RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (Full Version)

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helloguy -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/14/2012 23:33:50)

i have been saying the same thing for months

Baron Dante -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 0:10:04)

Funny. After the initial surprise of the power STR BMs had wore off, I rarely lose to them anymore. It almost sounds like I was able to create a strategy, maybe even change the build a bit for that. Unlike the Bot, which didn't really have viable way to counter it.

The Hidden Legend -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 0:32:27)

think about it mother1 said someone with 7 health got crit 90 on her that bot has to be oped it's kinda obvious

shadesofblue -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 0:54:42)


This isn't really about the bot, its about fairness between variums and nonvariums.

Umm, no disrespect, but if varium players and non-varium players were the same, who would buy varium? And if people don't buy varium, then AE doesn't make money. If AE doesn't make money, ED closes down, and we all have no game to play. But even though the varium players are the people AE actually make money off of, that doesn't mean non-varium players aren't important. Non-varium players provide the community this game, and that's what AE games are all about. So in the end, both Varium players and non-varium players are crucial to ED, but that doesn't mean varium players should pay for nothing. So you and I, Troll Warlord, are equally important, but I get the advantage in gameplay because I chose to use my money, money that I could've spent on something else, but I chose to use it on ED, while you chose to use your money on something else other than ED. And you choosing to use your money on something else isn't a bad thing, as long as you feel like it's money well spent and whatever you bought or did with it makes you happy! [:)]

Troll Warlord -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 0:58:20)

Nerfing classes over items isn't as simple but it affects the bigger picture and overall balance and much more lasting balance because items are

replaced all the time. Classes are here forever and class changing abuse is required to win consistently.

And yes, nonvarium and varium have different standards and rules for fairness. And that's the sad part that your right.

friend18 -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 1:03:45)

^Not true. I was quite successful as a Tech Mage a few weeks ago. There are different builds for each class that will work. It's partially up to strategy to take you the rest of the way to victory. When I lose, I don't just move on, I think about why I lost and I change my strategy. A lot of times, it's me not boosting, even though I have a feeling that they're on rage. Other times, it's miscalculating the damage of my rage attack, when I should have healed first and then raged.

zion -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 3:59:12)

Of course Varium players and regular players are equally important to the game... but this is getting way off topic... How much longer will the war weapons stay around?

Unknown Menace -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 4:08:19)


Whoever figures out how to activate them all will have an army of millions of cyborgs at his or her disposal.

So does this mean anyone still has a chance to posses an entire army of cyborgs including the legion? I hope not.. that would have made the point of fighting the vault for exiles really useless.


The Lawman seems content to let the soldiers go free, but you can bet Alydriah won't let this insult go unanswered!

Eather Alydriah goes all agro on silas and his soldiers (that is how crazy she is) or lawman gets the punishment after which follows the activation of the cyborgs under her command (which would ruin everything exile fought for)

ReinXI -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 4:33:03)

so... anybody think there's something up with the lawman for one? (aside from how much of a horrible person he is for kidnapping naomi! D: ) I mean red eyes usually aren't normal on a human being... so I think there has to be something wrong with him. Maybe he is only using you exiles to get what he wants?

Edit ~ didn't feel that part of message was needed..

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 5:16:06)

So... We're getting all bots changed
The infernal android made juggernauting hard, if they had 2 focus each, I would often be done for
But nerfing EVERY bot is extreme
Azrael had/has a problem, but I can deal with that
I however cannot deal with the infernal android
Just change the problem, not everything in the problems category

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 5:46:02)

Blaze, did you read DNs carefully? Some will get a nerf and some will get a buff.. <_< If Infernal gets a nerf and is above Gamma Bot in base damage, then Gamma will get a buff for the fact it has no effect. >_> I never knew having Bots at equal Power Level is a nerf since Bots would be equal but m'kay.

ReinXI -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 5:46:13)

@ blaze ~ what if it's not a mass nerf more than a mass reworking? possible buff for some where as possible nerf for others to even out the playing field so that each bot has it's place in a build and no bot is greater than the others? I personally wouldn't mind that kind of setup.. leaves it more open to new types of playstyles.

rayniedays56 -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 6:24:39)

Thursday cannot come quick enough. Seriously. Making a the EXACT same special as a vault that managed to kill in 5 turns?! Now builds today are made to survive until RAGE! Seriously? Since when have you seen a Cyber with more than 25-30 resistance?! Now we see 29-35, 30-36, 31-37, 32-38, 33-39?! Here's a build I see with Cybers now...


Seriously?! They are using MY Tech Abuse skill tree now that the Infernal Android is here?

This...this is incomprehendable.

Tech Mages are the worse though.

Having 30-36 resistance and 25-30 defense


Ranloth -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 6:26:51)

Raynie, Caster build exists since Beta not since the Bot was made. These Resistances and Defences you gave are low if you counted in the Armor since I have higher than that + 124 HP. Besides why argue about Bot being OP? Rabble will edit DNs with detailed changes sometime today hopefully since he wants to tell everyone about 'em changes before they go live on Friday, yes this Friday.

rayniedays56 -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 6:44:12)

TRANS! Don't belate my RANT! :D lol

Yeah, I took a bit of a fit there.

