Infernal Android (Full Version)

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zameel -> Infernal Android (8/12/2012 20:05:17)

I remember when battles used to be long and fun. Now they end unexpectedly too quick. Having a long battle was the best part of eq, no one knew how it was going to end, now it's pretty obvious; the first player to get rage, out comes that bot and boom your hit with 60 or more unblockable damage after a measly 3 or 4 rounds. Where's the fun in a fight that used to be an actual "epic" battle to end up getting knocked out in a couple of rounds?
That new bot doesn't really make much sense in this game, and it's made the game a lot less enjoyable, IMHO. And, yes, I also have the bot, and I dont like it one bit.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Infernal Android (8/12/2012 20:12:29)

The devs have tried to balance this game, or at least that's what I think. However, this new bot had unexpected results, which is widening the gap again, and more than ever. Varium CHs can now easily get a 99% win rate if not facing another CH.

MrBones -> RE: Infernal Android (8/12/2012 20:23:52)

There IS a balance team. God knows what they do because to me, the outcome for that robot was very obvious. I played with it for 5 minutes and instantly knew this was killing the game.
How they have missed this issue goes beyong me.......
OR they did it on purpose for ppl to switch around class and spend some varium.

Gamma bot= 50$
New bot= 0$ but even more OP than the old times when gamma had no cooldowns for both attacks

Free robot but huge varium on class changes..........

Bunshichi -> RE: Infernal Android (8/12/2012 20:26:57)

I don't really mind the bot at +4 and 5 focus but in juggs you got guys hitting up to 30 dmg with lvl 2 focus honestly....[>:]

Naruto Uzamaki -> RE: Infernal Android (8/12/2012 22:21:11)

wow hate tell to you guys this but CH aren't worst class you should fearing tac merc and blood mages there class that does well in this and robots are not even that OP its usually because for ur low tech and dex builts. Also we usually wait to are rage comes about so thats what CH do when we attack and not all time it works.

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android (8/12/2012 23:00:09)

Oh please long fights that hasn't happened in a while since I have been playing. Especially with all the strength blood mages I have seem playing and this was before this bot was introduced. Do you know how many turns I have seen Blood mages beat people in? 2 that is how many and as I said this is before the bot came out.

Also even if there wasn't a strength blood mage build, most other users play with Massacare/Surigal strike/ Supercharge build that last 4 turns.

But on another note lets face it most people don't want to win the daily awards or in other cases just win so they use these quick kill builds to win a quickly as they can so they can get onto the next duel especially in the one on ones.

But on the topic of the bot remember it takes time to power up before the bot can be extremely devastating even with focus/tech builds. With long duels the bot's attack will wipe you out especially with rage which depending on your support can take up to 4 or 5 turns( With the exception of merc using the passive adrenaline). More then enough time to beat the person before they wipe you out with the infernal android.

zameel -> RE: Infernal Android (8/12/2012 23:18:25)

I play a defensive techmage, 50% of my fights (it doesnt matter if it's a bloodmage, or any other class my lvl) I heal twice, even in some cases 3 times. Thats a lot of turns, but I can't heal that much any more before they use the bot with rage. But, I had to change reset my character and become the same exact fighting style as every other focus drone out there just to win half my battles.
And dont even bother trying to win a jugg fight against 2 opponents with that bot. You might win the odd one if none of them have varium and u do.

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android (8/12/2012 23:32:02)

Focus drone? Ok I actually take offense to that one since no matter what class I would use, I would always use the focus build. Before the bot came along just about all of my matches were 4-5 turns no matter who I was fighting. With the build I used I always had it set up for in case someone wanted to steal my energy, debuff me Etc I could always still fight and win. Plus unless you are dealing with a total noob who does a build with low health Defense etc the longest an average duel would last would be 4-5 turns max.

Zameel the type of build you seem to be talking about using I am guessing is the tank build since you claiming you are the defensive type so of course your duels would last longer. However with the new bot that is a thing of the past unless you want to use a tank build with high tech Health, and healing with the bot to draw out the duel. (I know this because I have seem tech mercs use this to power up their bots and when they use the rage it take a lot. Hell I remember losing a fight with 90 health to a person who only had 7 health because they use the rage and they got a lucky crit.)

