[AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (Full Version)

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VanHellsin24 -> [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (8/19/2012 10:24:27)

Thousands of years ago eight powerful brothers and sisters warred against each other for control over the legendary set of their lost forefathers. They were the Hydren, Kalynvan, Bjorvix, Mycroft, Lyzencrot, Arestulwa, Vyniz, Bloodraven and Goddenomega. After millenia of bloodshed they formed an alliance amongst themselves, with each clan having one hundred years to search for the set.

However, the alliance did not last, and war broke out again. The leader of the Goddenomega, Ilacc Goddeno, discovered the set before his brothers and sisters and decided to wipe them out. The others discovered, and decided to call upon the one clan that didn't participate in their current war: the Mycroft.

The Mycroft, experts in advanced elemental magic and known for their longevity, decided to take on Ilacc and the Goddenomega clan one on one. For the next ten thousand years the two clans fought in all types of manner in all locations. The Mycroft had the advantage of elemental magic, but the Goddenomega were skilled in death magic.

As the war reached it's climax Ilacc created the Ultimate Death spell, a spell so deadly its purpose was to wipe out all sentinal life on Lore. Disturbed bt this shocking revelation, the Mycroft clan leader Marigold Mycroft sacrificed herself to open a multi-elemental plane portal to decimate and seal Ilacc. It was successful, and both died with the end of the clan warring soon after. The Goddenomega, reeling from the death of their leader, disappeared off the face of Lore. Peace was restored, for now.

Now, the Goddenomega have arisen from the dephs of hiding and plan on taking revenge on the eight other clans, especially the Mycroft. After the Doom Angel wars that happened five hundred years ago, Alaric Mycroft gained leadership over the Mycroft clan. Most of the clan leaders, who are tens of thousands of years old, are keeping watch on him and his work.

The Goddenomega have launched a new war against the Mycroft and the other clans. However, a clan lost to the ages have arisen as well and are trying to aid the Goddenomega. They are the Bloodravens. The Bloodravens are composed of humans and a dangerous breed of vampires called Crusnik. The Crusnik are cannibal vampires that were originally created by Lord of Light in order to kill off vampires. They are his dark angels, doing the dirtiest of work. They are distinguished by their colored angel wings and pale serpent-like eyes.

One Bloodraven has decided, however, to help his cousin Alaric take on his entire clan and the Goddenomega. He's one of the strongest Crusnik out of the Bloodraven. His name was Azrael Hannibal Bloodraven. With his help the Mycroft and the other clans might defeat the Bloodravens and Goddenomega before they can re-create the Ultimate Death spell. This is a war of slaughter, deception, love and destruction. This is the Blood Legacy.

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (8/19/2012 13:22:27)


The sudden blast of a light bomb ripped up the ground underneath an unsuspecting squirrel, turning it to a heap of charred fur and flesh. A NightHunter smelled the burnt remains and licked his lips. He closed his eyes and sighed, intaking the night around him. The swirling vortex of darkness enveloped him, turning him into a predator against his prey. He looked forward and noticed a vampire sitting on the branch of a small tree at the top of a hill. He slowly crept through the underbrush, making sure he went unnoticed and searching for light bombs. He sensed for the magical aura of the bombs, sniffing around like a trained salamander. He found a clean straight path towards the hill and darted through. He snuck up behind the hill and unsheathed his net rifle.

"You're good as dead traitor," the NightHunter whispered. He shot the net, enveloping the vampire in mere seconds. He pounced on the ensnared blood drinker and lacerated it until he was satisfied. The clouds slowly moved from the moon, casting moonlight on the hill. The NightHunter was shocked: he had caught a decoy vampire. As he got up a hand grabbed his neck and slammed him into the tree.

"Why do you stalk me?" the person asked as he sprouted black angelic wings. The man's white serpent eyes glowed, even in the bright moonlight, signaling a warning to the NightHunter. His gray hair hid his eyes, but the NightHunter could see the true evil within them. The NightHunter was reassured who his target was after seeing the figure wearing a black suit with a white shirt and black tie.

"You are a traitor to our clan Azrael. I've come to dispose of you."

"You came so far in enemy territory just to eliminate me? My my, I'm flattered." The NightHunter wriggled around but couldn't break free from the Crusnik's power grip. As he looked around he noticed a figure clad in a mennacing warlord armor. It was adorned with two beastly horned skulls on the shoulder sides. The man's pants, shoes, cloak and top were darker than night, adorned with chains fashioned with a crimson aura. His hair was a dark silver, swaying in the wind. He had a beard that reached to his chest, and rugged sideburns that matched the color of his beard and hair. His dark red eyes appeared battle-worn and scarred, but there was more power within the man now then he did before.

"Who exactly are you NightHunter," the man asked in a terrifying multiplied voice.

"Heh, I'm srewed now. There'd be no way I'd take on Azrael Bloodraven and Alaric Mycroft alone." With that being said a couple of vampire knights and a ShadowSlayer arose from the underbursh around them. "Too bad I have a small war party with me." Alaric turned his head and made a head count of the enemies.

"There's only twelve. Let me handle them." Azrael smiled, revealing his sharper than life fangs.

"I'll get this one. I fed a few hours ago." Alaric summoned a wickidly destructive sword that floated by his side. The vampire knights ran towards the warlord, fangs filled with deranged hunger. The blade shot through the vampire knights and swirled back to Alaric. As the vampire knights ran up to Alaric, he simply nudged them. They fell down into bloody slabs of flesh and armor. The ShadowSlayer leaped from the field, light hatched ready in hand to hack Alaric. As he neared him Azrael reduced the ShadowSlayer to a heap of flesh. Alaric looked back to see Azrael eminating numerous black tendrils from his body. They glowed an ominous ice blue.

"It's part of the Crusnik bio-magic?"

"Not exactly. I formed these from my own aura." He nodded his head to Alaric. "You too, have an aura ability, no?"

"Yes, but it's far too dangerous to use, unlike yours." Azrael nodded, then looked on into the forest.

"So, are you sure the crypt is inside there? I mean, you do know what that forest is famous for?"

"The Forest of the Soul-Draining Leaves. I'm well aware. You do realize, my soul was lost quite a few centuries ago?"

"The ending of the Doom Angel war, I remember it. You gave your soul over to Vladimir Romanov so he could consume the Doom diety Scarlet Nightdawn." He sighed before throwing the drained body of the NightHunter to the bottom of the hill.

"So aren't you consumed with Doom?"

