sellinghouses (Full Version)

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hueyfreemen -> sellinghouses (8/8/2012 16:59:02)

I think that some players don't need their houses so they want to sell them but they cant.

immortalzrul18 -> RE: sellinghouses (8/8/2012 17:23:35)

well what are you going to sell them for? credits would be too cheap, and varium would be too expensive.

Naruto Uzamaki -> RE: sellinghouses (8/8/2012 20:17:22)

well we can do way AQ does that way everyone happy minus staff lol

Ranloth -> RE: sellinghouses (8/8/2012 20:21:06)

AQ is different case since Houses gather interest and have a purpose; Potions, pictures (teleport to events + different planets which include quests + other features) and Estates have even bigger benefit. AQ House System != ED.

Sorry I just noticed the reply. Yes and interest back from Houses caused prices of items in AQ to go up so Varium items would cost more. No thankyou.

Naruto Uzamaki -> RE: sellinghouses (8/8/2012 21:22:54)

im talking about z tokens u get back which in long 4 ed thats good idea.

Brain Freeze -> RE: sellinghouses (8/10/2012 7:36:55)

Highly supported.
I was very annoyed by the 'house' button
to be in the center. I kept clicking it and one day, I
mistakenly bought that fortune apartment. That was a
750 var thrashed away. And, houses are extremely
useless, i meant completely...

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