Face of Silence! (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Face of Silence! (7/31/2012 4:20:41)

Face of Silence!

Location: Battleon » Warlic's Shop » Change Face » Wow, so many faces! » The Face of Silence!

Somewhere deep underground a meeting has been assembled....

Staton: We can't stay here any longer. We have to leave.
Clarice: But, leaving would be displeasing to Silence. She expects us to remain set apart.
Caul: Remaining apart from Lore is killing us! We cannot do this any longer!
Jones: Surely if Silence cared, she would allow us to seek out the means to survive.
Molly: If Silence still cared, she would have never let us get this deformed and close to death.
Staton: Considering Silence is Death's confidante and servant, maybe this was the point.
Molly: Take that back! This is our fault. We failed, not Silence. And now we must fix this. Battleon has prospered. They have all they need. I say we attack Battleon and take what we need.
Jones: But... we were told not to go back.
Molly: If you want to stay here and die a nasty and disgusting death, be my guest. But I will go to Battleon and take what I need!

«Staton, Clarice, Caul, Jones and Molly all leave the scene. The scene switches to Battleon, where you, Yulgar and Warlic are gathered.»

Yulgar: Yeah, there really is no such thing as terrapheete, Warlic. You are trying to mess with my head. Though, if you try that on Rhubarb, I bet it would work.
Warlic: I am merely testing something, Yulgar. I didn't think I would be able to pass that by you. But, one can always try to see if probability will be predictable.
«You»: Terrapheete... Why does that sound familiar...
Yulgar: I still think you should try it on Rhubarb. He won't get it. Too waterlogged, and all.
Warlic: *smiles* I may just do that, Yulgar.
«You»: Oh! I get it. *chuckles* Yeah, you should definitely try that one on Captain Rhubarb, just don't tell him I told you to do that.

«Molly, Staton, Caul and Jones enter the scene.»

Molly: Attack!
  • Continue with Yulgar!
  • Continue with Warlic!
  • Continue by yourself!

    «Regardless of choice»
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4

      See monster list below
    «You»: What the... what was that?! Or rather, who were those people?
    Warlic: I am not sure. To be honest with you, «You», they seem to be a rugtag bunch and make no sense to me. Some seem waterbound, while others live in the dark recesses where light cannot touch.
    Warlic: There were some with horns, long ears, and an oddly childlike face. I've never seen so much variation in our people in one group.
    «You»: Okay, good. That means I wasn't seeing things. But, if they are our people, why did they attack us?
    Yulgar: Good question, «You». Prepare yourself. That wasn't all of them.
  • Continue with Yulgar!
  • Continue with Warlic!
  • Continue by yourself!

    «Regardless of choice»
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4

      See monster list below
    «You»: Wait, wait, wait, hold up a minute. What is going on here?!
    Molly: We will continue to come. It's time we took back what we should have!
    «You»: Take back... take back what you should have? We don't even know who you are! What right...
    Staton: What right? The right given to us by Silence, harbinger and servant of Death. The right we will now take!
  • Continue with Yulgar!
  • Continue with Warlic!
  • Continue by yourself!

    «Regardless of choice»
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4

      See monster list below
    «You»: Enough already! This is not the way things should be done between our own. Why do you attack us, and don't give me the excuse that you are taking what you should have.
    Molly: Silence is powerful. We must prove ourselves. Long have we sat aside, listening to those who lord their ruling over us, letting time take us one by one.
    Molly: But this is not the way it should have been. And now, Battleon will give us what She and we want.
    Caul: We will not be weak any longer! It is our time and Silence waits for our allegiance to be powerful once again!
    «You»: I... How long has it been since Silence, erm, spoke to you?
    Staton: Long. Because we were weak! And we will right this! My people, raid their homes, shops and take all that we need. Food, medicines, anything that will bring us back to what we once were.
  • Continue with Yulgar!
  • Continue with Warlic!
  • Continue by yourself!

    «Regardless of choice»
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4

      See monster list below
    «You»: Wouldn't it just be easier to ask us for what you need?
    Molly: And disgrace Silence with such behavior?
    «You»: If you are truly a follower of Silence, you are rather bad at proving it. I kinda thought that following Silence would require, you know, silence.
    Warlic: What exactly is the nature of your problem?

    «Clarice enters the scene.»