DeathGuard -> RE: Infernal Android (8/12/2012 23:42:41)

I'm quite surprised this bot can deal actually same damage as a skill. I did 109 normal damage on a lvl 1 City Guard, was pretty fun to do that damage though the damage is way too powerful. Here is the image: 109 Damage

Made 4 Sunny Days -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:01:30)

While it is fun to see the high damage output of the bot after about 5 turns, everyone needs to look at this and be honest, the bot is taking away from the game overall. Granted it has only been "in play" for at couple days, it has aready taken over and battles really are less and less fun each new fight. Now anyone with 14k in creds can become a killing machine with a simple focus build...and it makes for a very dull battle. I like the fact that they are trying to bridge the gap between free and paying players by offering a powerful bot to everyone, but this seems a little bit to much. I for one hope that it gets knocked down a little bit in the wake of this weekend where in order to even have hope at winning the battle you enter you need to have the bot equipted. That being said, thanks to the devs for putting on an awesome war!

zameel -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:09:58)

"no matter what class I would use, I would always use the focus build"

Thats exactly my point. Anyone who wants to win now has to have a focus build, so if everyone has a focus build, they are all drones of the build. Before the new bot, there were many types of builds, but soon you won't even have to inspect their builds during a fight, you'll know exactly what they have.

Might as well go one step further and eliminate self building, and make it automatically distribute the points for us so everyone is the same.

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:10:28)

Made 4 sunny days don't forget that the admins have been wanting people to use the focus build (meaning the balanced stat build) for the longest yet at the same time when people used to use it they would get clobbered by people who went tank, strength etc. This bot was made to do just that promote the balance build and now that this has happened everyone want to see the bot nerfed. In fact the only bots I know that were nerfed so far are the gamma bot and the baby yeti. Why nerf this one? So the gap that has been closed up can be made wide spread again?

Nexus... -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:16:22)

Yeah, I had a post about this yesterday. I was pretty pissed off then about how the new bot was stealing the DPS based energy special of my now rare Gamma Bot, and enhancing upon it. Now that I'm done proving my point their, its time to turn my attention to balance, which I wasn't really focused on at the time. This robot is a horrible addition to the game. They could have come up with numerous specials that wouldn't have broken the game (heck, I could have for them), but instead they chose one that is easily purchased, and just as easily abused.

Here is what upsets me about this whole thing.

Robots were never, ever, ever, ever meant to be a Damage based game mechanic. The Gamma Bot was supposed to be the 1 exception to this rule, it being a rare promo bot. Robots were always meant to provide a tactical advantage, not more damage.

Robot Specials:

1) Assault Bot - Removes 80% Debuff (Deals No Damage)
2) Removes an enemies unblockables for 2 turns (Deals normal damage, can only be used once per game)
3) Azrael Borg - Removes 80% of opponents buff (Deals very low damage)
4) Bio Bot - Reflects 50% Damage (defensive, does not deal damage on application)
5) Pyro Fly - Disables an enemies skill for the duration of the battle (deals normal damage, can only be used once per game)

6) Gamma Bot - Deals Energy Damage (Unlimited uses)
7) Infernal Android - Deals more energy damage as the battle progresses (Unlimited uses)

As you can see, 5 out of the 7 robots that have been released, either have specials that deal no damage at all, or have specials that deal damage but can only be used once per game. None of the first five can really be used for dealing heavy damage, and instead provide a tactical advantage to the user (as they were meant to do).

As mentioned. the Gamma Bot was supposed to be the one exception to this rule, as it was a Gamma Promo, and would inevitably go rare. Giving a DPS based robot to the masses makes no sense at all, since that was never the position a robot was supposed to fill (as I already explained).

I am not sure what the Balance Team was thinking, but it is pretty evident they weren't thinking too hard.


AQWPlayer -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:18:11)

I got one of these bots and I want it nerfed...(along with the obvious OP classes). CH with this bot simply does not work because they have a passive energy shield to limit the damage of this bot to about 40 at max (as well as reducing all energy attacks to less than 10 dmg), while they themselves can do 80 damage with the bot (and 10-30 damage with normal attacks)...

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:18:20)

Zameel please in case you didn't notice before the bot most people were drones to the blood mage strength build in the higher levels. whenever I would see a mage when playing it was a high health strength spamming blood mage. Heck I even seen some lower levels save their credits just to become this class so they could win battles.