I guess losing 5 times in Jugg to Caster TM with the Infernal Android angered me a bit...

vulkan -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 6:51:43)

i make it a point of law to only use my infernal android against str blood mages.

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 6:56:09)

Where is that FIELD MEDIC balance?

drinde -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 7:16:45)

Dat's okay :p

I can hoard the grenades if they sell for too little.

Troll Warlord -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 8:40:05)

Okay, im sorry for my discussion of certain topics in these forums.

I was under the impression that I can freely give my opinion here, whether nice or harsh.

Thank you eventus for deleting all of my posts. Now i know what I can say so it wont be deleted.

On-topic: Yay the vaults are open. One for legion and one for exile. But wait, its the same room? Just two doors to one room?

Legion and exile should have just worked together, but wait, nothing makes sense in this game. so yay! bunnies, ants, whats next?

friend18 -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 9:38:15)

^I just wanted to FYI, that the forum rules are at the top of every section.


So does this mean anyone still has a chance to posses an entire army of cyborgs including the legion? I hope not.. that would have made the point of fighting the vault for exiles really useless.

I'm sure that the exiles are only selling "some" of the cyborgs to the Legion to finance their future operations. The most important part from the war was that both sides have discovered what Baelius has done and that the Exiles have defeated the Legion in this war.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 9:38:34)

The Hidden Legend That fight seriously felt like a real cheap shot. I mean I could have understood if he was had the weapon that powered up crits, but he wasn't wearing it at the time. I am just glad it wasn't that one guy that told someone to SMD when he got that lucky win. If that would have happened I would have rage quit like a couple of other people until the bot was nerfed.

Blaze I honestly agree with you on that one. It was the infernal android that was the problem not the rest of the bots. In fact the only bots that I remember ever getting nerfed would have been the gamma bot (Since it had no cool down) and the baby yeti (you could also use the bot twice in a row if you did the regular attack then it's special in that order)

many people said the bio borg needs a buff and to be honest I actually agree with them. maybe they can make the ability work both ways (meaning that you can deal extra damage when you attack your opponent malee style just like when they attack you like that) because let's face it whenever someone used this bot I would just use my distance attacks until it wore off or just nerf it with the azreal borg's ability.

Trans in a way it is a nerf because remember lets face it all things in this game were not made to be equal. Is one level 34 armor equal in strength to another level 34 armor? I think not. Is the azreal curse equal in power to the Bionic battlegear? I think not so why is it so important that all bots are equal in power? I mean sure I can understand nerfing the infernal android because without question that bot is vastly overpowered it need to be weakened for the sake of the game, however none of the other bots posted a threat as big as this new non varium (by choice since you can get it with or without Varium) bot does.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 9:39:16)


I was under the impression that I can freely give my opinion here, whether nice or harsh.


Kinda surprised that despite the war being here for a long time, we only had a few missions...

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 9:49:06)

^ IKR I was kind of hoping for more missions like with the frostland war even though I didn't actively fight in it. I mean sure I couldn't because no one would let me in a faction at the time, but there were still mission available for people who weren't in the war and I was able to do those. This war however had so little mission, and they waited so long to finally put them out it wasn't even funny. I was so hoping that they would have had more missions and not just for bombs or that one achievement at the end.

The last war had missions for credits, and tokens, and even war points. That brings up another thing what would have been wrong with having missions for influence like that last one had for war points?

friend18 -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 10:03:25)

^I agree. I was kind of disappointed. The majority of the missions were for grenades too. It was kind of annoying having to do war fights JUST for grenades. I was hoping for a few more achievements here and there :(

About the other bots, I'm assuming Gamma Bot will be nerfed? I remember that as I was leveling up, Gamma Bot was quite the threat. Of course at higher levels, there are better ways to deal with the bot.

And losing to Blake Valentine wasn't fun at all. I crit him 3 or 4 times with Infernal Interdictor before he pulled off the bot's special with barely any health left, which a perfect example of why the bot is overpowered. I mean 3 or 4 crits with the Infernal Interdictor's special and he still wins? Meh.

Unknown Menace -> RE: =ED= The Vault Is Open - August 14, 2012 (8/15/2012 12:12:17)

Indeed i was expecting alot more missions. Or at least spread them over a course of a month. Maybe we'll get a few after war missions just like frysteland?
(Could be mistaken here, i wasn't around at the war. Just right after it ended so the missions could have been from the war itself. They were availeble after war i know that much)


I'm sure that the exiles are only selling "some" of the cyborgs to the Legion to finance their future operations.

This reminds me. Silas selled 1500 infernal slayers before the war to fund the legion. How ever i have never seen anything come from it.
You would think that he would be smart enough to built a cannon that could nob a few millions of that last vault door to help legion.

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