=ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (Full Version)

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SMGS -> =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/22/2012 11:49:59)

Post all your EpicDuel related accomplishments... or disaccomplishments here! Please do not post or refer to YouTube links as your (dis)accomplishment, you are welcome to use images instead. If you want to congratulate someone for their accomplishments, you may do so in the Congratulations thread! Please keep discussion out of this thread, any discussion that would come out of this thread would likely be congratulating someone - which can be done in the thread mentioned earlier.

steven11113 -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/22/2012 14:22:42)

ACC: got the burger biker b4 is sold out. [:D]
ACC: Now I have 3 bikes [:)]
Dis: Only have 5k credits remain [:(]

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/22/2012 18:22:55)

DIS: The burger bike keeps restocking, I fell like it isn't rare at all anymore

ForTun3 -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/23/2012 17:22:32)

ACC: warlord finally!!!

Hatsuka -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/24/2012 3:50:48)

ACC : Un-banned on forum
DIS : Seem like I don't care about it anymore.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/25/2012 19:43:36)

ACC: 10,000 solo battles at 81.3% win rate.
ACC: im not an NPC fighter. [:D]

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/26/2012 2:45:07)

ACC- I'm back
DIS- (non var)CH's are doomed.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/26/2012 3:11:52)

ACC: Changed Ranori to a BM.
ACC: Picked up the Dragon Schimitar.

Lectrix -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/26/2012 4:01:25)

ACC: Decided to switch to a 4 Focus Dexterity Build with Overload, and I'm liking the way it's turned out.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/26/2012 4:30:13)

ACC: Met NightAngel, just chilling with other friends, nice to see people at this time too.

King Helios -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/26/2012 14:11:06)

ACC: Got Rusted Bot

...: Why do I have 5 robots!! /sells rusty

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/26/2012 16:20:27)

ACC: Warlord

EDITACC: Joined King Helios' faction

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/26/2012 22:29:04)

AcC~ Was able to play with a returning Alpha player, Derik

shadesofblue -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/26/2012 23:33:07)

DIS: AQW siggy and Avatar instead of my ED one since AQW's my main game right now.

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/27/2012 0:32:54)

DIS: Logged on again to ED, confident about winning. Dropped another 3 battles in a row due to SC nerf. Logged off.

shadesofblue -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/27/2012 22:25:54)

ACC: Warlord!
DIS: Currently Bike-less
ACC: Infernal Apartment!
DIS: Beat by a level 31 non-varium BH.

Guppy -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/28/2012 19:58:19)

ACC : Finally reached Level 34!
DIS : Now I have to get Level 35.
ACC : Sold useless Promo-Items and Rares to buy the Dragon Buster II, Draconic Devastator, Dragonic Destroyer, && Slayer's Armor without spending irl cash!
DIS : I regret selling one thing; my Bio Borg. But oh well.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/29/2012 7:48:17)

DISS : Varium purchase through mobile has gotten " xtremely" expensive :/ To get 10k varium, i have to spend around 8000 Rupees (1$ = 59Rupess)

I just wish, if they could get those upgrade cards in india ......

Viesty -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/29/2012 9:47:35)

ACC: Hero!
DIS: Bikeless [:(]

Steel Slayer -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/29/2012 21:33:47)

ACC- Killed Dravax Solo!


Dis- No Achivement? Wow, even Hank gives that! ;)

IMG tags removed. Please turn them into links instead. ~Mecha

Rayman -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/30/2012 1:51:06)

Acc: Got my new Cheevo
Acc: Almost 100k Ratings
Acc: Soloed Dravax With BH And No Bot or Op class/tank class.

Drianx -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/30/2012 4:54:55)

ACC: 7th star.
DIS: lazy like hell in ED (lack of appealing goals), plus focused on farming for Dage in AQW.

drinde -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/30/2012 5:50:22)

ACC: Defeated the Harbinger of giant-planet-destroying-robo-lizards.
DIS: Dravax's Artifact ISN'T an achievement. It's so pwetty... Q.Q


ACC: Dragon's Breath is pwetty too.
ACC: The giant-planet-destroying-robo-lizard is still functional, so we can still offer Alydriah as an offering before blowing it up.

Doom wielder -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/30/2012 9:42:50)

ACC: Rusted Assault Bot drop from a random 1v1, I'm glad I held off on buying a bot [;)]

Digital X -> RE: =ED= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/30/2012 9:44:44)

ACC: Bought the Infernal Cave.

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