"I wouldn't necessarily call it consumption, but merging."

"You're quite the interesting man Alaric."

"Same for you. Your kind doesnt come across very often. Anyways, let's head on. I'm getting hungry." Azrael sprouted his wings and jumped into the sky.

"I'll scout. Clear a landing spot for me inside." Alaric walked on with his sword humming next to him and Azrael flew off into the night.

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (8/21/2012 1:02:29)


The psychotic Alpha Lycan growled at the arrival of a figure shrouded in a shadowy veil of evil. The being was a living shadow, black as night and eminating the foulest of dark auras. It's three red eyes showed a sense of uninterest in whatever outcome the night would bring. The being stopped in the center of the massive stone den to confront the Werewolf King sitting on his throne, picking flesh out of his teeth with a rib. The Werewolf King threw it aside and got up, crackings his neck. He walked over to the being, standing tall over it, and laughed.

"Common wraiths like yourself come through here making deals. What exactly again makes you above everyone else?" The being slowly blinked its eyes before rising in height. It then looked back down on the Werewolf King as it sprouted many tendrils from it's back. It raised a ghastly hand and held the boss lycan's shoulder, draining the life from it. It shirveled, began to shed fur and flesh. The lycans around rampaged, and lunged at the figure. It's tendrils caught them all, pinning them to the ceiling and walls. It released the Werewolf King's shoulder. Constanin backed up slowly, rubbing his lifeless arm.

"You believe me to be some wraith like the petty mistakes of a dark power their masters are? Listen puppy, I came to take you and your army away from Darkovia into my lands centered in DoomWood." Constantin reverted to his human form, canines still glimmering with power.

"What for? Who are you regardless? It's clear that you're not from Lore."

"Oh no, I am. I've just found a way to, persay, 'get the upperhand' in the foodchain." Constantin smirked before roaring, silencing his nation.

"Im useless to you without an arm. Besides, I'm not going with you until you tell me who your are." The being waved an arm, turning Constantin's hand to full health.

"I'm so sorry. I've just had a bad time getting here and I'm quite tired. My name is Tobias Arestulwa."

"Wait, the same Arestulwa that are in that war against the Goddenomega?"

"Yes, my simple puppy. You see, some of us have decided that fighting against the obvious winning team is plain futile. As you know, the Arestulwa are a different breed of wraiths that take on the powers of shape-shifting and taking on the properties and abilities of what we transform into. So right now I'm in my 'natural state'. But now..." With one fluid motion Tobias shapeshifted into the Werewolf King. He howled, enticing the pack to howl back in agreement.

"...I'm you."

"You're insane. Why would the Werewolf Nation just leave Darkovia? This will throw an off-balance in power between the other warring races."

"Oh yes, I'm well aware of the vampires, werepyres and those godawful dracowere-creatures. I've already brought Safiria to my knees."

"You speak lies."

"Oh am I?" Two Vampire Lords came in, dragging in a beaten up Safiria. She was bloody and scarred, but retained her amazing beauty.

"I never thought I'd see Constantin," she said. Constantin sighed, looking around at his pack.

"I don't want anyone else hurt. The army is yours." Tobias grinned, releasing the lycans.

"See, you can teach an old dog new tricks."

"So what will you do to the others?"

"I'll exterminate the draco-creatures and ensalve the werepyres."

"How will you combat Wolfwing? I'm pretty sure he knows you're here."

"I've sent my best warriors to go after him. Safiria and you, Constantin, will make sure he's securely captured." Safiria looked up through her long hair to eye Constanin. He stood by his throne, hand to his head, saddened by submission.

"You're pitiful Constantin."

"I'm not the one half-beaten up and held by my own kin. Say, didn't Wolfwing say he was heading to the Forest of Soul-Draining Leaves?"

"Yes, I remember." Tobias reverted to his natural form and walked out the cave.

"Safiria and Constantin, I suggest you gather your best bats and pups and head there now! Time is of the essence."

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (8/21/2012 21:45:28)


The werepyre lord perched himself on a tree branch, eyeing the warlord walking through the forest. He beared his terrifying fangs and snarled. Alaric stopped in his path, his blade glowing humming ever so loudly. A single leaf dropped from the tree, gently landing on the head of a hapless frog. A shock went through it, and it collapsed to the floor lifeless. Wolfwing dropped down in front of Alaric, standing some two feet over him. He looked down upon the warlord, but being wary of his sword Wolfwing decided not to attack first.

"Alaric, what business do you have here," Wolfwing growled.

"I'm only retrieving something that was lost to me. The very thing that gives the Forest of Soul-Draining Leaves its namesake."

"The Emblem of Seven Moons. I seek for it as well."

"And for what purpose do you need it?"

"You see, your clan war has ripped up Lore quite much. Each clan has divided the planet like it's fresh kill among lycans. I need it to give myself and my children an upperhand."

"The Mycroft and our sister clan haven't claimed such territories. The others are afraid of what the Goddenomega have in store."

"While you worry about the Goddenomega's plans the Arestulwa have been meddling within Darkovia."

"How so?"

"The one they call Tobias has overthrown Safira and I can guarantee the same has fallen unto Constantin."

"If you need it that badly for the survival of your race, why not aid the other two?" Wolfwing snarled, leaning in closer to Alaric.

"Those two shun me and fear me. I'm on forbidden ground just because of who I am."

"Still, help them. They may be ignorant to your uniqueness but don't let that make you leave them in the dark." With that Azrael dropped in beside Alaric, taking his wings back inside of his body. Wolwing sniffed him before backing up.

"You...are a vampire...but you're...something else entirely."

"I am a creature like youself Wolfwing. I live on forbidden ground between two completely opposite races." Wolfwing stepped further back into the shadows, only his gleaming red eyes visible.

"I am still here to search for your precious Emblem Alaric. Trust me, we shall meet sooner than expected. With that his eyes disappeared as he bolted into the night air.

"Alaric, we have company." A blinding light appeared to their right before a deafening blast ripped across the forest. A bloodcurtling roar echoed before a still silence fell upon the night air. Azrael made a battle stance, wary of the mystic noises coming from the east.

"Azrael, let's hurry out of this forest, lest we're dragged into a horrid situation." As they backed away the trees behind them withered away near instantly by a black wave of energy. Azrael jumped airborne as Alaric took in the energy wave, unaffected by it's magic. Safiria and Constantin stood before the two with a sense of defeat and guilt in their mood. Behind them was a three-eyed dark being eminating dark tendrils.