Also when I said I used the focus build I was talking about before this bot came out. How does that make me a drone if I was using the class before the bot came out? Heck even when I used a strength build I made sure to keep focus in my build just in case the original build would fail I could rely on my balance to help me through the fight. In other words I loved the focus build because it seemed the most balanced when I started and I still do love it. It seems to me that you are now hating on the focus build because it is what powers up the new bot.

Before this this happened people hated on CH and the str BM build AKA quick kill build.

Made 4 Sunny Days -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:27:53)

@ mother1
No I totally understand they want to get people to use focus builds, I've been using one myself ever since the new classes came out and have found it to be quite good, focus builds can work it all depended on how you used it. Now with the bot (which I think is a good idea) I just think it needs a little downgrade so that after 5 turns when I still have around 70 health I dont get taken down by a lvl 30 using rage with his bot. Now my resistence is at 33-40 plus the 5 from my delta armor. I would like to see the bot brought down a bit. And to promote a focus build they can bring back the additional damage for having focus that they first had when focus first started.

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:31:10)

AQWplayer don't forget that anyone who has a high tech build can also limit the damage of this bot as well especially the merc class. Don't forget while their passive armor is weaker they still have passive energy resistance as well, and if they go Bunker/surgical build (I have a good build for this) Then they can be endure this better then even cyber hunter.

Nexus no offense to you while do you keep bring up the infernal android being a rip off of the gamma bot thing? While can understand you are upset about this since you actually brought the bot with cash, Don't forget that the special for the infernal android is an attack that grows in strength as the duel goes on. It just so happenes that they made the attack an energy attack like the gamma bot. In all honestly if the bot was purely physical or purely energy with both attacks I don't think you would have been complaining.

But to try and see things your way on the creative end how about this one for a different ability instead of the bot power growing stronger each turn how about making it buff the player so that regular attacks grow stronger each turn like the vault?

Rui. -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:42:33)

so many complaints just cause non varium have an equal opportunity at battle. Would you people have ranted if it was varium only. I didnt see anyone complain when the infernal interdictor was released. Do you think improving universal crit is not Op ? Just evolve and learn to beat them. If everyone has the same bot how is anything overpowerful ? Please lets not talk about gamma bot here. Its old and did bring tons of wins to its owners. Quit whining.

Nexus... -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:46:29)

People complained about universal Crit, but it wasn't as big of a deal because it was a buff to support builds which currently are extremely weak..Also, Non Var have no more of an advantage than they did before. The bot can be used by Vars as well, and therefore Vars have an equally good, if not bigger advantage then prior to the release of this robot.

Read my entire post, it was not centered around the Gamma Bot issue, but rather used it as a support to my argument about how this Robot effects balance. Once again, please read my entire post before commenting. Thanks.


zameel -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:46:49)

I dont use varium, and I dont like the new bot.

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:54:45)

Nexus I did read your entire post before i commented, but no matter how much I did read it you somehow brought up how the new bot was just a copy of the now perma rare gamma bot which seemed the irk me a bit.

Also I have to ask what do you think of my suggestion for the replacement ability for this bot?

Rui. -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 0:56:42)

i totally disagree on the interdictor being a support buff weapon. You can have a dex tech and strength build with low support and do 65 damage on a bunk non rage when i have 31 odd defence. 65 is crazy high. Right now the game has come to a stage where battles last for 3 max 4 turns. Give the non varium a low version of the interdictor and see how people will complain. Peace.

Made 4 Sunny Days -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 1:00:29)

@ Rui
Im glad that the devs are trying to bridge the gap between free and paying players, but the bot has really taken over the game. Its not that people care if free players have have a powerful item, (Well I dont at least) but that the bot has taken strategy out of what used to be fun battles. I would still want it brought down even if it was only varium and not everyone had it. Bots are fun, but not when they dominate battles in the way this one does

Rui. -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 1:05:58)

prophet i just got an idea. How about a new grenade that can be used on players that does the same effect to the bot like it did to the vault. Probably grenade damage based on focus and resets bot special Hehe

Mother1 -> RE: Infernal Android (8/13/2012 1:06:31)

Made 4 sunny days I have a feeling that with all this complaining that when the next update comes the bot will actually be nerfed to be honest with you or they might change it's ability.

If they do the later I hope they use my suggestion of making make regular strikes or better yet a random ability stronger over the course of the duel. but then again if they made the bot buff a random ability then the other builds that dominated the duel until now would do just that again so I would go with the regular strikes.

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