Paladin's Passion (Full Version)

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Balu -> Paladin's Passion (8/24/2012 15:04:44)

Paladin's Passion

«Fully-defensive Mastercraft Light armour. When casting a spell in the armor, you have a 25% chance to deal 50% more damage.»

Also see:
Level: 75
Power Level: 75, Mastercraft
Price: 19,364 Gold
Sellback: 9,682 Gold
Location: Failure to Communicant
Element: Light

Melee: 32
Ranged: 32
Magic: 32

Fire: 74%
Water: 74%
Wind: 74%
Ice: 74%
Earth: 74%
Energy: 74%
Light: 58%
Darkness: 78%

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: 130% Base, 130% Random, and 238% Stats each
BTH: +9 plus Stats each

MASTERCRAFT BONUS: Regarding spell damage (from spell casting, or weapons, or a misc), you have a 25% chance of the spell dealing *1.5 damage.* (The chance is rolled separately per spell hit.)

FULL SET BONUS: If you also have the shield and weapon equipped, when doing a normal attack, you have a 8% chance of the armour becoming fully offensive (dealing *1.25/0.8 damage)**

*Divine energies boost the power of your spell!

This sacred armour not only provides impregnable Light resistance, it also has a chance to power up any spells you might use!

No cape image

Image thanks to physicalmenace. Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description thanks to Dragoon23. Pop-ups thanks to GASKAL and Avalonmerlin.

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