"Alaric, it's a suprise finding you here in such a terrible region," it said. Alaric grabbed the handle of his sword, sending a surge of crimson energy running through his body. His hair floated and moved ominously in the air, held up by his mystic aura.

"Tobias, what purpose do you have here?"

"I've come for your legendary Emblem of Seven Moons. You see, I'm not so very strong right now so combating you might do me some harm. However, I've brought new play-things for you to combat." Safiria beared her fangs at Alaric, who only stared at her with sheer hate. However, when she looked to Azrael, her eyes gained a sense of fear.

"A Crusnik? You never mentioned this to me Tobias." Tobias chuckled at her complaining.

"I am, as well, mystified by our new guest. Tell me, what is a Crusnik."

"They are extremely powerful and destructive Light demons rumored to be created by the Lord of Light. They're cannibal vampires who contain a near-invincible supply of power. It would take only ten to overpower my army and only one to defeat a vampire of my level." Azrael shrugged.

"You're terribly wrong. And I won't tell you what your mistakes were." A feeling of sadness fell upon Safira at this revelation, and Tobias noticed.

"You seem to have been smitten by the Crusnik Safiria. Oh, that's funny. Have you been swooned as well Constantin?"

"Don't play games with me Tobias. Let's just get this over with." In one fluid motion he transformed into the Werewolf King, bearing his razor teeth. He lunged at Alaric with speed, only to be grabbed by the neck and slammed into the ground. Alaric waved a hand over his body, binding him in doom chains. Azrael landed on the ground, sighing as he looked over to Tobias.

"Arestulwa, you know what I can do to you in a single strike. Take you leave, now." Alaric rested a hand on Azrael's shoulder.

"No need, I already placed a trap." As Tobias turned around he was engulfed by a light bomb. He flew out in the form of a ghastly skull, screeching murder and revenge. As he flew out of distance Alaric released the Werewolf King out of bondment. He sprung to his feet and turned into Constantin.

"Could you try not to break my back Alaric?"

"Sorry, I had to make it look convincing. You're really hurt?"

"Of course not!" Safiria rubbed a deep wound still fresh on her shoulder, eyeing Alaric.

"It's not much of a suprise to find you here Alaric. You do realize our armies are now under Tobias' control?"

"I'm well aware of that. We must search for the Emblem of Seven Moons. You'll get back your armies soon enough." Azrael approached Safiria and drew blood from his wrist and let it drip into her wound. The flesh cut near instantly healed, making a somewhat burning sound. Safiria blushed a bit, smiling.

"My my, what a generous display of kindness. You're truly the gentleman. Thank you Crusnik."

"Please, my name is Azrael. Azrael Bloodraven." He laid out a hand for her to shake. She weakly held out her hand and shook Azrael's. Azrael smiled, showing his scarily sharp fangs.

"I believe it will be a personal pleasure getting to know you." As she concluded she gave a wink. Constantin yawned a bit, looking at the moon.

"Is there somewhere we could go stay for the night?" Alaric nodded, looking to the west.

"I have an encampment just beyond the hill. Don't worry, it's only myself and Azrael. Come along, we'll get to the armies in the morning."

As the moon rose into the middle of the night sky Azrael perched himself on the same small tree on the hill, flapping his wings occasionally. He closed his eyes, meditating on his aura. It began to mold around him into a solid armor, the entire point of the meditation. Safiria walked up under the tree and looked up to Azrael. Truly, as Tobias had commented, she was smitten by Azrael.

"Azrael, may we speak for a moment?" The aura whipped around before receeding into Azrael's body. He pushed himself off the branch, landing next to Safiria. He grabbed her and gently flew up the branch, sitting her down. "Please, it wasn't necessary."

"You're a beautiful Queen. It's the most I can do." Azrael sat next to her, looking out towards the moon. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"When I regain my nation back from Tobias, I would like you to join my ranks."


"Why not?"

"You see, Alaric and I are on a very tedious mission right now. Also, we're cousins. I can't abandon him now, or never."

"You have a lot of respect for Alaric."

"Of course, although I possess four times the power he has now, I respect him like my superior."

"That's sweet. Hey, I'm sorry if I got the information on your kind wrong."

"You never did. I'm actually amazed myself someone else knows. I was only playing along with Alaric's plan."

"Oh, well, that's all." Azrael lifted Safiria and lightly placed her on the ground with his aura. He hopped down, taking his wings back in his body. He gently kissed Safira, and drew back smiling. The Queen of Vampires, Safiria, looked into Azrael's eyes and found warmph.

"Well, goodnight Safira."

"Wait, even Crusniks rest at night?"

"I haven't slept since I was born. And that was a long time ago." He slipped his hands in his pockets and walked off.

"Goodnight Azrael."

"Goodnight Safiria."

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (8/23/2012 1:41:15)


In complete darkness, the sounds of crackling flames boomed around in the nothingness. Then, two white eyes opened and the darkness instantly transformed into a fiery inferno of blue fire. The being's outline stood out within the sea of flames, a black object in a blue abyss. The being tried to move, but was held back by golden chains. It hummed deeply, shaking the area. Tens of thousands of black creatures rose from the flames, their white eyes flickering within the blue fires. The being tried to move again, this time with little success. It ripped and wrestled violently until it broke free. It rose, giving a humanoid shape.

"I...am free," the figure said calmly. "What foolish being would release me from captivity?" The blue flames subsided into nothingness, revealing a woman in armored rogue leathers. The shoulderplates were spiked, her golden gauntlets demonically warped to fashion claws, but one gauntlet was larger than the other, at least twenty times its size. The wrist guards followed a pattern with the gauntlets. She wore black pants with golden writings, black boots, and a fishnet top covered by black chainmail and golden breastplate. Her long black hair swayed in the draftless air, her golden eyes looking at the being with hidden interest.

"I freed you from imprisonment." The being looked down upon the woman as the beasts encircled them.

"Of course, a Goddenomega would be the one to do so. When will you clans realize calling upon my kind is a dangerous thing?"

"I did not have the intentions to, my liege. It was the idea of the current Goddenomega leader, Jax."

"What is it you need me for?"

"I need you to help the Goddenomega and our allies defeat the Mycroft and the Vyniz clans." At the mere mention of the Mycroft and Vyniz blue fire erupted all around the two. The being laughed evily as he opened a portal to Lore, letting his creatures run amuck.

"It will be a personal pleasure!"