    Clarice: Please, stop this! This is not the way to accomplish what we need. We were told to separate ourselves, to remain pure. You have disobeyed, and now have made a mess of things.
    «You»: Finally, someone who seems to be a bit more rational. Miss, why is all this happening?
    Clarice: Many, many generations ago, a group of us, seeking peace and calm, pleaded with Silence to take us under her wing. We pledged ourselves to Her and Her ways, seeking only Her for what we need.
    Clarice: But over time, our minds wandered after other entities, other powers, as most people do. Silence was a jealous spirit, wanting us for herself.
    Clarice: She commanded us to seclude ourselves, to pull away from the rest of the world and we obeyed.
    Staton: Silence!
    Clarice: I will not, Staton! Our people became complacent, lazy. They began to lose the ability to sustain our populations.
    Clarice: They all assumed Silence would swoop in and rescue us from ourselves. But they had forgotten.

    «Staton approaches Clarice.»

    Staton: I said Silence!

    «Silence appears.»

    Silence: And who are you to tell others what to do, invoking MY name?
    Staton: S-S-Silence, my Lady!
    Silence: Continue, young woman, for you seem to be the only one of my people to know the truth.
    Clarice: The oldest scrolls speak of a once self-sufficient population of followers. We grew our own food, we hunted wild game and herded necessary animals for food and clothing.
    Clarice: And we worshipped with true spirits of rest and quiet.
    Clarice: Silence never, once, told us She would provide all. That was our job.
    Clarice: We were fully capable of living a sequestered life without the outside's help, as long as we remained true to Silence and remained a hard-working people.
    Clarice: But, soon, certain families began to assume... positions that granted them power, lording it over the rest of us.
    Clarice: And those families grew contemptuous of hard work. We lost much knowledge when those families decided to become, overlords.

    «Staton goes from behind and with a loud BOOM!, strikes Clarice.»«You»: Are you okay, Clarice?
    Clarice: Yes, thank you. The truth hurts, but it is the truth.

    «Clarice removes her mask, simultaneously peeling off her skin, revealing a ghastly, bony pale-blue face.»

    Clarice: They wanted to come here, to raid your town, instead of appealing to Silence for redirection and help. They were proud. But, we have become monsters because of our weakness.
    Silence: You were never meant to become this, Clarice. Had the village overcome their pride, I would have been at your side a long time ago.
    Clarice: I know, my Lady. And I am sorry. Please do not judge us harshly.
    Silence: «You», you have acted nobly, trying to prevent destruction even when it looked necessary.
    Silence: Though my Lord, Death, would have enjoyed more additions to his realm, or more deals to hold over the living, I am grateful you have worked to spare as many of my people as possible.
    Silence: I have waited so long for you to look past your pride and return to me. Come, we have much to repair. Leave your masks and follow me once more and I will restore you again.

    «The remaining members peel off their skin, revealing the same ghastly, pale-blue face before leaving the scene.»

    «You»: Silence, if I may? If you are a servant of Death, why preserve life?
    Silence: Not all those who serve Death relish that state of existence. Though I am the silence that follows the absence of life and a battle hard fought, I actually do relish the bond of the living.
    Silence: So when a group wanted me, I could not pass up that companionship.
    «You»: Fair enough. Companionship is what makes life worth living.
    Silence: You, «You», have far more wisdom than many give you credit for. May your battles be hard fought, and may the Silence that one day follows you to Death be one of nobility and joy.

    «Silence vanishes.»

    Warlic: Hmmmm....
    «You»: Why does that "Hmmmm" sound ominous?
    Warlic: Interesting... I wonder...
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    «Check Warlic's shop for new faces!»
    Monster List
    For each series of battles, Staton, Caul, Jones and Molly are renamed versions of the monsters as listed in order below.

    Level 0-29
    Rogue Pirate (10)
    Demon Hunter (10)
    Rogue Mage (10)
    Angry Protester (10)

    Level 30-49
    Rogue Pirate (30)
    Demon Hunter (30)
    Rogue Mage (30)
    Angry Protester (30)

    Level 50-69
    Rogue Pirate (50)
    Demon Hunter (50)
    Rogue Mage (50)
    Angry Protester (50)

    Level 70-89
    Rogue Pirate (70)
    Demon Hunter (70)
    Rogue Mage (70)
    Angry Protester (70)

    Level 90-109
    Rogue Pirate (90)
    Demon Hunter (90)
    Rogue Mage (90)
    Angry Protester (90)

    Level 110-129
    Rogue Pirate (110)
    Demon Hunter (110)
    Rogue Mage (110)
    Angry Protester (110)

    Level 130-149
    Rogue Pirate (130)
    Demon Hunter (130)
    Rogue Mage (130)
    Angry Protester (130)

    Level 150+
    Rogue Pirate (150)
    Demon Hunter (150)
    Rogue Mage (150)
    Angry Protester (150)

    Monster lists by Scakk.

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