Auxilliary Stats? (Full Version)

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Steel Slayer -> Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 8:00:17)

I was looking at getting a new Aux this morning, and I noticed, the new Auxes from the war seem to be understatted. The Bugzooka, at level 34, has 39 damage, 25 total stat points; the 'wraith gear(wraith cannon, elite big 50), also level 34, has 39 damage and 26 stat points. The super mecha launcher/disintegrator are level 35, with 39 damage and 25 stat points? Shouldnt a higher level weapon have more damage, or more stats, or something?

Unknown Menace -> RE: Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 10:06:29)

You may correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't this thread something for the Q&A forum. I'm not a expert but it seems your more likely asking if something should or should not be than suggesting.

Also yes. It would seem logical based of the information you are sharing (atm not going to check the facts, for i'm feeling a bit lazy now) that the level 35's should have +1 damage and maybe a few more stats than the level 34 auxilliary. I agree on that.

Steel Slayer -> RE: Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 11:53:01)

Wasnt real sure where to put this one, menace. Thought about putting it in bug forum, then figured it might not be a bug. So I put it here, I figure I'm suggesting the devs take a look at it.

Sympleton -> RE: Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 11:59:37)

the big fifty aux is a rare. Bugzooka is a limited-rare, which is "less rare" than a normal rare :D

mechachilid aux I don't think will ever be a rare, which explains these aux's shabbyness.

The real question is who the heck decided to give eggzooka 27 stats at lvl 33... DaHell?

Steel Slayer -> RE: Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 12:16:18)

Lol, sympleton, I knew some1 was gonna bring up eggzooka. Yes, it has higher stats than any other aux, but it also costs more....ALOT more. At 2200 varium, its not only the most expensive aux, it might be the most expensive item in the game, so it had better be good.
P.S. the Mecha aux is already tagged rare.

Ranloth -> RE: Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 12:46:54)

Eggzookas have +4 more Stats than other Auxes at its level. I spoke with Rabble about it. Remember that Rare/Varium tags also affect the item (damage and stat wise).

Steel Slayer -> RE: Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 14:41:09)

Trans, I know rare tags affect stat allocation, thats my whole point here. Bugzooka is limited-rare, lowest rarity level. 'Wraith stuff is seasonal-rare, 2nd lowest rarity. The mecha auxes are "rare", the second HIGHEST level of rarity, not only that, they are a level higher. They should have higher stats than they do, or higher damage. Or, they should be level 34 gear if the stats and damage are going to stay where they are.

Westwycke -> RE: Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 17:26:24)

The answer is that the Mecha Launchers have a special ability. They have Infernal Spirit, which gives +2 offense and +2 Defense when fighting the Delta Vault. The Bugzooka and Wraith gear just have stats and damage. During the Infernal War, the Mecha Auxes way outclassed their equivalent counterparts. Now, with the War over, they don't.
Their only current advantage is availability.

Stabilis -> RE: Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 17:38:50)


those Mecha launchers are understatted. All Auxiliaries should have a damage rating equal to their level, and add 5. The stats should be 2-4 points higher than a lesser level. These are rare so that also means that the statistics on the launchers would be acceptable if increased.

Steel Slayer -> RE: Auxilliary Stats? (9/3/2012 21:05:22)

Thanks, Westwycke, that makes some sense. With the war over, I had forgotten about that, but theres one problem. The guns and armor don't have this problem. The dark varium blaster(level 34) is the only other 35 damage gun, has 2 less stat points than the mechas, and only 3 MORE than the non varium mechas. The mecha armor has 1 more stat point than the delta armor(which, strangely, is level 34) and same def+resist. So, even Infernal Spirit doesnt fully explain this discrepancy on the Auxilliaries. (Links provided are for the Gun and Armor lists on the Wiki)

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