Azrael slowly opened his eyes as the moon began its descent on the horizon. His stomach pulled at him, begging for its desire of fresh vampire blood. He remained laying down on the tree branch, scouting the surrounding land. Most of the vampires were too far off for him to go and hunt down. He then remembered the closest vampire in the area, and she was only a few yards away.

"I can't drink from Safiria. That's just wrong man. But I'm going to be fatigued all day." Azrael jumped off the branch and calmly landed in the grassy meadow. He looked back at the small camp, assured the others will awake in a few minutes. He quickly rushed into the forest, hopping over branches and soaring over treetops. He landed on a rock at the opposite end of a waterfall. "I need to shower regardless." As Azrael took off his suit jacket, tie and shirt a twig snapped in the distance. He looked around, eyeing the bushlines. He jumped on the stone directly under the waterfall and sat crossing his legs. He crossed his arms as he closed his eyes, letting the water wash him.

"What are those scars on your body?" Azrael opened one eye to see Safiria floating not to far from him. She probably found a town and found new clothing, due to her new appearance. She wore a cream-colored peasant shirt under a black underbust corset. Over that was a red velvet bolero jacket. She also donned skin-tight black pants with a large belt tilted to her waist and black laced boots. She looked beautiful to Azrael, almost irresistable.

"For the past twenty-eight thousand years I've come across a small number of people who could've dealt a serious injury to me. These scars remind me of my experiences and how old I am, really." He got up and ran his fingers through his hair. Safiria was awe-struck by Azrael's very short story about his scars, but more importantly, his body. He jumped over to his other clothes and slowly placed on his shirt and tucked it into his pants. As he placed on his tie his stomach rumbled, signaling his hunger. He sighed, looking into the forest for a vampire or anything with a pulse to pass by.

"You could drink from me, you know." Azrael shook his head.

"I could never do that Safiria. Not to you."

"I know you must feed on vampiric blood Azrael. Come, take some from me. Don't feel so ashamed." Safiria floated over to Azrael and sat next to him.

"Safiria I won't do it." She held his hands down and looked him in the eyes.

"Trust me, if it were anyone else I would have killed them already. You're lucky I'm giving you this opportunity." Azrael sighed and held the back of Safiria's head with a hand and her waist with the other.

"Alright, only this once." He kissed the Vampire Queen deeply, taking her by shock. Her face turned a bright pink, emotionally swept by the sudden burst of passion. He forced on into Azrael, embracing him tightly. Azrael elongated one of his fangs and cut Safiria's tongue.

"Is this...how you feed...on others?"

"No...this is for you especially." She smiled a bit before continuing her advancement on the Crusnik's kiss. He slowly lapped blood from her bleeding tongue, turning her lips plump and blood-red. After five minutes he drew back, leaving Safiria gasping for air.

"...Azrael...that was..."

"I'm sorry if that freaked you out...I just..." Safiria leaned in and gave Azrael a peck on the cheek, leaving a blood-stained lip mark.

"No...I...actually...liked it." Azrael stood up and slipped into his suit coat and fixed the collar.

"C'mon. We should be heading back to the camp now. The others must be waiting." He held out a hand for Safiria to help her up. She grabbed it, leaving Azrael the job of hoisting her up. She leaned in unto Azrael, smiling to the Crusnik, and he smiled back.

"No we aren't." The two froze as Constantin and Alaric appeared from the bushes. Alaric had a grin on his face and terribly tried to conceal it.

"In fact, we were. We were waiting for you two to stop your little make out moment." Azrael's face turned red, hiding his eyes under his hair.

"It wasn't. I needed blood and Safiria volunteered."

"Sure she did." Azrael's aura began to manifest around him, giving Alaric a clear signal to cease his teasing.

"Let's hurry and head to DoomWood." Constantin and Alaric began to walk ahead, with Azrael in pursuit. However, Safiria grabbed him.

"I'm hungry." Azrael leaned in and kissed Safiria. This time he cut into his own tongue and let Safiria drink from it.

"Is this healthy for me?"

"Crusnik blood that's been ingested by a vampire of your power won't affect you. Don't worry." Safiria drew back, licking her lips.

"Your blood tastes great." Azrael leaned in and kissed her again before walking off. Safiria blushed as she ran up to him and snuggled under his arm. Little does Azrael realize that everything is about to drastically alter his life.

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (8/29/2012 16:52:29)


The Templar Lord rose to his feet after taking an arrow to the stomach. Although the arrow didn't penetrate his diamond-infused chainmail it left a bad burn. He coughed blood through his gritted teeth and cried bloody war as his attacker decapitated him. His head rolled down the corpse-ridden hillside and fell into a bloody trench. His body fell to it's knees and landed on its side. His killer kicked the body aside, spitting into the neck of the body.

"You Templars claim to have the divine right to slaughter the innocent...pitiful." The being, clad in the rainment of the Nemesis, held his bloody spiked mace in one hand and his shield in the other. "It is I, who have the right to serve justice, not a lowly set of fanatics." Behind him was a red-haired woman donning the Shadow Rogue leathers. She held a wickidly destructive bow in her hand, drawing back a black and red arrow.

"Sir, we have destroyed the entire Templar army. The rest of the army is awaiting further orders." The orange-haired man rested the mace on his shoulder before turning to the Shadow Rogue. She stepped back a little, intimidated by the murderous leader.

"We regroup, of course. Round everyone up soon."

"Sir, these weren't ordinary Templar Knights. I've had numerous reports that some of them used darkness magic and shape-shifting. Don't tell me we just killed off..."

"No. The Arestulwa aren't that easy to destroy. These here will reanimate very soon. Did everyone follow my orders on decapitating the bodies?"

"No sir." The man sighed before planting the head of the mace into the ground.

"Tell the rest of round up the bodies at this exact spot. They have five minutes, or no food for a week." The woman turned and ran off to the rest of the army of four hundred thousand. The man closed his eyes and began chanting an ancient spell. As he did his body began to eminate a pale white aura. It formed into numerous hands that began grabbing Arestulwa bodies and throwing them into a pile.

"All hail Lord Evan, Server of Divine Justice!" The army roared in excitement as a lone warrior stood on a tree stump and called out to his brethren. Evan Vyniz, the warlord who had made a pact with the Nemesis and fused with him, was on a very bloody mission. He needed to kill Tobias in order to raise the Vyniz clan to the third strongest of the nine clans. He also had a grudge against the Inquisition, slaughtering any of them who stood in his way. Evan had the rare ability, much like most clan leaders, to conjure a deadly aura which was the manifestation of his or her spirit. His however, is the least deadly.

