder to the realities of war. It also served as a rally point for all of us, and from then on, we fought hard. The best part of it, to me, was even when we knew we could not win, we all still stood strong and continued fighting, right down to the bitter end. It was truly one of the moments that made me proudest to call myself a warmonger. 10.Proudest/most epic moment in war? This is difficult. As I said just before, the conclusion and our loss of Mostly Harmful is surprisingly high. I would say finally sending Erebus away, after all that he has caused, certainly is a high-ranking event. The Terrible Twelve may have to take the cake, though. We stopped twelve of our past foes a very short time. It was truly a grand point for us all. 11.If you met Cataclysm yourself on the battlefield on the opposing side, what would you do? I would have to proceed cautiously, as he would have all of the same abilities as myself. Presumably, he'd know all of my attacks as well. I would have to think on my feet as any of my techniques would be rendered useless. Variations to the already existant and completely new tactics would be required. 12.AQ wars record? Currently, Mostly Harmful, with 3260. Had I been present for the entirety of the war against Erebus, that would've taken the lead with around 4000 kills. 13.DF war record? The Final 13th. I lost the exact number, but it was around 7250 waves in total slain by the end. 14.So it seems the Truphma will be our next foes to war against. What do you plan on doing to prepare? Have you decided on any course of action? Preperation... I plan to train Ulthair some more. All the training I can cram in, I will. It took me almost a year under Blackhawke's tutelage to master everything I needed - my weapon skills, my power shifts, sighting through my foes and analzying all their weak points, not to mention just building up my strength. 15.Favourite warring music(s)? Anything with a fast paced beat and loud. Usually punk, or some variant thereof. Streetlight Manifesto is my go-to. I also have a few Bad Religion albums. On occasion, depending on how my mood is, I'll throw out some Lionize or I Fight Dragons too, but it's almost always punk. Run out of space. I look forward to the answers. War well, Cataclysm. Well, there are your answers. Should we get to another page, you'll have more space then. May the winds of fate blow ever in your favor, Elryn. *grins* And your blade never dull, Cataclysm.