a better way to make this game hacker Proof.. 2 Ideas (Please read the Idea) (Full Version)

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fishing989 -> a better way to make this game hacker Proof.. 2 Ideas (Please read the Idea) (8/17/2012 0:39:58)

i would like to start by saying i was hacked. and i have thought of a way to stop this 97% more then the Action taken (as the Action taken is the reason i dont have my account)

the Action taken now is like this... you get a E-mail (which i didnt) and you have 48 hours however after 48 hours the 3rd party get the E-mail to change swap it over.

Idea # one

i say Send the E-mail and its Only valid 48 Hours if the Yes/No Link is not Clicked then the Party trying to change will have to wait 92 Hours Before trying again.

the Yes/No Links not being clicked will have no Outcome if the 48 Hour time limit runs out.

Also have a Text Message (SMS) Sent to your phone and have it ask Reply Yes to confirm the Change or Reply No to reject the Change as we are not always near a computer and we always have our Cell Phones with us..

it could be used almost like the SMS Payment but it only asked about Password and E-mail Changes..

and as a added bonus you could ask for both to Confirm the changes (Honestly i like the Idea of the double tap then just being limited by one choice)

and this Idea can go to all AE games and not just to ED as i think this would help the game grow and be a Anti-account-Hackable game
(by that i mean by e-mail we know some people still fall for scams

(OFF TOPIC: Like i said Before i was hacked but the 48 Hour Rule and now the Account is not in my E-mail and i will be calling the ED Help Desk shortly about this as i cant E-mail them as the Account is not in my E-mail and it needs the E-mail and Char Name. i have all the Information they would need Name Before it was changed e-mail used Ect.)

(Back on Topic)

Now help me by Helping the Staff use this Idea as it is prob. going to be the Best Idea they have had yet not asking for new NPCs weapons, armors, bikes skills or classes as i have seen time and time again..
i am asking to make this Game 97% Harder for players to lose their accounts. (yeah paid accounts like mine can get the Pass back but the Pass is pointless if u cant get the E-mail back)

Idea # Two

Have a Flash Back System for when a hacker Sells Items and Equipment or Changes something and you dont know how to get it back..

this Idea has a short window to be used. and will Probably be for Paid Accounts Only.

but this would be the Lay out (i will use (*) as the Information as it will be your info

User name: *************
Pass word: ***************
E-mail Used to create account: **********@*******.com (Org/net/gov/ Ect.)
Transaction ID: *******************
Starter Class: ************
Starter Name: ************

it would look something like that and say you only has 30 days to use this or your Account will be Gone Forever..

the Starter name/Class is only if you changed it.

if you didnt then you will just type in your Char. name and the class you are. (drop box would be good for the classes)

the Transaction ID is only to farther prove the Account was your to start with. (if you didnt pay for it ask your parents for the Transaction ID as they should have saved it)

Thank you for reading and i hope you all Agree with this.... and like i said this will kill the Hacking down to only the Scams and even with what i stated might even end the ED Scams 99.8%.
as it will give players the power to regain the Items in the way they were Before they were removed.

I/e if you have the Beta Weapons and then u have Weapons that are 36, 35, 39 and a 5-5 Armor + the Assault Bot (rusted or not) or any Weapon/Armor/Bot that can be sold. if they were lost in a Scam u will have 30days to get them back (Enhancements and all I/e Beta Cleaver+10 and it was sold (yes i know it cant be sold) you could get it back and it will have 10/10 slots but they will have to be assigned Before you can Equip it again...

then if it were to happen again it would be lowered to 9/10 if it happens again with in 365 days (1 year) from the Time you used this...

Thanks and tell me what you think of my 2 Ideas to make Epic Duel Anti-Hack-able (i know i cant say that but its the best word to use)

rayniedays56 -> RE: a better way to make this game hacker Proof.. 2 Ideas (Please read the Idea) (8/17/2012 1:23:12)

Hmm. I know that the Devs are working on this issue. However, it is more of "Your fault" basis. I know that this sounds mean and like I don't care, but it is true.

Remember to NEVER share your password with anyone! Not even a family member. Don't trust anyone with this very precious item. Also, try to not make the password too easy.

password1 is a lot easier to guess than PassW(o)r(d)??1

symbols, characters, capitalization, etc etc etc all count :)

I like your idea, by the way. However, to me, it sounds like another easy way for your account to be stolen.

Just my opinion :)

Mr. Black OP -> RE: a better way to make this game hacker Proof.. 2 Ideas (Please read the Idea) (8/17/2012 1:35:03)


However, it is more of "Your fault" basis. I know that this sounds mean and like I don't care, but it is true.

I completely agree, and this is why we should simply stop caring about people getting scammed and start introducing features like weapon trading, selling your things, etc. Why should the stupidity of one person prevent the game from going further?

