RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (Full Version)

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Nightly -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/7/2013 12:29:36)

Can't say that there are any active Aeroduians lurking, mayhaps there are inactive ones though.

the big 7 -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/8/2013 23:09:56)

Wow, this place has changed since I was here last, something like 2 years ago.

BadHulk -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/11/2013 17:56:19)

I just love to lurk on the forums I check daily >_>...

And Pie, if you made this place more active, it would be more awesome.

I vote we move the Aerodu thread to a new Sub-Forum specially made for Aerodu.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/14/2013 7:34:18)

What Paxia needs is some active posters and given enough posting, we'll be able to return to a sustainable level of activity.

DigDog -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/14/2013 10:30:32)

What would these active posters post about?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/14/2013 12:46:33)


The magic of Paxia.

Or hope for new updated clan armor/equipment?

BadHulk -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/16/2013 7:39:56)

How long have those updated clan amor/equipment been on the S.O.O.N. list?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/16/2013 10:44:32)

We only got a glimpse of what could be for the armors during the Chessmaster Saga last year. So it hasn't been that long.

the big 7 -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/17/2013 18:12:33)

I remember the armoury council, where we tried to get items added to the game. We also had that one set of items we were working on with cossack. I think Doomsday you were involved too yes? That kind of slowly died after much balancing.

Muchiha -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (4/17/2013 21:40:13)

When are we attacking Geoto?

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (6/20/2013 8:44:05)

GENTLEMEN (and any females, lovely to have you join us),

We have been called out, by none other, then Euky's evil twin/mirror world version, Xov:

The sheer AUDACITY of this letter is of course insulting since I, the Mogfather of Paxia (and the forefather of our forefathers) did not recieve a personal letter but had to read it from Lord Aerodu is just insulting. Nevermind what's IN this letter, that's just cliche villian banter.

It is time to rise my bretheren! It is time to rally the AWS Tempest and raindown the Perfect Storm on this batch of cooperate greedy underlings!!!! I will not let this happen!!


battlesiege15 -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (6/20/2013 8:58:54)

I am up and ready for next weeks showdown. Aerodu will decimate Xovs forces!

Good thing Aerodu is a flying base though, so we ain't have to worry as much of protecting it from damage. I hope....

Abaraa -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (6/20/2013 9:48:46)

@ Moogle: I shall join you!! GO AERODU!!! WE SHALL NEVER FALL!!!

Doomsday -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (6/20/2013 11:24:50)

Dibs on the lazers!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (6/20/2013 13:34:30)

Arise fellow Windfliers! Remember the unity we once had. Together we will stop Xov and the Trumphma from taking over our island! Fight for our Moogle! Fight for Paxus! Win! (and call me when you get back I enjoy our little chats)

jerenda -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (6/20/2013 17:37:13)

*bow* If it's alright with you, Pie, I am making a thread to help raise our fighting spirit! There is no way we can lose to this threat!

If it's not alright, let me know. ^_^

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (6/25/2013 23:44:43)

Hey Pie, any chance you could update the link to the roll call thread in the first post of the Welcome thread? It still point to the old one.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (7/1/2013 20:50:16)



Yeah... uhhh, tomorrow I'll be updating stuff here in Aerodu... tonight I'm throwing together the new Paxia Project thread in Suggestions....

Thanks for the heads up!

Edit: I've updated the link!

Attention all Aeroduians: Please look at the Aerodu Encyclopedia as it will be undergoing updates! It is currently missing information, info that YOU remember and I don't! So please, post in there with any history, notable forumites that should be recognized from the past, organizational suggestions, names of eras, and more!!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/5/2013 17:43:36)

Now that elections are out of the way. Are any of you Creative Arts Council members good at making sigs? I think it would be cool if we could get a small one for those who are part of the Council. (And maybe a special one for Pie)

Doomsday -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/5/2013 23:04:52)

Someone needs to check if your lazers are charged, remember there is never enough dakka!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: ACC (Aerodu Council Coalition)- Still Awesome With The Moogle (8/6/2013 22:40:22)

At this time there is going to be an overhaul of ALL clan governments and as such this thread shall be locked. Please take notice of this thread

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