Knowing that his aura wasn't going to help much in battle Evan trained intensively and became a battle-hardened warrior. After he exterminates the Arestulwa his next goal is to destroy the Goddenomega. Knowing such a task is risky he made an alliance with other lesser clans, including the Mycroft. He had a grudge against their leader, Fenriis von Mycroft, following the last Great Clan War. Hoever, Fenriis has long died and in his place a new leader has arisen. Ultor Mycroft and Evan have been on good terms for thousands of years, and when Ultor rose to power he made a pact with the Vyniz. The two clans now strive to unite the others and defeat the Arestulwa and Goddenomega.

Evan marched on in the front of his massive army, with the Shadow Rogue following him a few feet behind. They appeared on the horizon to an Inquisition fortress, a dark wave of evil appearing under the rising sun. The Shadow Rogue walked up to Evan and drew and arrow.

"Sir, our scouts have confirmed that this is a purely human Inquisition fortress. No Arestulwa in sight."

"Stop the army here. I'll take care of it."

"But sir, that fortress has over ten thousand knights. It's too risky." Evan's head erupted into a blaze of black fire. A metallic helm that shared the color scheme of the Nemesis armor formed over his head, with four spikes reaching out. His eyes blazed blood red as he clenched his mace. He turned his head halfway for the Shadow Rogue to see his eyes. She gasped as she stepped further back from him.

"Watch me."

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (8/30/2012 12:20:10)


In a shroud of darkness a being walked along the countryside backed by and endless sea of Demon Knights. The horde of about five million had trekked across desert, plain, mountain and even dimensional pockets to follow their new master. The being stopped at the top of the hill and dismissed the shroud. The DemonKnights dropped their weapons at the beauty of their master. She had long brown hair that fell to her back in long locks, a curvacious figure, soft black eyes, and glossy blue lips. She had tanned brown skin decorated with silver markings shaped like moons and stars. On her forehead was a marking that resembled a skull with a feathery wing on it's other half.

She was adorned in a white and gold sari with her smooth stomach exposed. Around her inward bellybutton was a black marking shaped like a star. She smiled as she looked down upon her servants.

"Oh my, it has seemed you all have dropped your weapons. Please pick them up." The DemonKnights hurriedly grabbed their weapons and stood single file in rows. "Now, the mission I need you to do for me might not be the best. You see, my dear friend has departed our clan and I cannot tolerate such actions. He is with a small army of Darkovian creatures so you all should get rid of them without a problem. Kill everyone else and bring Azrael alive." The DemonKnights roared in agreement to their leader.

"He is just beyond the mountains behind me. Hurry, my brave men! Do it for me, please?" The DemonKnights rushed past her with incredible speed, chanting war cries of victory. As they all left the woman's eyes turned black as she sprouted four golden angelic wings. As she began her flight another beautiful woman appeared, wearing a black and green sari with her stomach exposed. She had six giant green angelic wings and her eyes were pitch black.

"Look at you Nephthys. Will you kill the only male Crusnik to exist because it's for the clan or because of what he did to you?" The woman snarled, forming a white blinding spear in her hands.

"This is for the clan Wynter!"

"Yea right. I wasn't born yesterday! You want revenge after he turned you down. Nephthys, that was over seven thousand years ago. Let go." Nephthys soared off into the mountain range after her DemonKnight army.

"You don't understand Wynter. You never did, never will." Wynter sighed as she followed her sister.

"Wait, Nephthys!"

Azrael began to cough black blood as the group traveled along the low plains by the DragonSpine mountains. They had recovered half of the Lycan army and the entire Vampirer army. They were on their way to the next Arestulwa stronghold when Azrael came down with something like a fever.

"This fever...it's happened before. The thing...is...I don't remember what caused it." Alaric swing his blade around as he chuckled.

"Maybe there's Nightroot in the area."

"Don't joke around like that. You know my allergies man." Safiria was suprised at this.

"Is that normal for Crusniks?"

"No no, just me. However, my Nightroot allergic symptoms are more severe than this." With that Azrael coughed up more black blood, getting some on his suit jacket. "Great, the stain won't go away." The Werewolf King sighed, shaking his head in sorrow.

"You can't...even see the bloody stain on the jacket." As the group neared the middle of the mountain range loud footsteps echoed throughout the valley. Alaric stopped and looked to the mountains. Glimmers of a bright red warped metal appeared in numerous places.

"Crap. A DemonKnight army." Azrael began coughing violently as the horde approached.

"Maybe they have something to do with me hacking black blood." Alaric's eyes glowed white as the army neared the base of the mountain.

"Let's not give them any chances." Alaric began to float in the air, hovering above Azrael's head. He clenched his fists, sending enormous boulders crashing on the army. After a minute he nearly reduced one of the mountains to rubble, entombing the army. "Is that it?" To answer Alaric's question millions of DemonKnights rushed over the debris, anger in their eyes. Alaric fell back to the ground, eyes returning to normal.

"Well, you tried," Azrael said.

"It's the thought that counts right?" Azrael formed a large scythe formed from his aura and raised it in the air. His eyes became solid white and glowed.

"I will regret this soon enough." Azrael jumped in the air and spun around in a circle, creating a black tornado eminating a blue aura. With a single swipe Azrael sent the twister into the mountains, destroying a few of them and killing the majority of the DemonKnight horde. Azrael fell to the ground and dismissed the scythe. His eyes then reverted to normal.

"You're...incredible," Safiria said as she held Azrael's hand. Alaric laughed.

"Believe me, what Azrael just did is only a pure fraction of his true power." Azrael shrugged.

"However, if you want to see incredible, fight a clanswoman of the Goddenomega." Alaric nodded, listening and watching the mountain range.

"Oh...my..." Azrael looked over to Alaric and then looked over to where he was looking. He looked on and saw two women with multiple wings appraoching them.

"No...you can't be joking..." Safiria looked over and noticed the women flying.

"Are they...Crusniks?"

"Yes. The clan matriarch and her second in command."

"You mean, they're Bloodraven? And the DemonKnights as well?" Azrael sighed.

"Yea." The two women landed before the group, striking a pose as their wings faded.

"Azrael Bloodraven," Wynter said calmly, "you know why I'm here." Azrael formed his scythe and rested it on his shoulder.

"No I don't Wynter. Why are you here?"

"We've come to take you back Azrael. You've strayed from the ways of the clan. Return to us." Alaric's sword began to hum and glowed purple.