Support, maybe then we can move on and let the game progress.

fishing989 -> RE: a better way to make this game hacker Proof.. 2 Ideas (Please read the Idea) (8/17/2012 2:05:20)


Hmm. I know that the Devs are working on this issue. However, it is more of "Your fault" basis. I know that this sounds mean and like I don't care, but it is true.

Remember to NEVER share your password with anyone! Not even a family member. Don't trust anyone with this very precious item. Also, try to not make the password too easy.

password1 is a lot easier to guess than PassW(o)r(d)??1

symbols, characters, capitalization, etc etc etc all count :)

I like your idea, by the way. However, to me, it sounds like another easy way for your account to be stolen.

Just my opinion :)

you misunderstood what i said and made it look like it was my fault. which i will agree to a point that you dont give ur PW out but that was not the point i stated the point i Stated is the the smart hackers that have the "Skills" to sit and use combo after combo for the right combination of the pass..

but it dose seem you dont care about the players of the game as this is not just about my self but making the game better and if you read what i wrote and not skim though it you would have seen that..

i was saying to do away with the 48 Hour and its auto-changed E-mail stuff... B/c that is what happened to me and it could happen to another Paid player.....


Mr. Black OP


However, it is more of "Your fault" basis. I know that this sounds mean and like I don't care, but it is true.

I completely agree, and this is why we should simply stop caring about people getting scammed and start introducing features like weapon trading, selling your things, etc. Why should the stupidity of one person prevent the game from going further?

Support, maybe then we can move on and let the game progress.

weapon trading would seem like a good Idea in the short run but then people would try and hack more and take high grade fully enhanced Items from others..
and as for selling things we have that its called a shop..

now if you said something like a Auction house for the Varium Items to get them for Credits i would Agree but then again this is not that this Post was about.

i am asking for something that stops Scams stops hackers 100% and with this Idea we can cut it down as much as 99% in as little as 5 mins once lunched B/c not only would it give the Player more control over the Account it allows us to stop Hackers and Scammers Before they even try to hack/scam..

Like i said Read Before you post please. it stops the non-sense posts like you 2 just posted which i will omit i agree with like 2% of what RAY said. but OP i disagree with you 100%...

and i Never gave my information out FYI to all that read this.

rayniedays56 -> RE: a better way to make this game hacker Proof.. 2 Ideas (Please read the Idea) (8/17/2012 2:54:07)

No no no. I read completely what you said and suggested.

I did say that it sounds interesting.

I was not implying that it was your fault, I was just stating from what the devs always post about account hack issues. Trust me, I DO care. I have been hacked before on different games when I was younger due to an incredibly easy password

(really, I sometimes used my name... :/)

However, you have to make the password hard.

Different combination hackers use peoples emails, names, and other facts to *guess* passwords.
Heck, there are softwares out there now that can auto guess passwords and keep guessing them. Sometimes they can even guess at a rate of 100 combos a second or more! :/

Which is why it is VERY essential to use characters, capitalizations, and try to also reach the max amount of characters in a password.

PaSSwORd1=Can be broke in about 30-70 seconds

P*aSS_W(o)R(d)(1*&*&)= can be broke in about 150-200 YEARS

Think of that ;)

Mr. Black OP -> RE: a better way to make this game hacker Proof.. 2 Ideas (Please read the Idea) (8/17/2012 3:00:08)

You really can't stop a hack with enhanced privacy settings (thought that was common knowledge) which is why I assumed you meant scam because for some reason people like using them interchangeably. It is impossible to stop hackers 100%, look at the Play Station Network or even the CIA (anonymous claimed they hacked it) for example and how they were hacked (pretty sure they both have better security than ED).
If they can hack into your account they can hack into the coding of the site itself and change the email/password without the message being sent. But let's be honest here don't you think the more skilled hackers have better things to do than hack an account perhaps hack into the master account's memory bank and look for credit cards?
If your idea of a hacker is someone who sits down for hours putting in random symbols, numbers, and letters to guess a password then MAYBE your idea will prevent hacks (brute force hacking like this is usually automated). Your idea is geared towards scams. If you want to know how it works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password_cracking

You CAN'T stop hacks but you can reduce scams. In all honesty I think there might be 1 legit hack for maybe every 1 maybe 2 hundred thousand scams. [8|]

If you really want to stop hacks here are some ideas to stop less skilled hackers:
Captcha after several wrong password inputs.
Account disable after several Captchas in a certain amount of time, while using your SMS idea to activate it once more.
Require a password of at least mild strength instead of all this "password1" stuff.

Don't get me wrong though your ideas (when combined) is pretty solid at preventing scams, but provides minimal to no protection against hacks.

Off topic though I find your name ironic with your current suggestion. [:)]

fishing989 -> RE: a better way to make this game hacker Proof.. 2 Ideas (Please read the Idea) (8/17/2012 4:02:54)

lol off topic my name is just a hobby with random numbers

but i agree with you but if they did "get in the data banks" they would not target an game account but the CC# which is Illegal on so many levels

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