RE: Weirdness about faction influence.... (Full Version)

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ND Mallet -> RE: Weirdness about faction influence.... (8/25/2012 17:06:03)

@laz You do realize that random PvP outside of war can pit you against your own influence right? Would it not make sense that you would get less influence from beating up your own side as well as the enemy? And there may be a war between Legion and Exile but that does not mean that random PvP is that war. The wars we have should be called "battles" because they're set in one location and are over control of one area in part of a larger scheme. A war isn't fought over one city or small location, a battle is though.

Zeoth -> RE: Weirdness about faction influence.... (8/25/2012 18:05:51)

By that statement our "wars" so far are poorly named and should by the frysteland war and the infernal infiltration war.

charwelly -> RE: Weirdness about faction influence.... (8/26/2012 0:00:10)

Does it really matter seriously how cares if a faction has lots of wins cause of he war

Stabilis -> RE: Weirdness about faction influence.... (8/26/2012 0:33:15)

It might help if faction stats were columned by timeline.

Such as, what did the faction and members accomplish in Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, events such as wars, etc. I see that a few faction veterans are upset that this new wave status on factions is overwhelming the old status where we had wins and influence.

This could be cleaned up as to divide the categories to set some facts straight.

Shadow Slayer 2 -> RE: Weirdness about faction influence.... (9/4/2012 16:30:20)

I think the new system is better. 2v2 and juggernaut battles take longer than 1v1 battles... in the old system 1v1, 2v2 and juggernaut ALL counted as one win. However, now i think its better when a 1v1 win is 5 influence and a 2v2 and juggernaut win is 15 influence.

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