"Vladimir, revealing yourself right now isn't the best option."

Whatever man. However, watch out for Wynter Bloodraven. Of course you know she is the matriarch but she has a weakness.

"Speak it. Once I hear of it I shall attack."

Jeez, so bloodthirsty are we? Well, she's a master of sword combat. However, her sword has an invisible crack two and a half inches from the tip of the blade. If you can land any strong spell or deal a strong blow, a suprise will happen. And trust me, she hates suprises. Alaric held the handle of the sword in one hand and began to count to ten slowly as Wynter and Azrael argued. As Wynter unsheathed her sword Azrael readied his scythe, Nephthys formed her spear, Constantin began to form blinding silver chains around his wrists and Safiria readied void magic within her grip.

Alaric swiftly destroyed Wynter's blade and send his sword through her shoulder, pinning her. He swiftly punched her in the stomach, sending blood on his face. As she looked down to her attacker Alaric stomped on her chest, crushing her ribs and pinning her. Nephthys turned to Alaric but Constantin enveloped her in Silverlight chains. The magic seared into her flesh and dragged her to the floor. Safiria dismissed her magic, standing back as a few Vampire Lords approached her. Azrael jumped over to Wynter and stood over her.

"I'm no longer your trophy Wynter." Wynter smirked as she looked up to Alaric.

"You, who isn't even the clan leader of the Mycroft, defeated me in a few seconds?"

"I've crushed your ribs and ruptured other internal organs. I've also eradicated most of your Crusnik genes with my aura. You're nothing but a normal vampire. And don't even try using your aura. I'll snap your neck faster than you think about it." Nephthys broke free from the Silverlight magic and lunged for Azrael. Safiria sent forth a wave of void magic that raced for Nephthys. However, the Crusnik dodged the attack. Azrael swung his scythe, clashing it with Nephthys' spear.

"Azrael Bloodraven, you animal!" Azrael threw her off and began to eminate his lethal aura.

"Get from me Nephthys. You're the sole reason why I defected from the clan! I never wanted to see your godforsaken face ever again, but I guess that's how fate works." Nephthys sprouted her wings and enveloped her spear in a powerful seal that took the appearance of a long ribbon.

"Is that how you speak to the only thing that could ever love you?! Huh?!"

"You never loved me! I'm not like the other men of the clan who you and the other females enslaved. I was born a Crusnik. More importantly, a male Crusnik. I am, by right, the strongest of the Bloodraven. However, you and Wynter kept me in the dark and used me as your play thing. Whatever feelings you developed for me were all lies. LIES!" Azrael's aura turned into a black inferno, enveloping him whole.

"You bloody fool! You'd believe anything that warlord tells you!" The black inferno calmed down a bit, revealing Azrael in an armor resembling the Krovesport Whispering Rainment but slightly bulkier. He wore a half-face mask, from under the armor and over his nose. His hair swayed in the wind as his eyes became black and the iris blue. He sprouted six massive black bat-like wings as he fixed the arm blades on his wrists.

"That warlord...is my family. I wouldn't expect you to know anything about my family, since you're the one who killed my family." The Vampire Lords became ill and stepped back into the other ranks of vampires. Safiria herself stepped back, becoming nautious of Azrael's intense aura. Nephthys clenched her spear as Azrael turned his gaze to her. His hair slowly turned black, in the matter of a few seconds.

"Azrael...you sad, sad man. That was the past. This is the future." She began walking towards Azrael, who only stood with the scythe floating next to him. "We could be together, have children and rule the Bloodraven. Just you and me." Safiria looked on, a bit of sadness filling her cold dark heart.

"While the idea of living with a complete psychopath and giving her children is such a dream-come-true, I've already found the person I want to live with for eternity." He then looked over to Safiria, whose face turned red. She smiled a bit, knowing Azrael's true feelings for her. He then looked back to Nephthys and gathered black fire in his hands.

"You wouldn't dare attack me!" Azrael sent forth the entire inferno at Nephthys in the form of a massive fireball.

"Don't try me witch."

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (8/30/2012 16:46:10)


Nephthys could've gotten on her knees and thanked Loritha for her talented speed, because Azrael's attacks became unrelentless. As they fought in the skies above Alaric looked down on Wynter and sighed.

"Wynter, you never told him that he was a Crusnik, and a male one at that?"

"I never wanted him to know. I wanted to keep him oblivious to his true identity."

"His parents knew, didn't they?"

"I didn't need them telling him who he was. That's why I ordered their executions."

"He never knew his parents Wynter. He doesn't even remember what they looked like."

"Of course he wouldn't. He was only a few days old." She then looked into the sky to see the two Crusnik battle, with Azrael obviously having the majority of advantage. "I never trained Azrael to fight so...exceptionally."

"I had to scramble whatever information I possessed on Crusnik training and we trained. For four hundred years he's been training. And yet, we have another thousand before he becomes Cacumen."

"You would train Azrael to become Cacumen? You're insane, but it's highly possible." Constantin overheard their conversation and stepped in.

"What is this Cacumen that you speak of Alaric?"

"Azrael will become so powerful, that even Lord Scomparsa would be subjegated to his might." Constantin nodded as he looked back to Azrael's fight.

"Who is Lord Scomparsa and just how powerful is he?"

"She. Lord Scomparsa was the mother of the Nine Clan Founders. Scomparsa was a DeathWitch, controling the powers of Death itself. She is the original creator of the Ultimate Death Spells, although to her they would've been normal spells. The Nine Clan Founders had feared their mother, for she was very cruel. The Nine Clan Founders were pure elemental essence, with a given body. However, the last child was born of Void, and was much weaker than the others. All nine waged war against their murderous mother. After a few milennia they came to the conclusion that she couldn't be killed with the prime eight elements. They forced the youngest child, a girl, to kill their mother."

"The youngest child partially succeeded, absorbing her mother's magical powers and banishing her in the Realm of Madness at the cost of sacrificing her sanity. The youngest sister then waged war on her siblings, which went on for another few hundred milennia. Scomparsa manifested herself through the Avatar of Death and told her eight children on how to end the war. They needed to sacrifice one of themselves to form a seal to banish their sister into Oblivion's Farside. My great-grandfather volunteered and sacrificed his life in order to end the war. However, due to unseen events my great-grandfather attained Elemental Unity and banished his younger sister. After which the Mycroft went into hiding. And the rest his history." Constantin breathed a sigh before shaking his head.

"That's...incredible. So how often do these Cacumen appear?"

