weapon customization (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


ninja.fighter -> weapon customization (8/6/2012 2:08:43)

i suggest we make a customization for weapons where there colours can be changed according to us

DeathHound -> RE: weapon customization (8/6/2012 10:25:11)

Well if you mean just the color, that wouldn't work on all weapons. Is it just the primary? Gun? Auxiliary? Robot? Again, some primaries would not be compatible for the lack of texture. For instance, a rusted does not have a trim/accent coloring to it, so this would be difficult. Not to mention, they want to keep these things plain and simple.

ND Mallet -> RE: weapon customization (8/6/2012 10:51:51)

This would require re-designing almost every weapon in this game to be able to be color custom.

DeathHound -> RE: weapon customization (8/6/2012 11:03:53)

Or instead of going through that long process, how about making some future rares color custom? Making the every single weapon color customizable is a drag, one i know would take forever to recreate. So only make a selected few of the FUTURE rares like this. This could increase business for the fact it offers a new variety to rares, which people would buy anyway, by ten fold.

Charge varium to color customize the weapon, or just charge lots of credits. However you look at it, this idea could be good with a little tweaking.

Waxor9001 -> RE: weapon customization (8/6/2012 11:07:23)

That would be too complicated, also I don't want all people to have weapons like that, it would be annoying.


ND Mallet -> RE: weapon customization (8/6/2012 11:13:25)

@death Adding this for future items would just get nothing but requests to add it to old weapons and complaints about not letting old weapons be color custom. We don't need to color custom items, especially since color is often tied in with damage type(blue weapons often being energy).

DeathHound -> RE: weapon customization (8/6/2012 11:20:41)

I agree, i never said i supported this, though. And Mallet: Need you not forget, you can always check if it's physical or energy by clicking their stats and looking at it. However, yes, it is associated with color, and i do agree.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: weapon customization (8/6/2012 14:11:56)

Nah, every single guy would only have a total of like 4 colors, not supported

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