Gender Change? (Full Version)

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l Chop Suey l -> Gender Change? (8/7/2012 20:03:03)

Idk if anybody said this question before but would it be cool to change gender for fun if you find your char not the right personality as you or because you picked the wrong gender.

Waxor9001 -> RE: Gender Change? (8/7/2012 20:24:13)

I think this is great, many people would be happy to switch gender.


Sympleton -> RE: Gender Change? (8/7/2012 20:31:09)

I might change to female just because they look way better in delta armor :P

veneeria -> RE: Gender Change? (8/7/2012 22:02:01)

By reasons said above & etc...

I also sometimes feel like changing to male's once in a while.

Scyze -> RE: Gender Change? (8/8/2012 6:33:16)


I would be surprised to see this in-game with Credit only one. Always it is Varium for changing certain things.

DeathHound -> RE: Gender Change? (8/8/2012 12:11:05)

Supported. It's always nice to have your free roaming/personal options in game.

Naruto Uzamaki -> RE: Gender Change? (8/8/2012 13:06:04)

first off LMOA second I don't support this I don't care if this just game its not right to want switch genders thats my views.

King Helios -> RE: Gender Change? (8/8/2012 13:29:58)


This shouldn't give an achievement, though.

DeathHound -> RE: Gender Change? (8/8/2012 13:45:16)

It's not right? You said it yourself, it's just a game. If it's just a game, people should have their freedom as well as rights if they choose to do what they want.

Second, LMOA.

Naruto Uzamaki -> RE: Gender Change? (8/8/2012 18:42:35)

I ment to say lmao and second I never said that before as i recall i was talking winning and losing there is big difference between this and that and before I go on talking about beliefs I am going stop.

Stabilis -> RE: Gender Change? (8/8/2012 20:06:42)

Strange, but I approve.

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