"Never. It was told to be that the next Cacumen was to be a male Crusnik. And since the majority of the Bloodraven clan are female, the chances of one coming in someone's lifetime was next to zero. However, when I found out my cousin was a Crusnik I found hope. The last Cacumen was Lord Scomparsa herself."

"So when Azrael becomes Cacumen, what will happen?"

"He will have to destroy the Goddenomega. However, the third most powerful clan is hellbent on doing that."

"Who would that be?"

"The Vyniz."

Azrael hooked Nephthys by her neck and slammed her far off into the Dragonspine mountain range. Azrael stood within the black inferno, crossing his arms across his chest. His hair flowed in the air slowly, as if it were sentinal. Nephthys flew out of a large hole in the mountainside and rushed for Azrael head on. As she got within yards she quickly darted back, evading an incoming wall of black fire.

"What type of magic is that? Only Wynter has that type of magic!"

"Ek tol men havenkav. Vevmentok Wynter co hintrenvak."

"What language are you speaking?" Azrael raised a hand, forming a spiraling black sphere of fire. It then shot out to form a spear near identical to Nephthys' own.

"Kylat rok havinmek VET MEINKRET!" Azrael launched the spear head on, backed by an explosion of black fire. Nephthys clashed with the spear, which only exploded. Nephthys crashed into the ground, breaking her back. She tried to move her feet, but to no avail. Azrael landed next to her, dismissing the black inferno.

"Heh, what are you waiting for? Finish me!" Everyone watched as Azrael grabbed hold of his scythe and held it in the air, ready to strike. As he brought it down Nephthys closed her eyes and whispered a 'I'm sorry." He brought his hand down, but dissolved his scythe half-way. Azrael stared into her eyes, her very soul itself.

"I will never forgive you for what you have done to me. Never. However, I will not destroy you now, because I believe you can do better." Azrael turned and began walking to Alaric. As Nephthys dragged herself out of the crater she smiled.

"I knew you loved me."

"If we ever meet paths again I will destroy you. You would have died a thousand times before I let you slip into Death's grasp." Alaric nodded as Azrael passed him.

"What do we do now?"

"Kill Tobias, so don't change from your battle rainment."

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (8/31/2012 13:15:22)


Tobias narrowly evaded the bloody Nemesis mace as he latched himself onto the wall behind him. Evan grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the ground and drove the mace through his stomach. Tobias dispersed into shadow and choked Evan with his essence.

"I have to admit, you're worse than you appear." Evan grabbed the core essence of Tobias and threw it aside. The head of the mace began to spin recklessly, flying off of the weapon itself and launching at Tobias. The Wraith dispersed at the projectile destroyed the wall behind. Tobias became corperal and slipped into the hole with Evan mere inches from him. Tobias dispersed his aura to reveal his true self. He wore the garbs of the Fujin plate, air encircling him violently. He held the spear in his right hand and the shield in the other.

"You're going to resort to using the Fujin against me? Pahtetic." Tobias' eyes glowed orange as he pointed the spear at Evan.

"Begone." A mighty burst of wind blasted Evan out of the Fortress within seconds. He crashed into a trees but stopped after a minute. He got up and smirked as blood came forth from his mouth.

"You want to use elements, huh? I got your element right here!" Evan held the mace and spun it facing the fortress. He stopped as it reached its maximum speed and pointed it. A giant volley of ice rushed forth towards the castle and froze half of the building. However, a gigantic blast of wind destroyed the ice within seconds. Tobias looked on towards his attacker and clapped his hands.

"You want to fight like the Nine Clan Founders in an Elemental Duel?" At that moment wind effigies of wind dragons appeared over the fortress, dwarfing it in size. "Hope your little ice magic can save your godforsaken soul."

"Little...ice magic?!" Evan stomped on the ground, sending up from the ground a larger than normal ice dragon encased in ice. After cracking violently the ice prison broke, freeing the beast. It roared as Evan jumped up and landed on it's neck, raising his mace. "Drop dead windbag."

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (9/18/2012 13:52:04)


Water bombs eroded the already barren and war-torn landscape of the Paxian Islands. An unseen force was quickly demolishing the main city of the Hydren, Aquator. Hundreds of Hydren Knights valiantly rushed into the darkness of the No Man's Land, backed up by the Nautica clan members. Screams of hell and horror sliced into the silent night air, making some Nautica and Hydren soldiers wary of heading into the night so carelessly. The Hydren clan matriarch, Zamora, stood among the chaos and disorder that came from the other side of the No Man's Land, trying to find out who were the assailants.

"It's probably Noctoru," a Hydren Lord commented.

"It can't be. What reason would they have for killing off Nautica members randomly?" The Hydren Lord, donned in his massive tank-like aquatic armor, ran off into the No Man's Land. As Zamora held out her hand to stop him a black rush of smoke blew through the entire landscape. The sounds of screaming souls and roaring monsters rushed all around her before the smoke disappeared. Zamora gasped in horror as she looked around the landscape. Thousands of Nautica members and Hydren followers laid on the ground with slit throats, mutilated bodies and decapitated heads. As she readied her bow and arrow massive strands of hair wrapped around her waist and hoisted her into the air.

"My God, who did all of this?! Let me go!" As she eased up on her struggling she was dropped to the floor, the hair receding. She got up, rubbing dirt from her eyes. As she opened them a katana's blade engulfed in fire was placed just under her chin. She rose as the katana's burn seared her chin. The wielder of the katana made himself present to Zamora. He wore a mask of a white tiger spirit, made of pearl. It gave a smooth appearance, with the details made with paintbrushes. He had long white hair that appears like a mane behind the mask that descends to his back. Fox ears poke out from his mane-like hair. He wore black pants with white straw Zôri followed with the male upper-half of a kimono. It's black and white. He has human nails, but they were painted crimson red.

"My my, looks like we've found our target," the main said smoothly. Zamora backed up slowly, only to bump into a large foot. She turned to see a giant wearing a mask similar to the first man. He had two massive spiked clubs in his grip. Without seeing his face Zamora knew he was ready to kill on call. She turned back to the first man and raised her hands.

"Why would you kill off my entire clan? And who are you?" A geisha appeared, her face is covered by a smooth pearl mask that resembles a woman's face. Her hair moved on it's own, slowly rising and lowering.

"I didn't really kill your clan. Well, my clan now." As the man said that Zamora looked to see her clan members zombified, standing in massive separate groups. "As for my identity, well, that's not important. As Zamora looked back she winced as the katana's blade hovered near her neck and face, the man's face up close to hers.

