Daylight Savings Time
«Neutral shield. Toggle between Light and Dark resistance.»
Location: Ultimon's Fortress Part 2!
Element: Neutral
Type | Z | G
Level 101 116 131 | 121 | 146
PowLvl 101 116 131 | 131 | 149
Price 132366 633216 3029577 | 3950 | 14495184
Sell 66183 316608 1514788 |<48h 3555 | 7247592
|>48h 987 |
Melee +11 +12 +13 | +13 | +15
Ranged +8 +9 +9 | +9 | +12
Magic +7 +7 +7 | +7 | +9
Element -23 -24 -25 | -25 | -25
Click the shield to switch between Light and Darkness resistances.
First wielded by the adventurer shintilaberis, this shield gives you better resistances against light or darkness monsters by adjusting the amount of daylight contained within itself.
Numbers thanks to Scakk and In Media Res.
Takes -3 Melee/Ranged/Magic defence to pay for the toggle.
This has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers
August 29, 2012: The shield was released.
February 4, 2014: Z-Token price and sellback were updated. Old values were:
Level 121
Price 20200
S <48h 18180
>48h 10100
June 15, 2017: Z-Token price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Level 121
Price 10100
S <48h 9090
>48h 5050