"You won't be harmed. I promised Scomparsa I'd bring you alive." The man sheathed his katana and cracked his fingers. Zamora shook her head at the mention of her grandmother's name.

"She's alive?" At that moment a voluptuous woman in a white kimono appeared next to the mysterious man. Her silver hair was long and wavy, complimented by pale eyes and pale skin. Her kimono was loosely tied, revealing her ample bosom. She hugged her stomach and leaned forward a little, staring at Zamora.

"My daughter made a strong girl, I see." The woman rose, licking her blood-red lips. "Vladimir, come with me for a second. Aiko and Genji, bring Zamora along. Let Nautica deal with the zombies." The two nodded as Genji grabbed Zamora in his grip and laid her on his shoulder. As he did that he and Aiko began to walk behind Vladimir and Scomparsa back into the No Man's Land.

"Why won't you give me children, or have interest in me," Scomparsa asked. She sighed, looking to the right. Vladimir shook his head.

"I don't like you at all Scomparsa. You know why I'm working for you."

"Your precious Miko will be delivered unto you once you capture all nine clan leaders. Be happy this one and the Bjorvix gave in soundly. I doubt the Goddenomega will be as willing."

VanHellsin24 -> RE: [AQ/DF] The Blood Legacy (9/28/2012 20:23:05)


It was probably the musty odor of the massive underground sewer that made the Necromantress' head turn. Then again, she'd been used to the decaying corpses in which she practiced her arts on. Normally Necromancers wouldn't stray too far from Doomwood, but this particular one was instigating some local reports in Swordhaven. Some people were going around spreading rumors that a chimera-like creature was running around here, roasting the VurrMen and leaving half-eaten bodies. If it was anything, it was probably a Blackpool Zombie. The studies at the Necropolis were kicking in. She floated around a corner and found that the water was emanating ripples on its surface.

"This is it,"she thought. "I can kill it, and reanimate it into my collection."

It was a risky shot in the dark, but the Necromantress knew by gut instincts this was her target. She summoned two zombified Tritons she came over control of during the Zardbie virus outbreak. The creatures dove into the water, and all became still. After a minute a massive body floated towards the surface, enticing the Necromantress to proceed. She placed the head of her skullstaff to the monster and recited the Necrotic Binding Spell.

"By Tenebron's will and the might of the Undead King, swift with the forces of the three Necromancer Brothers, I bind thee to my soul." The body glowed green, and crept out from the water. She was flabbergasted. She only applied the spell again to one of her Tritons. A huge splash of water drenched her, forcing her to turn around and jump back. She was relieved and terrified when she noticed she dodged a rather large skeletal/fleshy hand slam into the ground. The creature resembled a bipedal zombie dragon with human-like arms and Sea Fiend eyes. It roared loud enough to warrant shouts from the surface. So much for keeping undercover.

The Necromantress was definite this thing would easily take down all of her summons without a second glance. There was something she could do, something for her to defeat this monstrosity. Then, it came to her. He threw her skullstaff to the side and grabbed a small black want with a purple star at the top. As the Blackpool Zombie rushed in he made circles in the air and gathered bright magical energy around the top point of the star. She pointed it, directing a blast of light in the monster's face. It screeched and fell backwards into the side of a wall.

"Heh, I doubt anyone would believe Candice Lyzencrot would be a Necromancer. The fabled Lady of the Light Realm, skilled in the most powerful light magics, would learn the dark arts of Necromancy..."

She ran forth towards the monster and jumped as it rose to its feet. As it raised a hand to swat her down she attacked it again with another blast of light. She jammed the staff in its head and repeated the Necrotic Binding Spell. The beast slumped, eyes devoid of life. Then, as if kindled with life essence, it's eyes went from a sinister gold to a murky red. It held out its palm for Candice to stand on as it rose to it's feet.

"Get me out of this sewer," she said urgently. "The smell isn't worth it."

On a hill not so far from Safiria's Castle a lone figure walked cool in the moonlight, waiting for the rest of the vampires to return. As the figure fell back in the darkened grass he heard massive footsteps coming in. The vampire army had returned safely, but their queen wasn't leading them back.

Sapphyro was utterly confused.

When the Vampire Lord came to him and told him that Safiria wouldn't be returning for a month, he shrugged. He had never imagined running the vampire nation, but these things weren't a problem. He was just as stern and just as beautiful as Safiria, so why shouldn't this be a challenge?

"Alright," he said as the vampire rushed in. It seemed that they didn't hear him well, or they were just ignoring him. Sapphyro roared into the air, commanding ultimate silence. He cleared his throat before speaking again.

"Listen everyone. I need your full cooperation in this short, temporary transition in power. All the vampires who usually keep guard of the castle or dwell in the vicinity head into the castle now. The others who await missions and do roaming outside the castle vicinity stay where you are." As the vampires did as they were told one of them called out a cry of terror. The others turned around, and they too, began to cry in horror. Sapphyro couldn't handle all this incoming events flooding in and growled.

"It's Lord Frydae! Someone released him from slumber!" Sapphyro cursed under his breath, launching forward into the crowd. Everyone cleared to reveal the zombie-looking Frydae in a tattered suit, donning six black bat-like wings. His eyes were glowing a dull yellow, fangs dripping with blood.

"Ah, Sapphyro. I've heard many things about you."

"There isn't much to know, really." Sapphyro noticed the multiple bat wings and raised an eyebrow. "Care to explain why you've sprouted six wings and just drained one of my men?" Frydae chuckled as he dropped the lifeless Vamp to the ground, dusting his hands.

"I've been given a new lease on life...er, un-life. Some modest ladies from the Bloodraven clan decided to help me see their ways, and now I've come to take my bride Safiria!" Sapphyro cracked his knuckles as he prepared to fight.

"Well, your bride has run off with a Crusnik, from my reports." Frydae's facial expression turned grim as he stood upright.

"WHAT!? Who is the vile creature who has stolen my bride?!"

"She wasn't stolen, persay. She went on her own accord." Some Vampire Lords walked up next to Sapphyro, grinning. The vampires began to surround the Zombie Crusnik with sheer murder in the glint of their cold eyes.

"You all believe you can kill me? Like I were so deranged lycan or a feeble human flesh puppet?" Frydae kicked the head clean off of a Vampire Lord and clawed the face off of a Vamp leaping towards him. Sapphyro smirked as he stepped back from the crowding group.

"You'll slip. Have fun Crusnik."

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